The Hydra ~ Caro rears her head again

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Post by donuts »

Tessa, i think what you said was perfect.
Wilson is an absoulte joke, as was said 'the butt of jokes'
Ive never liked her to start with because of the constant BS that oozes so freely and frequently from that 'bucket full of crushed crabs' she calls a face. Harsh but fair!
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Post by Pied Piper »

I read both articles (Malthouse's and Wilson's).

I thought Malthouse's column was fair enough. The fuss about Buckley getting benched is way overdone; suggesting he is pissed about not winning the Copeland is plain disrespectful, not just to Buckley's professionalism but to Paul Licuria, a more than worthy winner.

From that point of view, I'll put on my own journalist's hat for a moment, and say that I think Sheahan's interview with Bucks was not just lazy but bloody boring journalism, and I don't blame MM for showing his frustration.

Now to Wilson's column. Her main point, as I read it, is not an anti-Collingwood rant. Rather she is accusing MM of elitism in attacking Sheahan's argument by suggesting that only those who have played the game truly understand it. From her point of view, that's insulting not just to journalists like her and Sheahan, but also to supporters, who (as we know) feel the highs and lows of the sport as passionately as anyone.

And I think that's a fair enough point, too. Also relevant is the hypocrisy of the high number of former players who earn a good part of their living as paid commentators and journalists yet pay little respect to those that employ them. Some of them have made the transition extremely well: I have a high regard for Tim Watson, who writes with feel and flair, and Robert Walls, who is always provocative and thought-provoking, whether I agree with him or not.

Other former players, so used to being hero-worshipped they cannot understand the need to maintain a critical distance, should frankly look for other areas of employment. In this sense, too, I agree with Wilson: some non-playing writers and journalists have far more to contribute to our understanding of the game than anyone from inside. Martin Flanagan is one I particularly admire.

So, I can appreciate both points of view. As I've discovered before, though, I understand that it won't necessarily wash on this forum.

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Post by Slayer »

ahh such a fav topic of mine.

That nameless person from the age at it again ..............

Isn't accountability wot we strive for ?
I seek it within the AFL administrators, the umpires, the rule makers - i know i have accountability at my club.

So wot excludes journos from being accountable for trash they spew forth ? yes someone did miss the point ...... in most walks of life if u do wrong u get a slap on the wrist.

It seems the nameless one would like to see Journos walk on water - bit like the AFL administrators .........

Congrats to Mick for sticking up the CFC , and putting one of the supposed elite journos in his place.

And congrats to tess for sticking up for our own .......
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Post by joffa_the_man_in_gold »

Infact carro is undoubetdly one of the best journo's going around i have had the privelrdge of meeting both journos ( carro and sheehan ) i found sheehan's head so far up his arse it aint funny but i found carro to be a very nice and friendly person with a good sense of humour i think when you hear what her ethics are and what she stands for you will have a better understanding of her, i dont allways agree with her but i can tell ya she aint the bitch everyone thinks she is.
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Post by Slayer »

Joffa interesting view - but r we having a go at her or her print comments ?

to say she's " a very nice and friendly person with a good sense of humour ...... ethics ....." is great. Maybe even eye opening ........ for those that dont know her.

But its not wot ppl get upset at.

if u used the same line about an umpire ..... ie a certain umpire is "a very nice and friendly person with a good sense of humour", well no one really cares. we r more concerned about there umpiring ability.

The flack is drawn from the print content - not about the person.

Mick has been in the print media for .... Im guessing close to 10 years. He took a swipe at another journo - so maybe he and sheahan should be having the toe to toe - really the ball is in sheahans court.
Why does he need a seniority talk from the exhalted one at the AGE ? I think thats wot irks us .......
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Post by Pied Piper »

Slayer, just interested in what specifically it is about the article in question (not Caro in general) you have a problem with. As I wrote previously, I can see both Malthouse's and Wilson's points of view here.
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Post by joffa_the_man_in_gold »

I think at times we get a bit carried away, without football journos and there controversial comments where would the game be, and on this occasion i believe carro was mick malthouse is a big boy and can look after himself but for mick to assume that if a journo or anyone for that fact hasnt been priveledged to have played the game for umpteen years and therefor they have no right to opinionise or comment is and was a pretty silly statement..she didnt attack mick because he was collingwood she had a go at mick for making a very silly comment.
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Post by molloymagic »

I for one think sheahen(or however u spell his name) is the worst media person EVER!!!!!!!!!. He has no idea about footy at all. I tend to let what caro etc has to say not get to me but for some reason that so called person sheahen bugs me!. I guess he is just there to annoy people.
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Post by annewilo »

As I have mentioned b4 on this subject, I went to school with Caro, and whilst she does not look good in pj's at the school camp, she does have a good head for controversy. Can't you all see and get it, this is what they do for a living, they are paid to incite Collingwood supporters. As I always say to the opposition, just look at the scoreboard.
In fairness, Caro has a very deep lineage in her family in football, so I think she kinda has an understanding and knowledge. This idea that men are the only ones who can comment, because they have played the game is nonsense.
My friend cant sing a note of music, but knows that she likes Oasis and Nirvana, does this then mean she can't appreciate music?

Anyway, that my soap box for the day, off to Hyde Park to preach to the minions.
Last edited by annewilo on Sun Aug 17, 2003 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CQ »

so tess, did u end up meeting the bitch? haha u better tell us if anything funny happened!!!
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Post by Cakewalk »

This is just Caro going for another square-up , yet again she fails.
I'll never forget or forgive the slandarous attack Caro launched at Buckley in pre season 2001. It was a slanderous bit of character assasination on Caro's behalf and was the most disgraceful bit of Journalism I have ever seen (and there have been some absolute shockers).The fact that they devoted 4 pages including the front page of The Age to her bitter attack just made me dislike the woman even more.
It was still quite obvious that it irked Buckley when he appeared on TF last year.
Caro should stick to trying to "get " McGuire , I used to enjoy watching his scathing retorts , which would end up making her look the fool.
Caro if you read this you are a stupid bitter bitch who should stick to writing your usual gossip columns , instead of pretending you have any real understanding of the game of football it.
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Post by HAL »

Come on you mighty magnificent marauding MAGPIES! !
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Post by GreekLunatic »

u know what rocks its great being the envy of everyone who follows footy she cant hack we broken the 40 000 members she cant hack we are above her dud side she follows and most of all i think she is bitter cause MM might be a better journolist then her so its so great that everyone is jealous of us cause they all wanna be us
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Post by Slayer »


i think someone else used the term nicely in their post.

she is inciteful ....that is her main objective.

And to disagree with some, i dont believe a journos purpose is to be inciteful, infact far from it.

There are thousands of useful topics that could have taken up print space.
Look at St.Kilda beating richmond and carlton in consecutive weeks, historic ? a shift in the melbourne teams power base ? surely print worthy !
Look at Hawthorns climb back to form. Freo's first finals appearance ...the list goes on. For footy journo's there is no shortage of footy stuff that they could be churning out.

Instead she buys into a Mick versus sheahan toe to toe.

Some people find that type of reporting appropriate, I dont. It is in every way inciteful, and way beyond coincidence when she consistently finds an avenue to use negative print space for the CFC.

As a football journo preparing her article she could have left the Mick / sheahan waffle to those 2 to sort out. And she could have given us a football article - as i said thousands of topics available and a finals series just around the corner.
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Post by TaZ_LuVs_EmIn3m »

all i can say is...CAROLINE GET UR HEAD OUT OF UR ASS.........that is the most pathetic excuse for a column omg i cant believe how rude and stupid she is! I hope she doesnt have a thing for the pies coz id be ashamed to call her my own omg if only i could speak to her face to face(with a paper bag over hers) i could tell her exactly wat im thinking right now......
Malthouse wrote that Sheahan does not get it. Sad to say but it is Malthouse who is the one who does not get it. Perhaps he was simply having a paranoid moment. But he turns 50 today and he should know better.
Wat kinda of below the belt kinda comment is this? she says ppl make a good living out of the media and footballers wouldnt make it without us the supporters....well she wouldnt have a job if we didnt turn up 2 cames giving the players a crowd to play for giving her a team to bag so show US sum respect lady and give us sumthing worth our time to read!!!!!
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