Wokko wrote:Huffington Post?3.14159 wrote:Not a racist bone-spur in his body! https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry ... 833c5d873f
Said the man that would argue that Brietbart and Info Wars are the only true purveyors of the unadulterated truth, or is that truthiness or Alternate Facts ... to quote Kelly-Anne Conway.
Those racist quotes are not made up by the Huffington post*, they are a VERY small example of comes out of his mouth. Just a few months ago at one of his Ego pep-rallies he asked the rhetorical question "what are we going to do about all the Latinos trying to come across the boarder?" An audience member yelled out "SHOOT EM!" T-rump smiled, sadly shook his head and rejoined "you can only get away with that in the Florida Pan-handle!" (big smiling grin from el Presidente as he laps up the applause!) I don't know what more proof you want he and his followers are a racist thugs but I strongly suspect you don't want to be convinced NO MATTER what the evidence! (and despite what your signature says about educated minds, your mind rejects everything that doesn't conform with your Reclaim Australia Mein-set. Your rolling eyes are an example of not being able to discredit the message so you go to plan B, Discredit the messenger. An educated mind wouldn't stoop that low!
I notice quite a few T-rump apologists are blaming mental health issues and violent video games facts NOT guns for these mass killings. The video blame is laughable (the whole world has access to the same Video games sans the weekly mass shootings) but do I agree that the Mental Health issues go right to the Top of the NRA/G.O.P tree!!
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol ... OnQBaTOR2g
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... made-joke/