I’m a bit lost?

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Post by Skids »

So, why has my signature been removed?

Trans Slender is how I identify, removing my signature is clearly a case of bigotry.
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I'm a bit lost?

Post by Skids »

There seems to be a fair bit of one way traffic when it comes to ones opinion on here lately.

So Trans Slender isn't allowed.... but if I put a dress on, and called myself Trans gender, I'd be applauded :?

I post an article, about the NZ Super Rugby team(crusaders) being under pressure from... a religion I'm too intimidated to mention, to change their name... and that post is deleted.???

So, we can say what?.... What if, a family, their toddler has his vision impaired by a swooping magpie.... is offended by an AFL team, named after the incriminating bird? Should the team have to change their name from Magpies?

Or a family, who's son has been killed by a shark whilst surfing, is offended by a rugby team, called the Cronulla Sharks??? Should they too, be under pressure to change their name?

Another family from Berlin, lost all but one of their family to the Berlin Blitz, is offended by an AFL team being called the Bombers? Change that too shall we?

Where does it end?...

It seems, we can say what we want, as long as YOU agree with it, and, it doesn't offend, one, un named (for fear of repercussions) religion.
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