A forum for the use of Collingwood's Cheer Squad - and for anyone else who would like to comment on or contact the Cheer Squad.

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Post by Foreverpies »

I am writing this on behalf of a few people and I don't want to get anyone off side, but this is a board for opinions so I am stating mine.

I think Joffa is great for the Collingwood Cheer Squad as well as his work around the club, however this is of course when we ARE WINNING.

I don't think we should have Joffa's face on our stickers, representing us, purely for the fact that when we are down, WHERE THE HELL IS HE?
Thats face and GOLD JACKET is buried in his hands in his seat.
You can't be a chant leader or on a Cheer Squad commitee if you aren;t prepared to chant.....WIN, LOSE OR DRAW.
Our team , yes OUR team needs us, and I don't think its fair that the cheer squad tries so hard to keep the chants going when we are down when Joffa "The Face" of the Cheer Squad sits in his seat while we try to pick the crowd up.
It greats when we win, to see him up their amongst the crowd getting everyone involved, but you can't have your cake and eat it to, unless your prepared to help cook it!! It's all good when he has the Gold Jacket on and the circle going when we win.....BUT WE NEED SOMEONE who has a big influence on the crowd to get it going when we are down.....AND THAT PERSON IN JOFFA!
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Post by JLC »

Unfortunately i didnt get to go the game as i have exams coming up.

However i will say one of two things

1. Either channel 9 doesn not have the same crowd microphones or sound effects as Channel 10


2. The crowd in general was very quiet last night.

For some reason the Adelaide chant was loud and clear even though there were not many of them. I heard Roop Roop when he was on fire early in the game. I heard a couple Collingwoods when we were doing ok at the start of the game. That was about it really as channel 9 went to ads.

Hopefully everyone can cheer and get the crowd and players fired up when we are down. No point just cheering when we win.

Another thing is when Joffa or Alf or whoever starts a chant everyone has to get behind them and join in the chant. There is nothing worse than starting a chant and no one joins in!!!!!!!

So hopefully everyone gets behind Joffa and joins in the chants or starts their own :)

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Post by Dr Alf Andrews »

I wouldn't blame Joffa for last night. I've learned from bitter experience that matches in which the team is trying to play catch-up footy are really a bit of a no-win situation for a chant-leader.

Joffa's approach to chant-leading seems very different to mine. It seems to be more a case of letting it happen spontaneously. This works beautifully when the team is on a roll, but can result in a very quiet cheer squad when we're struggling.

My approach was always trying to make something happen. But it was an approach that often fell flat when we were losing. I think I made the mistake of taking this personally sometimes. I also found that when we got on a roll my efforts became a bit redundant. The sponteneity of the crowd took over and I really didn't need to be there any more.

My advice to Joffa would be to try to find an approach that is perhaps half-way between what I was doing and what he's doing now. I think he needs to make his presence felt a bit more when the team is struggling. But he should avoid making the mistake of over-doing it like I did.

I also would like to say I was inspired by Leslie's pep talk to the Cheer Squad at 3-quarter time. I think Leslie is doing a great job as the "welcome" person. I've bagged her in the past for various reasons, but I must give credit where it's due.

Anyway, her little speech inspired me and I just couldn't help myself ... I launched into a good old fashioned rendition of "EVERYWHERE WE GO" ... even though I'd been promising myself all summer that I wasn't going to do that again ... and the Cheer Squad seemed to fire up for a while. Then the team got on a roll and the whole crowd went off ... and for a few glorious minutes it felt like we were at the footy.

Then Carey kicked a goal out of his arse and we were back in our shells again.
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My perspective as a cheer squad newbie

Post by Rosewall Woman 1 »

Have to start by saying the entire clan has joined the squad and we couldn't be happier.

Yeah, the squad was quieter than previous weeks. Lots of reasons I reckon.

1. getting unexpectedly flogged never helps.
2. absence of "up the back/under the concrete" unoffical squad. In my opinion the chants work best when fed from front AND back (just from the front often hard to hear for those in middle/near back). being half way round from the Locker Room might not have helped. Together the two squads sound fabulous and seem to bring out the best in one another.
3. Lots of kids/ring ins/newbies who didn't understand how important the role of the CS is/were there for bottom level seats.

Maybe a dose of whatever the barmy army takes would help.

Call me naiive but I don't think responsibility for the squad should rest with one or two individuals. Sometimes a chant won't "take" for whatever reason. Sometimes one person will take a loss harder than others (hell w'eve all been there. Don't think it's fair for the succes/failure of the squad to be sheeted home to a few prominent individuals. We all feel it when the team goes down but it's what we do over the long haul that matters. Guess it's up to all of us to take up the slack at times like this. That's wghat happened last night in adverse circumstances.

Besides, tele'd make a story/fuss out of anything.
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Post by Foreverpies »

Don't get me wrong, I agree with each and everyone of you in different points in what you are saying. I do think Joffa is a great person and he has a lot to do with the success of the ever growing c/s.

However, it's not that I think Joffa should get up and chant all by himself and hope everyone backs him up, it's not that at all. It's not that I expect him to be all cheerful and happy when getting the crowd started.
But as CHANT LEADER...and yes thats what it said on my letter he is expected to TRY.
I also don't think it should be put down to any individual to do it by himself/herself. But, when people think of the Collingwood c/s they think of Joffa. He has a big influence over the c/s and if he got up and helped the people at the front (who were still cheering right until the end) the crowd would be much louder, because people especially the young ones, see him doing it so they join in....HES EXCELLENT FOR THIS.
This wasn't just this week it is a continuing thing that a lot of you don't see because of the wins we have had (and I know we only remember them LOL).
The thing thats annoying is when we are winning, THE MAN IN GOLD, is there cheering and chanting like crazy, which theres nothing wrong with that.....but you don't see his face when we arent! What makes him think it hurts him more than anyone else?
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Post by cobood »

Well said Assasin... some people just dont realise how hard it is... :(
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Post by Pies Premiers 2003 »

Joffa does a great job...lets make sure we support him 100%

What do you mean we dont see his face when we aren't winning??? On TV??

Naturally the CS is not going to go crazy when we kick a goal in the last quater when we are 10goals down....just doesn't happen....

All we can hope is that the CS gets behind Joffa and thats all we can ask....

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Post by Lorelei »

Assasin wrote:Do you clap , cheer and scream when a horse you've backed runs fourth ?
Do you clap , cheer and scream when the Aussies are 9/67 chasing 421 to win ?
It was also pretty quiet in the Daicos Bar on Sunday.
What's your point ? Even if someone was trying to get others excited you can't do it when you're getting spanked , I've tried. It's called losing , but don't worry it wont be happening to often this year 8)

From JLC

I agree we need to get behind Joffa and vice versa. If the chants are started everyone will join in. Afterall we are a cheersquad and it is our duty to cheer. When we are losing this is when the players need our support the MOST. We need to let the players HEAR that we are still behind them. Hopefully the cheersquad as a WHOLE can do this. Joffa is the RIGHT man for the job so lets all get behind him and make his life as chant leader EASIER by SUPPORTING his chants.

In relation to your horse racing analogy. I DONT STOP CHEERING UNTIL THE RACE IS OVER. During the race i scream and cheer my horse on whether it be at the TAB or at the Races itself. This should be the same as the football. Cheer until the winning post (final siren)

I havnt perfected my victory celebrations for the races either. At this stage my celebrations are confined to collecting my winnings.


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Post by STOKA35 »

assasin maybe you forgot to show the barmy army this they get flogged but they still cheer!
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Post by Greg J »

I reckon the Barmy Army sings rather than chants.

So maybe that is the solution, when we are losing, we start singing.

Lorelei suggestion of splitting into two groups,
We're the White Team, we're the White Team,
we're the White Team, over here.

We're the Black Team, we're the Black Team,
we're the Black Team, over here.

We're the White Team, we're the White Team,
we're the White Team, over here.

We're the Black Team, we're the Black Team,
we're the Black Team, over here.

BOTH GROUPS (pointing towards the opposing cheersquad)
They're the shite team, they're the shite team,
they're the shite team over there!
Scooby Doo says "I've been to Lexus too."
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