#16, #3 Mark Richardson

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Post by Zeke »

Ben Kinnear is a poor man's Mark Richardson.
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Post by Blanch »

I forgot so many of us know so much more about our team and structure than MM and his staff. What is wrong with Collingwood? Why would they hold onto such clowns and let idiots like MM make decisions? It's so bloody obvious that our footy nouse is far better than theirs. There couldn't possibly be any reason these guys get to hang around would there?

(Removing tongue from cheek).......... these guys are kept on the list for reasons, and those reasons are based on MM's thoughts. I trust MM enough to get it right more than any of us would. Anyone who thinks Richo didn't improve towards the end of his career wasn't open minded, and you can say the same about Kinnear last year. When are people going to give the much maligned players a go? I don't want to turn this into a sh*tfight over whether a player deserves his spot or not...that has been covered a hundred time over. The Kinnear (and the like) bagging is getting boring.
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Post by bokka »

Waht you all seem to forget is how good Richo was for a couple of seasons - I'm not sure but I think 2000/2001, before the injuries set in. He was definitely one of the top 3 CHB's in the league during that stretch was superreliable and was rarely if ever beaten. You don't reach that level just by being a tryer, although he must have trained like b'y to get there - he was a very smart footballer especially considering his lack of much pace and agility. Unfortunately he bloomed a bit late (was it under MM that he blossomed?) and the body caught up too soon but he still enjoyed a fair triumph in overcoming limitations and injuries to reach an elite level in the AFL for a year or 2, injuries robbing him of carrying it into recent finals but you can't have everything, you got to play the hand you're dealt.
I seriously think that a fit richo could easily have made the difference in 02 esp with Cloke out - I mean a really fit Richo, he was still coming back into match fitness when he got that twinge that put him out of the grannie.

On the subject, people keep saying McKee is too slow to play as a key defender but how much pace does/did Jakovich have? Mckee is a not dissimilar player to Richo, taller and possibly a bit more talented, and shows real presence and cool when defending. I hope to see him given a real go as a key pos player this season - pity about the lack of leap but maybe he can learn to back-climb?
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Post by Yobbo^LuKa »

I remember Richo having the better of Carey a few times in a row during a few seasons! One game against Kangaroos, the game when they wore an Orange strip I THINK, Richo kept Carey dead quiet. They guy if anything is an unsung hero of the dark hours at Collingwood.
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Post by JLC »

I think Richo was a bit of a slow starter in someways. Although im pretty sure his first game was against the Dorks at Waverley where he made his debut with Jason McCartney and did ok if i recall.

However overall he took a while to get going. If he hadnt have had the famous surname he may not have been given the extra time to reach his pontential.

In the end whether he reached it or not i guess is debatable. I wouldnt call Richo a star but i wouldnt be calling him a dud either. I think he is somewhere in between.

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Post by CQ »

yeh richo was the whipping boy bigtime, kinnear seems to be the latest one, cos we never hear about richo so there wasnt really anything to talk about him (besides wtf he was stil on our list).
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Post by Magpie_Dan »

Well truth be known Kinnear makes Richo look like a Brownlow Medalist! I know Richo wasnt the best player in out team over the years and it was hes time to go but the thing is he did play for our Great Club and he will doa lap of honour next year at the MCG chances are at our first outing against the Tigers!

So lets clap him off the fieled one last time! I know I will be! I rest my Case!
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Richo did well

Post by FunkyPieMaster »

It's a shame Mark Richardson didn't get to 100 games. I think that he played some excellent matches and has been a fair and hardworking contributor over the years, and yes he would have made a difference had he been fit to play in the 2002 Grand Final. Towards the end of his career he had the misfortune (or fortune) to be in a team with a lot of talented players which made it all that harder to get a regular spot.
I think it's a bit sad that some of you guys want to demean his efforts, his loyalty to the Club is certainly stronger than some of the so called supporters who piss off as soon as the team drops a match or two.
Let's see some of you get out there and have a kick and see how long you last you weak bastards.
Our Club (in fact every Club) have signed players with a greater reputation and ability who have totally failed to deliver. At least Mark got off his arse and tried hard in spite of the hard knocks from other players and the even harder knocks from fickle and miserable so called fans.
Well done to all you posters who recognise that in spite of the burden of a legendary father and not having the skills of a Nathan Buckley, Mark made the most of what he had and stayed loyal to the Club.
If you want to pay out on a Richardson, try that wanker who plays at full forward for Richmond, now there is an example of an overrated, moaning loser who deserves all the bagging he can get.
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