Abolish the title 'committee'?

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jeff corfe

Abolish the title 'committee'?

Post by jeff corfe »

With all the hysteria during the week regarding committe positions and a few people wanting the right to vote a committee person in or out, i suggest we do something radical and then we move on and support the pies and remain the number one cheersquad in the business.

No one else has come up with an idea so hear goes..

Its unfortunate that some folk regard a committee position as one of power and a holier than thou attitude..its simple lets get rid of it!!

I propose a 'working team' each team member for 12 months does his or her respective roll and at the end of that 12 months passes that position onto the best person he or she thinks appropiate for that roll.The following year the same process gets swung into action

Im not one who cares for titles and some people might be upset at this proposal.

Can we please keep this topic on the above idea and rally together in getting this thing sorted out without the personal and bitchy stuff and show a bit of respect to the club who have supported us so much.
Thank you
and cheers :)

Ps The club runs the squad via cameron so really he is the president, all complaints go to him not via any team member.
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Post by zoia »

the plans have been set why ruin erm, just leave it the way its been set for the year maybe we could do that plan next yr
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Post by JLC »

If people need a title to feel important then thats their problem. Lets all get behind the people on the committee and just enjoy the season.

The Torres bounce is officially dead. You are walking alone now Fernando.
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

magpie_1983 wrote:the plans have been set why ruin erm, just leave it the way its been set for the year maybe we could do that plan next yr
We are not doing anything for this year paul we are merely discussing ideas to overcome in what has been a strange week
Do have any further ideas or dislikes about the above idea
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

JLC wrote:If people need a title to feel important then thats their problem. Lets all get behind the people on the committee and just enjoy the season.

That goes without saying jon..the squad must get behind this years committee..

But its healthy to put a forward a better plan for next season if everyone can agree on one.

I should be interested to hear the opinions of those who dont like the current set up, im hoping these people will come up with some format that is suitable for all..experience tells me that when some folk have a grievance they dont give up.
The power of being positive is a marvellous thing :)
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Post by maggies_4_eva »

Sounds fine Joff. I'll just go with the flow.
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

This may sound a bit cheeky but this post was put up by myself to prove a point here goes...

People (and only a handful of people) for whatever reason are only to happy to destroy and moan and bitch, sadly without offering ideas, alternatives, or a better way of doing things, this paticular post has been up here for some 3 days and ive noticed the destructive ones havnt gone anywhere near it.

Its pretty sad isnt it!!

I have put forward an idea to the moderators to reigester all users to the cheersquad forum only, so we all know who is who so to speak, we dont need or want outsiders or godforbid non collingwood people pretending to be collingwood people attacking myself or other squad members in an attempt to make us look silly.
Thanks everyone
jeff corfe

Re: Oh Joffa

Post by jeff corfe »

Tess wrote:Its pretty sad that you find this is the best way to answer your critics Joff by setting them up in a thread and them having a go at them because they didn't fall into your trap.

The Cheersquad is answerable to the Collingwood Football Club of which I am a paying member! The CFC Cheer Squad is not some separate independent supporters group it is the face of us the Collingwood supporters on Match Day. Like it or not whoever is playing the Clown will get the TV coverage not because of who they are but because of the fact that we are Collingwood and with that comes a responsability to the rest of us. You carrying on like some sort of Grand Poo Bah is not befitting a leader of our Cheer Squad, although from all reports its just a tradition for the Cheer Squad leader to became like this. You have already done and said things you have had to apologize for, don't turn the CS forum into some self appointed friends of Joffa zone!
you are not a cheersquad member nor a moderator on nicks board and neither have you questioned the terrible behaviour of mr nokia

The registration of all members in cheersquad forum is to stop outsiders or non collingwood people who want nothing more than to start trouble.

Go and read my post in moderaters forum tess, what went on the last week in cheersquad forum was pathetic and obviously you dont get what we are trying to achieve...unless of course tess you might know who mr nokia is????

Im open to criticism tess as long as its honest and truthful and not personal and vindictive.

I respectfully ask you stay out of this one tess this paticular subject really has nothing to do with you, we as a cheersquad aspire to do great things together, some people are jealous of this and cant handle it , all we are doing is keeping all demons at bay..we at least have that right !!

The cheersquad forum isnt for personal abuse by gutless cowards who wont allow others to know who they really are..whats the problem with that tess?

I rest my case with the real mods of nicks board!!!

PS tess
Thats basically all i have to say to yourself on this one, any further correspondence by your good self will be ignored.

The intentions of what i have asked the mods to do is to at all times have some sort of harmony in cheersquad forum we can achieve this if we all know who each other is!!
seeya tess
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Post by maggies_4_eva »

Joff, I have been thinking more about your idea. One thing that concerns me is that: The person holding the position may only hand it over to a 'friend', not necessarily to the person best suited and capable of that position. Some people, when they dislike another, for whatever reason, find it difficult to see the positive side of them.
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

magpie greg wrote:Joffa

As you know I certainly havent agreed with everything you have said or done, however, you have put your name on the line for the CFC, something Mr. No Idea (aka Nokia) has NEVER done.

NO IDEA"S comments should be treated with the disdain they deserve.

He is a moron. Ignore him.

I havnt lost any sleep dont worry, its just i dont go into any forum with the sole aim to harrass and speak untruthfully about any individual or other poster on nicks board
And i believe i have the right to ask for a change to stop it from happening again and i also believe in the spirit of which we do things i also have the right to ask for removal of mr nokia from nicks board.
cheers greg
jeff corfe

Post by jeff corfe »

maggies_4_eva wrote:Joff, I have been thinking more about your idea. One thing that concerns me is that: The person holding the position may only hand it over to a 'friend', not necessarily to the person best suited and capable of that position. Some people, when they dislike another, for whatever reason, find it difficult to see the positive side of them.
Fantastic reply

Upon seeking out the best person that person sits down with cameron to discuss what he or she can bring to the committee
good on ya
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Post by Eunos »

Need some specifics as to why a poster should be banned.
Maybe you have already done this Joff, but I would suggest you list each and every offensive piece of Nokia's post, then submit them to the team privately through their e-mail link.
Publicly calling for his head will achieve nothing.

BTW, I support the removal, but let's follow the process.
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Post by DidakinthePocket »

Hi everyone,

As an 'outsider' may i please make a couple of suggestions...

1) The Committee undergo a name change for season 2005. The new name should go along the lines of Commission or Board. Both these terms are applied to ppl who are not elected by vote, but appointed because of their contribution to the said activity.

2) That this forum be open only (to post) to members of the Cheersquad and associated Supporters Clubs. I.E, the Sydney Collingwood Supporters Club, Northern Army, etc.

3) That everyone stops their whining and for crying out loud, just follow the bloody team!


ASCSA - Alice Springs Collingwood Supporters association - President and sole member
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