Minutes of C/squad AGM - Warning: Long Post

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Minutes of C/squad AGM - Warning: Long Post

Post by cobood »


Thursday 19th February 2004

Meeting opened 6:30pm

Present: Approx. 60 members

Cameron McKimm opened the meeting with a welcome to all present and invited members to help themselves to free pies and drinks, which were much appreciated by the gathering.

E-mail List:
Cameron asked all present if they hadn't already done so to make their e-mail address availeble by entering it in the book provided. That is so all members can be fully informed and up to date.

Cameron asked the Committee to come and sit at the front.
Alan Christian posed the question as to why the Committee is no longer voted for by the members.
Cameron answered that it was done so in the past, but it was found that it came short of being corrupt, so the Club took over and appointed the Committee on merit.
Cameron then proceeded to introduce the Committee for 2004, Sub-committees and positions they would be responsible for.

* * * * *

Louie Cabral, Jenelle Cleary, Joffa Corfe. Frankie Featherstone, Chris Glitzos, Maureen Parker, Johnny Taranto.

Banner Team
Construction Manager: Louie Cabral.
Art & Design: Voula Bitsikas.
Letters & Spelling: Frankie Feathertone.
Hall Supervisor: Maureen Parker.
for any details regarding the banner, contact Maureen via the club

Match Days
Supervisor: Jenelle Cleary.
Front Row Co-ord.: Lesley Benham.
Any problems on Match Days please see Jenelle Cleary. If you would like to sit in the front row contact Lesley Benham.

Property Steward: Chris Glitzos.
Assistant: Daniel Konefka.
Assistant: Michael Mercica.
If you would like to help out with the property contact Chris via the club

Interstate Trips
If you would like to join the Cheer Squad on an Interstate Trip, contact Kathy Simpson via the club

Personalised Banners
Manager: Voula Bitsikas.
Assistant: Tracy Cleary.
Assitant: Michael Mercica.
If you would like to take part in making the personalised banners contact Voula via the club

* * * * *

Mick Mercica asked who is John Taranto and how is it that he became a Committee person.
Cameron explained that he was selected on the merit of his involvement with "Hot Pies" magazine, which he edits, and also his knowledge of networking which would be beneficial in the setting up of a Cheersquad web page. He is a cheersquad member and a very good person.

Chris Glitzos asked what his position re game day is now seeing that Jenelle Cleary is the Supervisor, and that he did that task last year.
Cameron said that he will be assisting Jenelle, and that his on ground game day involvement would remain the same.

Daniel Konefka asked what involvement would Joffa have now that he has stepped down from Chant Leader.
Joffa replied that he would still be involved in the GAME OVER banner and gold Jacket... (see Gold Jacket)

New Members:
Cameron urged all members to renew today as there are people on the waiting list that are eager to join, so to be fair to all he stressed that members who wish to be part of the squad finalize today so that he can then start accepting new members.
Julee Van Steenis asked when members would be receiving their packages.
Cameron said the membership packages would be received before Rnd 1.

Gold Jacket:
Joffa explained that because of overwhelming pressure from members the gold jacket theme would be retained with alterations. These being the gold jacket would be worn only at Big Games, such as Carlton, Essendon, Brisbane and not become a regular thing as in the past. This year he is proposing to introduce a giant Game Over Banner which will be held by at least 4 people which in turn would be introduced by a "cow-bell" that being the signal that the game was all but won and for the Game Over banner to be raised.
Member were happy with that.

Royal Children's Hospital:
Cameron announced that this year the Cheersquad would be giving sick children from the hospital who are well enough and wished to attend our away games the chance to sit with the squad. Provision will be made for them in the first row after the floggers.

Swinburne University:
Cameron let us know of the intention of involving students from Swinburne Uni. to help out with the graphics for our Banner. Voula being on the Banner Team asked whether she would be in charge and was answered by Cameron in the affirmative.

Banner Competition:
Cameron asked to pease submit ideas for slogans for the weekly Runthru to him at the club, as last year the submissions received via the BB's were somewhat lacking.

Personalised Banners:
Cameron and Joffa stressed the need for more hand held banners in the cheersquad area. To give this idea an incentive it is proposed to award the best banner each game.

Chant Leader:
Joffa advised that he was stepping down from Chant Leader and asked for people interested to stand up. Peter Brajkovic and Craig Anderson said that they would be interested. The floor called for an audition. Craig and Peter obliged and they were both voted in unanimously.

In General:
Maureen Parker wished to thank the people that have stepped down for all their hard work during the year. She said that to deal with the 300 odd members of the Cheersquad and to see that they are happy is a mammoth task and the the person responsible last year, Lesley Benham, did a fabulous job. Maureen welcomed Jenelle Cleary in that position and also stressed that there has to be men available to deal with this side of things when women fail to get the point across and are intimidated.
Maureen also thanked Kathy Simpson. for her work organizing the interstate trips, her repairing of flags and all the other various jobs that Kathy did.

There was concern about the Cow Bell - wether the AFL would be ok with it as it was classed a musical instrument and such are banned. Joffa said that there was a guy last year from another club that rng the bell after each goal, someone complained and it was confiscated, so he pleaded with people not to bring bells and such and just to let the cow bell be run when a win wa in the bag, to alleviate the chance of it being banned. We shall have to try and see what happens.

Some members stood up and said that other c/squad people complained at games that they couldn't see when the flags were being waved and were told to sit down.
Some said that they were even told to shut up when they were chanting.
Cameron and Joffa said that everybody is to wave something and chant as loud as possible and if peole don't like it to turn around and tell them to go sit somewhere else. But do it respectfully. We all have to respect each other.
Also no walking out before the game is over unless absolutely necessary.

Question was raised as to where the banner would be made this year. Cameron said at Coppin Street as usual. Voula Bitsikas said that she was speaking to Eddie and he said that the banner would be made at Victoria Park.

Chris Glitzos posed the question about photographers. Chrys Glitzos did it last year and was wondering if she would be doing ig again this year. Last year Chrys and Voula both took photos. His question was do they both have to take the photos. As with Voula also out there is one less person on the banner. Cameron said that one person less wont make sucha a difference. AFL doesn't count heads as people go out on the ground. Chrys will lbe doing the newsletter as well as taking photos.

Someone asked what happened to the 2 TV's that the squad won last year.
Cameron said he didn't know.

Someone asked Joff if there will still be a winnes circle after the winning games and Joff replied in the affirmative.

All Cheersquad members renewing their memberships will retain the same seats for venues as last year.

Meeting closed: 7.45pm

E&OA Minutes taken by Frankie Featherstone
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Post by Joe »

Thank you very much Frankie for this post, that was an important read to myself as I was unable to get to the meeting.
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Post by cobood »

Thanks Joe, I didnt really think that anyone would bother, but I put it up for ppl just like you who didnt attend the meeting but would like to know what went on... I really appreciate your post... Thanks again!
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Greg J
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Post by Greg J »

Thanks Frankie, you must have had typers cramp after punching all that in.
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Post by cobood »

hehehehe.... yea I did Greg... thus all the typos... hehehehe but never mind my main object was to let c/squad ppl that couldnt be there get the gist of what went on... and if in the process of doing so I got RSI of the fingers... so be it. ;)
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Post by London Dave »

This will probably be another one in my incredibly long line of extremely dumb questions, but after consuming half a bottle of extremely agreeable Penfolds red, with the remaining half's life expectancy appearing to be not much more than half an hour , I 'd just like to ask:

Is it possible to have someone appointed as a banner photographer to photo both sides of banner and post them on the web so all us poor suckers like moi can see them?

It'd be a great idea to post em up here so everyone can appreciate the wit, wisdom and lyrical splendour of the banners each week, and it would serve as some historical record of them.

I really appreciate the match day snaps of the Christain family (and others whom I've momentarily forgotten), though I figure someone already records the banners for posterity (is there a website in that?).

PS Frankie, you may have made a few typos, but the bottle was empty by the time I fixed all the typos in this, I think!
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Post by Geoffy Pie »

that's already been aken care off just like last year :)
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Post by annewilo »

To London Dave

I have a copy of the disc of last years banners, so next time I see you, hopefully at the function at the Litten Tree Hotel in Putney on March 13th, I will give you a copy.

The Knights of Abbotsford
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