I suppose some do find sex revolting or disturbing, and I don't agree with priestly celibacy or the Catholic attitude to contraception. However, I think we might look in the mirror and consider whether we have gone too far in seeing sex as a kind of mere commodity transfer of pleasure, and restore just a little awe to the intimacy that carries the risk of new life, the possibility of love, and all the responsibilities and significance entailed in that.regan is true fullback wrote:I have been called a communist and a "gal" by the the Philippine Catholic Right, but the truth remains, these people do not just hate gay people, they hate sex itself. How could they not, when they glorify celibacy and immaculate conception. Sex and childbirth are messy and ugly. Celibacy is pure and sacred. Hence their jihad against contraception, single mums, divorce, abortion gay marriage and even sex itself, where it does not lead to conception. A messy means to a glorious end, except of course when the child is out of the womb and living in poverty, then it is someone else's problem.
I am not convinced that the modern attitude to sexuality has resulted in a better world for the children who are often conceived or aborted or beaten by stepfathers as a result of transient, uncommitted and reckless relationships. I'm also not convinced that this modern attitude is so far from a hatred of sex (if that term actually means anything) insofar as it turns sex into a recreational device. Maybe before we assume too much about the complex motivations of a whole class of people, we might examine the difficult issues raised by our own belief systems first.