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magpie trippa
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Post by magpie trippa »

ohh your so sweet ezzy

ok well here i go:

Erin: what a huni! god you have been there for me through so much shit and i always know i can count on you huni! your so importanta to me and your just so freaking speacial. i know sometimes we have our little "dissagreements" but we always makeup in the end. with out you hun my life wouldnt be complete. we'll always be the ladiez in blue lol

Aly: well ive never met you hun but ur such a sweetie! weneva i need a pick me up your always there with some nutty thing to say. lol nutty aly!

Rach: well rachey what can i say ur a pretty cool chik and i guess theres really onluy one wrod for you...BLONDE! lol

Tara: i havent spoken to you oin a while but your such a nice person, youve been such a good person and you knoe how to forgive a forget which is a mazing quality in a person.

Leah: woah i havent spoken to you in such a long time! but i rem the first time i met you. it was round 3 last year in brizzy and you were up ther visiting your family! lol you seemed like such a nice person the round 4 i met you again at the "g" and you confermed it!

well thats all folks
Last edited by magpie trippa on Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TaZ_LuVs_EmIn3m »

Yer ive been on nicks since 2002 i think lol...

i know a few gurls on here Sheree, Bec, Rach, Brooke, Hannah, Leah, Erin, Alyssa n Jess etc etc from the footy!

lol sorry if my post is to long just i got a lot to say about a lotta ppl!

Sheree-U r my soul mate, u mean the world to me! Ur my best friend and u feel like family to me even ur mum aunty n sis feel like they are my 2nd family! I cant wait to be sittin with u all this year! U have been there for my throu all my problems and my fights! everyone talks about how gorgouz u are but to me its ur personality thats gorgouz! I could sit here all day n tell ya wat a wonderful person u are but u already know how much ya mean to me:)

Leah- OMG i miss u sooooo much leah! Everytime we talk to tracey its about u and how much the footy isnt the same without u! I cant wait till ur back in melb and im 18 so u can take me out clubbin n show me wat the city is like at nite time! Ur like my older sister at the footy! Im so nice to have an older friend coz im older that all my friends! Ur such a beautiful down to earth huney that makes me smile, when ive had a bad day or certain ppl r gettin on my nerves one chat with u and it makes it all go away! I hope the time goes fast for when i get to see u again! PS glad ya gorgouz doggy is okay :D

Bec- Awww my newest footy friend! I luvd sittin next to ya friday nite u are a PISSA bec u r sooo funny.....btw sorry for hittin paul a few times i promise next time ill do it when ur not looking hehehe! Ur a really sweet gurl absolutely beautiful and make paul a very happy guy! i enjoy looking forward to sittin with u this year and i hope u enjoy sittin with us aswell!

Rach- My frankston buddy lol us and our trains hehe dw when i got my Ps we can kiss the trains good bye YAY.....ur a wonderful person with a great voice i cant wait for ur aussie idol auditions and i wish ya the best of luck ive already rounded up a few fans for u! im enjoyin sittin with u this year i hope everythin is better since last friday:) oh btw ya hair looked great!

Brooke- Another chick i feel like is an older sister to me...although we dont talk as much as we used to or hang around each other as much from a distance i still think your a top chick and sumone i always found i can have a good conversation with! We have had many up n downs but so far we have seemed to come out on top lets just hope the future is even better for us!

Erin- Hey dude yer we have how many ups n downs and hopefully there wont be any problems in the future! Im a big softy and i hate lettin ppl down so u know im here if ya need a chat, hopefully i have been there for u in the past when ya needed sumone to talk to! Look forward to seein u around in the future!

Hannah-Awww hannah i cant wait to be 18 so i can go out drinking with u....the times i have been with u when u were drunk have been memorable and very enjoyable i am waitin got the day when u n drew FINALLY get together hehehe im rootin for ya hannah!!! ur great at stories and u alway seem to have a new story to tell me which keeps me entertained thank u dude!

Alyssa- awww its ashame we arent as close as we were a year ago but seriously if u do see me at the footy plz come n say hello ill come say hello to ya if i see u! Because of u ive meet so many amazing ppl! i got a best friend who is the best thing in my life i got the BEST footy friends i see everyweek and i get to enjoy sumthin everyweek instead of watchin it at home on the tv.......if u hadnt have added me when i joined i would probably be still sittin at home everyweek wishin i could go to the footy so THANK U SO MUCH alyssa!! i owe u sooo much:)
*~Luv Always Tara~*
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Post by Hanskies »

Aww guys Im glad you love my drunken tales of absolute stupidity! Some body has to do it !

Here's a pretty boring one for you.
Few months back I was at my best mates house of a saturday night, both decided to have a dry night because we were both fairly tired from the week before. So we stayed at home and watched videos as well as the naked news !! Got fairly early into the morning without the both us us realising, at come 4.30 my mate gets an sms from this guy she had been txting for a few weeks to come and pick him up and take him and his mates home. So we've gone out, picked Ryan and his mates, Nathan, Jammo and Bricky up! Whilst waiting in the car outside the Regent (on mair street side) there is a brawl going on ! Punches flying, some feral chick screaming, cops come along and take away 12odd ppl (Not that feral chick even though so was probably the one throwing all the punches)
Anyways the Boys have gotten in the car! My best mate has asked if they started it. They four of them (in the backseat of the lazer) have all pissed themselves laughing and told us they they infact DID start this brawl. Some guy had asked them how old they thought he was, they have replied "About 25mates" Well this Nutter has gone Nutters "Im F#@king 30 !!! " Then all of a sudden it was on ! Some guy came around the corner and started on the 30yearolds psycho. !

Anyways back to the car ! Wasnt that an intresting ride home with Bricky sitting 1/2 in 1/2 out of the carwhilst we're driving him home!he had whats commonly called "the Hump" (ie he was in a sh*t of a mood) probably because the boys kept whacking him in the nads. !! Poor Guy ! :lol:
Hes gotten out and the remaining 3 guys have decided that they wanted to continue to drink. So back to my best mates house we went. Well our dry night/ morning was no longer dry- into the parents mini bar. Played a few games of pool, while ryan is on couch sleeping ! All of a sudden the sunds up ! :shock: and The other 2 boys wanna go to bed !
Nathans told me to come upstairs with him to bed.... by this time im on the couch watching a movie, he kept pestering me to go up there with him, started pestering my mate to get me to go up with him ! By the end of it im like DUDE- IM WATCHING GHOST BUSTERS! Hes gotten pretty shitty as you can imagine and stormed off to bed- only to pass out 2minutes later ! Like Im gonna pick someone up at 8am who is about to pass out on me/ puke on me and have difficulty in maintaining anything! PFFT

Plus he drove a XR6 ute ! Get a Holden Maloo and then come talk to me Nath....
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Post by sam. »

"I've had enough of having nothing, I won't take just anything. I got my mind set on something, all I want is everything. All I want is everything."
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Post by - »

awwww Tara thank you so much!!! but tara you have always been there for me when i have a problem! yeh we may of had our diffrences in the past but i know we both over them now! and hopefully there wont be any problems in the future!!!
I love you lots Tara!
LuV eZ!
LuV aLWayS N 4 eVa
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Post by Hanskies »

This really did turn into one of those "Lean on me" post's didnt it ! haha !
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Post by - »

hahahaha awww yeah it did Han!!!
it was a good topic!!! coz now everyone knows what other people think about them!!!
LuV aLWayS N 4 eVa
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