Well done cheersquad

A forum for the use of Collingwood's Cheer Squad - and for anyone else who would like to comment on or contact the Cheer Squad.

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Post by joffa_the_man_in_gold »

The long slow collingwood chant is slowly catching on it is now becomming louder and i noticed on saturday night adjoining bays are joining in with the cheersquad
A few collingwood players have told us this paticular chant is very inspiring..the other week whilst on the ground with banner the cheersquad started the said chant and i tell ya it gave me goosebumps.
It is indeed a soccer style chant, i reckon its one of the best singing chants going around in football
Collingwood today, Collingwood tomorrow,Collingwood forever... we'll always do things the collingwood way... side by side we stick together to uphold the greatest name in football.

Joffa Corfe

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Post by Kelpelican »

i sit in AFL members and last week I went with a tigers supporter and he said the atmosphere was amazing
All week he has been telling everyone how loud it was and great the game was
He had never seen anything like it
Leaving the ground and everyoen singing the song on the ramp!!!

What a pity the Grand Finals arent like that
Full of fans is what they should be
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Post by zoia »

i was thinking to myself maybe we should do wat syndey did to us in sydney put cheersquad members all around the ground to do chants and get them going
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Post by Springa »

I would just like to thank everybody in the cheersquad this year.
Since this year i never knew how much a fanatic collingwood supporter i was, and i have really loved it.

Ive had a great time throughout the year at banner making and also up in Sydney for that awsome match.

I can tell you now that i will definately be there next year.
Cya next week at the PRELIM :D

Cheers - Springa!
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