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Post by tazzies_girl »

I think i'm just gonna settle on doing my deb with him... it'll be good, maybe thats all i need.. Well actually i have to get up the courage to ask him first.. argghh i hate it, its so scary
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Post by sam. »

tazzies_girl wrote:I think i'm just gonna settle on doing my deb with him... it'll be good, maybe thats all i need..
Haha.. deb nights are awesome!!
The best one i've been to was when 2 of my best friends were doing it, I was in year 11 2004... and its good because no one actually does our proper school deb ball... everyone does the outta school one, which means the chicks are from all different local schools in the area..

best ever after party. ever.

(except for me falling onto a mattress on the floor, and hitting my head on the big metal bed beside me by accident.. my foread was all shiny for the next week coz it stretched the skin and i ended up with a big lump.. oh memories. omg susan after reading that you're going to think im the biggest klutz ever hahaha.. no more stories for you :P)
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Post by katie_clokes_4eva »

I do agree with all you girls.
This guy actually was going out with another girl (a mate of mine) when he was chatting up with this chick (his gf now).. so therefore you probably couldn't trust him lol.
Anyway i am going to set my sights out for other guys and get over him!
well my formal is soon and im getting this gawjus dress...awww luv it.
dont ya hate love lifes ..well when its bad anyway
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Post by tazzies_girl »

Na my boys not like that.. its been weird with us lately though, we havent even talked since school started, just said hi.. He's loyal, I dont no whats extreme that is though. K get this..
We'd been getting on really well in our IT class last year, we sat together and he tried not to ditch his friends but always made sure i was ok coz i didnt have any friends in there. We were getting along really well, flirting a bit, just having fun together.
Then i turned up to class one day and we were waiting outside the class, he was sitting on the table and i sat next to him (shoulders touching) and i'm like "hey how r ya" you know the kinda thing. And he was really short with me, and I'm thinking wtf is your problem!
The next day I find out he's got a gf. And eversince it's been awkward between us and i hate it.

lol sorry its so long, i got carried away
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