work cover payout?"??????

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work cover payout?"??????

Post by PeterWH »

Just to let everyone know....who ever is interested....I got my work cover payout.....what a BLOODY JOKE.The Barrister/Solicitor got more out of it than what I did.
I just scrapped in enough to pay for my home and have a BRIEF holiday,so the wife and I are still buying our mobile home/bus,but we arent gonna go around Australia as first planned,but we are going to start going off for a month at a time and visiting,so we will I promise see all the PIES fans interstate,between now and Christmas.
I can tell you what,I am interested to find out HOW some one that is getting $$$$Millions of thru litigation is different to some one on Work cover.
If and when you are work cover,the judicial system throws you on the scrap heap and forgets about you,but on 3rd party insurance/litigation its a totally different kettle of fish.
My barrisyter didnt help me much,he showed very little interest in the case,BUT still pocketted $70,000:00.
I am now looking for a 35' bus at around $40,000:00 to keep and do our holidaying in,,,,so heres hoping.
Many thanks for all the well wishes.It was appreciated,but ??????

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Post by ramjet21 »

congrats pete. i know it wasnt exactly what you were after but it all counts and at least the stress of it all is over. enjoy your hols.
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Post by Joel »

Have fun!

Isn't there a limit to how much can be claimed through work related incidents? I thought there was.


Post by Black_White »

Phone 03 5874 5207 Peter.
These guys trade as MV Motor Home Manufacturers and deal in new and refurbished vans/buses.
If noyhing else they'll give you a good idea about what everything will cost.
Speak to Alan.

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Post by Brown26 »

yeah work cover is capped, like 50 000 (I jsut made that up) for losing a leg, plus related loss of income and foget the emotional ldamage.

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Post by Rowdy4ever »

Workcover payouts aren't capped. The amount you receive depends on the severity of your injury. Of course medical opinions differ which can delay the process. The only way to get a large sum is if you sue your employer for negligence under common law or have a severe enough injury that you are permanently impaired at a high percentage. Doesn't mean you have to have a limb amputated though! But I've seen many 6 figure payouts for workers then miraculously they are cured. On the other hand there are many that miss out. There is legislation that needs to be followed to ensure the right people get the right amount.
Anyway I hope your injury wasn't too severe. Money can never make the pain go away. Only the maggies winning a premiership can!
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