Open Letter to all Nicksters

A forum for the use of Collingwood's Cheer Squad - and for anyone else who would like to comment on or contact the Cheer Squad.

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Open Letter to all Nicksters

Post by DidakinthePocket »

Hi Nicksters,

I left this board on the 13th of February to fly to NZ for work. When i left, all was good. We were gearing up slowly for the season, and talk was about the wizard cup.

Now I return from the land of the long white cloud to this. People whinging, carrying on, attacking people, and just general chaos.

Most of you are aware by now that I am from Sydney and am a Paid up member of the Sydney Collingwood Supporters Club, and as such this forum is pretty much my only link into the Collingwood World, apart from the occassional phone call to my allies in gods country.

I get into nicks nearly every night, to check on what is being spoken off, and to add my 10 cents to forums.

I dont like to get stuck into people. As a matter of fact, I hate it. But the time has come.

The reason I follow collingwood is simple. Its not because we are black and white. Its not because we are the magpies. Its not because of Tazza, Bucks, Licca or Pebbles. Its much more basic then that.

Its because, at Collingwood its One In, ALL IN.

Or at least thats what i thought.

You see, fellow Nicksters, there seems to be people out there who dont believe this. There are people out there who take every opportunity to whinge and complain about everything.

Well, to those who desire to bring down the Cheersquad, do us all a favour and go join CARLTON, because thats where you belong.

Collingwood Supporters are ment to be proud and passionate, not inconsiderate backstabbers who attack people because they are in a position of power. Thats what Carlton supporters do, look at John Elliott. Ok he may have been an arse, etc, etc, but their fans took his name off a stand.

I challenge everyone who has had a whinge on this board to put up or shut up. If you think you can do a better job with the Cheersquad, call the club and speak with the powers that be. Put your hand up to help out where you can.

Its funny that the first people to start to complain are always the last to chip in, but its always the way.

'Ask not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for your club'. Remember that, whilst people are employed by the club to operate it, at the end of the day, the supporters are the people who must take possession of the club. Its YOUR club, unlike some other places, and its upto YOU to grow some balls and get involved.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. And at the moment, in the chain, there seems to be quite a few weak links. Im not talking about the committee, or those other members who get involved. Im talking about those who have nothing better to do then bitch, moan, and carry on about the club.

Alot of people talk about bandwagoners. People only follow us when we win they say, and its true, some people do. But there is one thing worse the bandwagoners. And thats Whingers.

Please, do us all a favour. If you want to whinge go and join Carlton. If you want to keep it real and support a team the way its ment to be done, then follow Collingwood.


Michael Gallagher
ASCSA - Alice Springs Collingwood Supporters association - President and sole member
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Post by Donny »

I agree, Mick.

I live too far away to be involved in the CS but I have served on many committees and in other voluntreer capacities.

I have experienced much whinging, white-anting and dart throwing from people who hardly know the meaning of 'putting in' for the general good.

They elect office bearers then sit back and criticise but always have an excuse when they're nominated for a position. Yes, mate, I know these types well.

I must also add not everyone's like this. Thankfully, I have also experienced the ones who come up to me after a meeting and say, "OK, mate. What can I do to help.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil, unfortunately. The real achievers and volunteer workers often just quietly go about their business and get the job done.

It's a game. Enjoy it. :D
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