What an ugly frustrating game that was.
We got the 4 points - tick
Kept the opposition to three goals - tick
Our opposition received 5 free kicks - tick
Unheard of. Has that ever happened before?
The umpires would have to do that every game for decade before I would say the umpiring had evened up!
I thought Young was much improved.
Love watching Frosty out there. A gun in the making.
Cloke - I know it is treacherous to even breathe this, but, I think he has very poor decision making. Let alone goal kicking ability.... very sorry to say. Yes, it was a dour game plan from Roos and a few of our boys had a bad day... but still something is amiss there.
A win is a win. Bring on the Bulldogs.
The season is starting to look very interesting