where we stand

For discussion regarding Nick's Collingwood Page

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where we stand

Post by MagpieMad »

It was mentioned in another thread that I would be quiting Nick's and I think I owe it to a few of you to clear a few things up, I had every intention of taking my bat and ball and go home a month or two ago, but that has the feel of punt road about it and I and many others have far to much time invested in this to cough it up now, it was mentioned that I was unapriciated but that is not the problem as I went into all this with my eyes wide open, I saw up close what happened with Mike and know it's a fairly thankless task, I have no interest in having my ego polished, I do what I do out of a love for Collingwood, nothing more nothing less, I don't want my name up in lighs I just want to get shit done.
what I am is frustrated, and I don't handle frustration the best, my frustraion comes about because of the sheer potential of what we could achive and what we actually achive, I am not talking about just Nick's, tho Nick's is the largest source of frustration as it gets in my way of moving forward.
I am to blame for a lot of my own frustration as I know exactly what Mike in his commitment to Collingwood fans has provided us with and I'm not sure whether it is my place to make such facts public knowledge and I know Mike wont blow his own trumpet and make it public, so opologies to Mike if some of this is not for the public domain but I have as always the best interest of magpies.net at heart.
I will say before I wafle any further that I do not and have never considered myself management material and the notion that I am in charge of anything runs against the grain, I am at best a caretaker of things around here.
Nick's is hosted on magpies.net, magpies.net is hosted on its own 200gb server, which Nick's takes a nice chunk of, 8+ years of forrum data and ten years of websites takes up a fair amount of space, we have at our disposal all the bandwith we require and it's no big secret that the bandwiths setting for Nick's is 20gb a month but can be adjusted as required, Nick's Collingwood page is over 1200 pages deep and that is not counting the the ten years of archives of the site nor the any of the Bulletin Board, the website takes a average of 521unique hits a day at the mid season and 240 hits at the mid point of the off season, the BB has on average over 1000 visitors a day, I disclose this to show these are facts not hollow promises, these are in place now.
when Nick's "reloaded", I was struck by the loss of nearly ten years of Collingwood history and Supporter passion, ten years of history gone at the flick of a switch and we simply can't let that happen.
So Nick's Collingwood Page as it stands now was designed out of the fear that if we don't some how make it pay for itself we would loose it, we can't expect Mike to carry the can indefinatly and it could have proven just not worth the considerable expense to him especialy after what he was put through.
I have since been assured of our future by Mike for atleast the next 5 years but in the longer term I think the need will be even more iportant for Nick's and magpies.net to at the bare minimum pay it's own way, I sometimes get the impression from some on the BB that they think this is all payed for by CFC or some big bussiness, the facts are it is not, the cost is carried by one man running his own bussiness and we can't just keep scabbing off him for ever, and besides where will we be in sixty or seventy years?.
so we have 5 or so years and all the resources you can shake a stick at, tho I would point there isn't and will be no badwitdh and/or space feeding frenzy every megabyte costs, there is a lot of bullshit around about websites but those are the facts, what we do with the next five years will be important in determining if Nick's and all of it's sister websites are to be Collingwood supporter institutions for the next hundred years in what ever future form the net takes or whether we at some point in the future give it up and loose it and it's rich history forever, I know there will be those that are wondering what I am on, but there isn't anything but our desire to do it stopping us, fact.
so back to Nick's, as stated earlier I am not and have no desire to be management, for my part I enjoy building websites, I enjoy the design and and the sense of acomplishment when a site builds up its content, the deeper the website goes the better, I hate running it, I hate running websites period, I have been stuck running sites in the past and I am stuck running the web side of Nick's now, I don't enjoy it one bit and as it stands we either work something out or we revert to a static site which of course has little value as tool to becoming self-sufficient, but either way I owe it to my girls to get this out of my life, it is time those interested in the future of Nick's stepped up and did something about the future of Nick's.
my vision of what should happen regarding Nick's is the following, but as I said earlier I consider myself a caretaker and there are smarter people than me around here who might have better ideas, but I think some sort of mangement group be formed to take care of the direction, content and devolopement of Nick's, this is what I consider most pressing as it is this that is what is giving me the most frustration, I also think it important that some sort of club be created as we need right now a ABN, bank account ect. before we can even move forward with something as simple as having some t-shirts made to help pay for things like the tipping comp licence.
I won't pretend to have the grey matter to even know where to start in something like that but I know there are those around that have the brains and I would nominate some people I would like to see step up but I won't put pressure on anyone to do this as you have to want to do it.
I have every intention of hanging around and taking care of what I am able to but I have no intention of trying to push this cart on my own anymore, I wont beg for content, I will contribute what I can to the depth of the site but not be responsible for runing the content side of things, if the community of Nick's doesn't see it as a priority or even a worth while cause then so be it, some day somewhere in the future we will close down, it's as simple as that as a BB on it's own can't
So right now in essence something gets done about the active content side of the site or we loose it and the ground we have made so far.
it is probarbly best I point out again for those that have the wrong end of the stick that I am not a mod of the BB and haven't been a part of the team for about two years or more, the moderation guys are not responsible for the website they are responsible for the BB, it seems hard for some people to grasp there is a diference, we are tho all one big team the moderation team, Craig in the VO, Joel with the tipping and website and the rest of us guys on the website are all just part of one big team, when I voice my opinion here on the BB I don't speak with anymore authority than the next member of Nick's.

The reason most of this frustrates me is the fact that this feels unfinished and it prevents me from getting on with magpies.net, magpies.net has the potential to benifit not just Nick's and all the other member sites but all Magpie fansites and every Collingwood Supporter that uses the net, magpies.net already is a great example Collingwood passion, it offers free webhosting to Supporter groups, which includes a free magpiemail email address and thanks to Nick's a supporter group forum all of which gives the supporter groups a high profile voice on the bussiest magpie fansite, we also have non-hosted members ites like Hot Rods and the CFC rant, we used to offer services to all of the magpies.net sites such as the peoples choice awards, a permanent redirection page to send visitors to their websites.
It is my desire to put in place a magpies.net portal type setup where we will reinstate the peoples choice awards and open up some of our functions to member sites, we would include a webring, site ratting, hit counting, a codebase, news syndication, I have a list as long as your arm,all availiable to those that wish to take part in it, I know there will be those that would see something like this as some sort of atempt to dominate the magpie's cyberspacce but it isn't, I know many of the sites don't get along and for many that's a good thing as the friction can be good for the drive and devolopement of some sites, we seem as always with Collingwood made up of bunches of constantly fighting factions and there is no greater example of this than on the net, but what I'm proposing isn't about uniting every faction and all living in peace and harmony, we are all in it for the same reason and whilst we all have our different opinions, we all have our right to express it but we also share the same cause and if we can show enough maturity we can build a base of support for all Collingwood fansites for now and for a long time into the future where even the smalest site can get some support and have a voice that counts.
We would have an avenue to speak to CFC with one voice when matters that effect our websites and CFC have a avenue to speak to all online Supporters without having to give the impression of favoritism to one site or another, it is time we the fans put some of our differences aside and come together for the common good of us all, we don't have to be friends or even get along to achive this, and let me make this point crystal clear as some people regard Nick's as the enemy and would view all this with suspicion, this is not about Nick's taking over the net, Nick's will ofcourse have representation as I would hope that every site would, so please put down your hate for allthings Nick's and see this for what it is, a genuine oportunity to advance all of our sites and the Collingwood cause.
those that think this is tripe contemplate the results we could achive by simply re-instating the peoples choice awards, for those that didn't see the peoples choice award a few years ago it is a unique system that allows us to vote 3-2-1 for BOG each round, while I know every site out there has it's unique and indervidual player award, which is a good thing as each site has it's own caracter, but we could with the right people set up the peoples choice award to record each sites indervidual award winner but also have all votes counted in the overall peoples choice award, it is not beyond the realms of posibillity that we would have votes totaling well over 20k votes a year, if every member on Nick's alone voted once a week for an entire season we would total over 40k vote a year, and if we could get 90% of the sites online to use it and vote..., even the most pesamistic amongst you would know that is something the Club couldn't ignore and we the fans would finally have a true respectable award that we award to the player who we think is our B&F, not an award decided by some news paper, umpire or club thinks is the best but who us the fans rate highest, it is not beyond us to get such and award on the official Club awards list, fancy that, the fans having a say in their game, unheard of in modern day football. but that is just one avenue we will devolope if we can move forward with this.
What do we need to achieve this? people, people willing to volunteer their time for the greater good of all Collingwood supporters, we need all types, but especially some profesional people, as I staed earlier I am not mangement and I'm not the smartest around, I need people who can write scripts in cgi, php, java etc, we need people who know what they are doing, I am learning as I go.

I am inherently a very private person and I have learnt over the years that if you have an idea it is best kept to yourself as others show no shame in stealing them, I am also one of those people who takes the trust put in me by people I respect very seriously, but it is time to lay all this on the table, and in doing so I hope I haven't given anyone the impression I have betrayed their trust, but in all honesty we need to move forward or risk going backwards and we as just simple everyday fans have a chance to leave our mark on proud and long history of our club.

it is my intention to take the next week or so off, I haven't done so for nearly 3 years now, I have a best m8 coming down from darwin for a week or so, he is bringing me a couple slabs of the blessed brew that hasn't touched my lips in over two years, I am going to go sit on a beach wet a line and suck down a few coldies enjoy a break, in a couple of weeks if there is the interest we will move from there.
and please note that this isn't a post to get myself some pats on the back as it isn't, if any of you feel the need to show any apreciation show it to the right people, Mike, the mods, the girls that organise all the events, Joel for running the tipping, all the guys for contributing to the website, treloar rosses for coughing up the money for the tipping, and of course the silky fingers of Craig in the VO who's there week after week without ever a winge, and I'm sure if you asked anyone of them they would say the same thing, if you want to show your appriciation buy your sports dvd's through our link, buy a magpie mail email account or simply chip in via the paypal button, it'll all go towards paying for ourselves and securing our future and that is all we want.
there all my cards are on the table, make of it what you will.

thanks for your time in reading this.

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Post by Proud Pies »

Steve, thanks for opening our eyes.
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Post by DaVe86 »

your a champ steve, you've helped me out a lot already. Enjoy your holiday, its deserved. As long as nicks stays alive and kicking, im happy. I know ill try and keep the website updated with any news during trade week and offseason, along with training reports etc, as will jonno and others who update the site. It should be a great off season for nicks.
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Post by Eunos »

My apologies Steve if I was the catalyst for this thread.
But I'm hoping getting it off your chest has helped.

Personally, I know I've given you a lot of aggravation with some of my actions. Again, I'm sorry for that.

Have a great week off, hell make it 2 weeks off!
(but no more than 2)

You may not like pats on the back, but you do deserve a big one.

Now, about this quote;
couple slabs of the blessed brew
How does a guy in Darwin get his hands on VB?
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Post by skaman »

Well done and thanks Steve,
Eunos, the VB we get in the north is brewed in Brisbane( still better than panther piss xxxx).
Enjoy yourself. Its later than you think!
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Post by Eunos »

skaman wrote:Well done and thanks Steve,
Eunos, the VB we get in the north is brewed in Brisbane

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Post by Joel »

Steve, great post buddy, sometimes things just need to be said. I hope people actually pay attention to this, and will decide to help out, and are serious about helping out.

As you know, I will continue to help you out, and you know of my desire to get stuff like the t-shirts etc up and running to help out.

So people, please pay attention, because magpies.net, member sites, and hosted sites can become something even greater with YOUR help. As Steve said, this is 'where we stand'.

I second your post Eunos.
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Post by Johnson#26 »

Great work Steve. :) I know I have slanked off lately (due to other commitments) but will be back bigger and better then even in 2006 (as will the Magpies, we hope). Thanks for all the stuff that you do for the site. Its about time others started getting in on the act...
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Post by Mike »

See what happens when you bottle it up like that Steve? Once you get started, you can't stop.

The bottom line is that if it stops being fun you really have to have a look at the reasons for doing it. Both Nick and I got a lot more back from the site than you do because we had a much higher profile and a smaller and somewhat more stable user group. But even so, I arrived at the place where you are now about every two years... and everyone knew about it, because unlike you I threw my tantrums in public. Those times were pivotal in the evolution of Nick's: I'd spit the dummy and attempt to close the bloody site down and every time the users would rise up and prevent that from happening. Each time, Nick's evolved into something different.

The Nick's that is around us now is not the Nick's that I knew, It's not better, or worse, just different, but it is much more resilient than it ever has been before. Those of you who are worried about the presence of serial pests on this site can stop giving them more exposure than they could ever have found for themselves because you have nothing to fear from them; they can't hurt the site. They, and you, will force further evolution and perhaps that is what concerns you. Pressure for change is relentless and so is resistance to change and the only danger in that is that if one of those forces wins the struggle, the site will inevitably die.

The site is no longer under any threat from me. I learned the hard way, years ago, that the site would never pay its way unless it was changed and ruined and have since decided that providing a home for Nick's, magpies.net and the groups and sites that make use of that structure would be my way of contributing to the Club. I'm not above accepting the occasional donation or selling the odd email address to make that a little easier, but we no longer rely on that to keep us afloat. So as far as I'm concerned magpies.net and everything reliant on magpies.net will be secure indefinitely, although as Steve very delicately pointed out I'm not immortal (particularly not while I'm still wondering if my bike really is capable of 300kmh - Symmons is just too small) and another change will have to happen at some stage... but it's just another change really. My contribution is in no way outstanding. There are people, some who use this site, who devote a large part of their lives to the Club and are never seen and who never expect or receive any accolades for their devotion - they give much more than I do.

You're a Collingwood legend Steve, just as much as Nathan Buckley, Eddie McGuire or Bobby Rose, because you do what you do for the love of the Club. You're going to hit that wall from time to time and one day you might change direction or even stop, but that doesn't make what you have done, what you are doing or what you are about to do any less valuable. It's a bit like coaching really: there will always be nay-sayers, there will always be those who can do it better and those who will sit back and reap the benefits of what you do (me), but really there is only one person whose decisions are on the line and make a difference every day. It's a hard lonely place to be, you can't do it forever, there are only a very few who can do it at all... one of them is you.
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Post by skaman »

Nice post Mike!
...and what bike do we have????I get close(300) on my ZZR1100!(controlled conditions of course!).
Enjoy yourself. Its later than you think!
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Post by Proud Pies »

I agree with whoever said it......this needs to be a global thread. Everyone on the board needs to actually read it!

Can the mods make this global please.

And it's damn good to know that i'm not the only one who has public tantrums Mike ;)
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Post by Eunos »

Geez, all you guys trying to take away my "King of Tantrums" crown.

I don't know what the world is coming to.
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Post by Joel »

Maybe someone should try emailing the mods (I would, but I requested a sticky a week ago...so I don't want to keep asking). :D
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Post by MagpieMad »

thanks for the kind words guys, Mike you use the term legend very loosely, I don't want to be a legend I just want Nick's to last forever, this isn't me looking for attention, praise and attention isn't what we do it for, I do it for my own reasons, I'd be far more comfortable with no one knowing who I was and just get on with the job, so enough about me and get on with what matters.
as Mike said and it seems to be part of the job, every two years you have a melt down, it may just be that this has grown to big for one person to be in control of, tho I would point out I don't think I do half as much as Mike did around here, most of these systems where already put in place by Mike, so I'm only driving what he built, this must turn out to be one of those times that Nick's evolves.
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Post by Proud Pies »

Steve, would love to be able to do more, particularly with WIB so if you want to discuss that further, happy to when you get back from your holidays.....

Jacqui © Proud Pies 2003 and beyond
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