The Hydra ~ Caro rears her head again

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Post by Pied Piper »

Thanks Pants, I stand corrected on the above. But I think my point remains valid as there are many other non-playing football writers and callers.

I would recommend anyone who remains interested to pick up a copy of a book Kevin Sheedy co-wrote on the role and contribution of women in the game (Football's Women - The Forgotten Heroes), including Caroline Wilson. It might make a few people think before making oafish comments like "give the dog a bone" as stated above - Weed
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Post by Dark Lord »

swooper wrote:good post Weed :) The other thing I noticed (on this thread still) was that Anthony Hudson during the replay on Saturday mentioned TWICE that Collingwood had an 'easy' run home, ie, we dont have to travel again. Um...HELLO - what about Sydney mate?!?! Sheez, wish some of these guys would get their facts straight. Phew - it gets me mad :x

Also in today's Herald-Sun they rated Collingwood's alleged "easy run home" in the middle of the easy/hard spectrum. Easiest run went to Essendon, the Hardest went to Adelaide and Collingwood smack-bang in the middle.
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Post by STOKA35 »

weed fair call that post is my opinion about journos who havent played the game sure she has an opinion the callers you have mentioned cometti has coached in perth,Bruce is an allround sports guru,Hudson is just a commentator who i dont think has an print media column.

You watch all the footy show panelists on 7 9 and fox they are all past and present footballers.I wonder why they do this maybe people respect opinions more than people who have been there

Weed i dont want a slanging match this is just my opinion and what i feel.
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Post by Slayer »


the give the dog a bone comment was mine
and i havent referred to that persons gender along the way
so not sure about your thought process.

My comments were in relation to that journalists remarks - in their professional capacity. Or indeed lack of professionalism. If you have some gripe re womens role in footy aint got nuttin to do with my comments.

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Post by Pied Piper »


I'm aware the comments were yours

While you haven't referred to the person's gender, since when would you say "give the dog a bone" to a male journalist? I think your explanation's a little too cute.

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Post by Donny »

Mate, I don't know Slayer but 'give a dog a bone' is a saying relating to someone hanging on to something longer than is reasonable. Something like that anyway.

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Post by MagpieMad »

LMAO can't say nuttin about a journo guys didn't you know? lol
"But to say she has no credentials smacks of ignorance and prejudice" and her credentials are???????? she passed the bar of journolism? took the hypocrit oaf?? did an apprentiship of crap speaking??????? fair dinkum I don't care what sex, nationality, race, blah blah blah..... she writes crap, is self obsessed Collingwood hating idiot.
she is un-professional it is there for every one to see, the fact that she can't get past her hate of Collingwood and Eddie makes her lack of professionalism stand out a country mile. you can jump up on your soapbox and write reams and reams about this if you wan't, but jumping in to defend her, when its plain to see she's talking crap all the time "smacks" of just another journo sticking up for another journo.
but then again she might be the best journo in the world and we are just to slow to get it.
Last edited by MagpieMad on Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slayer »

thanks magfan8

and weed aint being cute here, i think u r jus taking it the wrong way - more to the point out of context.

My inference was she should shut up, if u give a dog a bone it shuts up .... she does very little bar incite pies supporters with her drivel.

I think u will find my post tends to deal with facts, and not fantasy.
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Post by Pied Piper »

magpiemad wrote:LMAO can't say nuttin about a journo guys didn't you know? lol
"But to say she has no credentials smacks of ignorance and prejudice" and her credentials are???????? she passed the bar of journolism? took the hypocrit oaf?? did an apprentiship of crap speaking???????
... you can jump up on your soapbox and write reams and reams about this if you wan't, but jumping in to defend her, when its plain to see she's talking crap all the time "smacks" of just another journo sticking up for another journo.
but then again she might be the best journo in the world and we are just to slow to get it.
Magpiemad - I have no problem with people sticking it to journalists if they disagree with them. We are all entitled to our opinions.

However, I do have a problem with people making personal attacks on others out of ignorance. I don't have to be a journalist to defend Caroline Wilson, just a sense of fair play. Using labels like "dog", "sweetie" etc suggests to me that some people still can't accept a woman calling a game played by men.

Since you mention it: yes. I am a journalist, or a writer or whatever you prefer. I also drive a cab a couple of nights a week to keep me afloat, because it doesn't pay too well. But I do it because there are things that I think are important that are worth saying.

I try to stick to writing about things I know something about. You should stick to writing about football rather than bagging people on the basis of what they do.

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Post by Mike »


The reaction to Caroline Wilson in here is not driven by the fact that she's female. True there are a lot of derogatory sexist comments made about her because she's female, but they arise more from the fact that her gender opens another avenue of abuse to some than anything else.

I'm not defending the sexist remarks, what I'm saying is that Caroline Wilson is not hated by Collingwood supporters because she's female. She is hated because she is seen, with good reason, to be anti-Collingwood / pro-Richmond and profoundly anti Eddie.

Luckily for my argument there is a male journalist who is just as hated by Pie supporters. Mike Sheahan doesn't cop the sexist remarks, but he is definitely as hated and mocked and abused as Caro. If there was a competition for the most hated, it would be impossible to separate these two.

There couldn't be a more parochial environment in which a journalist could choose to operate than AFL and wherever you get parochialism you'll get unthinking irrational abuse. I'm sure they are both aware of that and have not only chosen to accept it, but often use it to their own advantage. Your defence of Caro may be admirable, but is probably unnecessary.
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Post by Pied Piper »

Mike wrote:The reaction to Caroline Wilson in here is not driven by the fact that she's female. True there are a lot of derogatory sexist comments made about her because she's female, but they arise more from the fact that her gender opens another avenue of abuse to some than anything else
Thanks Mike, that is exactly my point. And that's what I have a problem with - people using people's gender, race etc as a way of putting them down. I think that's a point worth making, because otherwise people just continue to do so, without ever being challenged, without being made to think about it. Some people find that uncomfortable, because they're used to people quietly agreeing with them or not saying anything.

It took Michael Long saying "I'm not going to cop this anymore" to finally get the AFL to finally admit that racism was no more acceptable on the field than off it. To me the same principle applies here: of treating people fairly, regardless of who they are. Mike Sheahan may get plenty of abuse from Collingwood fans. But I've bet he's never been called a slutface, as was Caroline Wilson in a previous thread, and certainly no one wants to do anything with him after hours.

As I said, I have no problem with anyone attacking CW because of her views. I don't care why people choose to disagree with her, but calling her a dog, bitch, etc is no better than calling Leon Davis a coon.

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Post by Joe »

However, I do have a problem with people making personal attacks on others out of ignorance. I don't have to be a journalist to defend Caroline Wilson, just a sense of fair play. Using labels like "dog", "sweetie" etc suggests to me that some people still can't accept a woman calling a game played by men "quote.

Weed I called her sweety and yes I was belittling her and being condescending.Does that make me sexist,hardly mate.I said this as I dont have any respect for the way she calls football.She comes across as a terribly bitter,miserable,try hard possibly dominated when younger human being.
If it was a male I would have used a different term do show my disdain.
To make the assumption that one is sexist is jumping the gun.
yes I cant stand her calling a male dominated sport but if it is Christie Malthouse or Joanna Griggs I will accept it.
Sometimes in order to be politically correct and righteous people make inaccurate assumptions.
If I call a male blokey or matey am I sexist.
come on guys please get with the program and get out of fantasy land.
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Post by Pied Piper »

magpie JOE wrote:Weed I called her sweety and yes I was belittling her and being condescending.Does that make me sexist,hardly mate.I said this as I dont have any respect for the way she calls football.She comes across as a terribly bitter,miserable,try hard possibly dominated when younger human being. ...
If I call a male blokey or matey am I sexist.
come on guys please get with the program and get out of fantasy land.
No, of course if you call a male "bloke" it's not sexist. There's nothing derogatory about it.

However, if you call a woman a sweetie (or any of the other names that have been called) as a way of belittling her work, that certainly is sexist, whether you personally think you are or not.

It's not about being in fantasy land, it's about having a bit of respect for other people, and not thinking it must be someone else's problem when someone takes offence.
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Post by Joe »

I am insulting her because of her work and her bitterness and negative disposition,possibly she was dominated when she was young and has small mans syndrome.I have nothing against her personally,I cant stand her work and i am belittling her on account of her attitude.if she wasn't so jealous and bitter human then I would have more respect for her work.I certainly dont have any problem with her as a person as I dont know her.I am even making excuses for her poor disposition.i think that shows empathy and ubderstanding if Idont say so myself.she is getting paid to write or be on tv,so who knows whether we can believe that what she says is really her opiniom.A bit of a shock jock.if you no what I mean.Money with journos takes away credibility with some people as she might be playing to the crowd.Now there is a fact.But who knows.
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Post by Joe »

Dear weed if i call Mike Sheahan a wanker which I am Not but for the sake of this, am I sexist cos only males can wank.This is a serious question.I dont think so yes it is disrespectful but not sexist.
Last edited by Joe on Tue Jul 15, 2003 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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