The Boundary Line

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The Boundary Line

Post by bellastar »

Want to actually read some intelligent fiction without the plotholes, lack of punctuation and grammatical errors? (not that I'm tooting my own horn!) Read on......

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. I’m not a professional writer (although I wish I was!) All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Poor people may be offended by characters’ immense wealth. P.S. Don’t sue me!

The 1st episode of the most promising soap of the year..............

[/b]The Boundary Line

Arabella Muscat was the sensible, conservative and beautiful heiress of Lord and Lady Muscat, who owned the prestigious and critically acclaimed Cheapa Crap clothing empire, a chain of cheapo clothes shops where the clothes are made by poor Taiwanese children who get paid 12 cents every 9 hours in a dilapidated factory.

Anyway, Arabella was used to the rich life- fine dining, the arts, more Louis Vuitton bags than you can poke a pauper at, she truly had it all.......

Except for a man, that is. Arabella had yet to find a suitable suitor of which mummy and daddy would approve of. They had tried their darndest to find someone for their sweet Arabella, but no one would ever rate. They were either too poor, too rich, too dumb, didn't know their Newscorp from their Microsoft- it was a never ending battle.

Arabella and her equally beautiful, rich and similarly named friends Fenella Garamond and Estella Winchester were sitting in her ever-spacious bedroom, which even had its own walk-in robe just for her Prada handbags. Obscene, wasn't it?

"Mummy said we'd be going to the ranch for the weekend!" trilled Fenella, sitting in a plush couch made from pure emu. "It'll be ever so fun!"

"I'll be going to the beach house, and Mama will be taking the handsome Latino gardener, but Daddy isn't to know!" laughed Estella.

Arabella sighed. "My dad is taking me to some sporting ground to watch some team train or whatever," she mumbled.

"A what!?" exclaimed Fenella and Estella in unison.

"Apparently, Dad wants to impress some big wig and his company. This man is supposedly into AFL or whatever. Its sounds very boring, football or whatever it is."

"They sound like Neanderthals!" replied Estella, appalled.

"We should be setting off any moment now. Dad was going to bring the car around for me."

Arabella got out her ostrich-feathered overcoat, and the three girls left the bedroom.


"Daddy, must we go to this training session, or whatever the bloody hell its called!?" cried Arabella, who sat next to her father in their really big shiny limousine.

"Arabella, we'll be there any moment now, so please stop complaining!” hushed her father.

They arrived at their destination. and stepped out of their big shiny limousine to a place called the Lexus Centre. The went to a nearby conference room, where they met with Lord Muscat’s future business partner.

“Arabella, this is Sir Eddie McGuire, Esq,” presented Lord Muscat proudly.

“Lovely to meet you,” greeted Eddie, shaking Arabella’s hand.

“Likewise,” she replied.

“Shall we go out onto the ground and watch the spectacle?” asked Eddie.

“Of, course, Sir Eddie!”

The trio went outside and sat on the wooden benches, to which Arabella was appalled. She had never sat on these so-called wooden benches in her life, goodness knows what germs and antibodies it might be rife with!

Arabella watched the Magpies doing drills and various tasks. She was bored out of her brain.


“Who is that?” she said to herself.

The man who had captured her attention, and also her heart, kicked a mighty goal across the field. He then sauntered back to his place on the field, proud of himself for his achievement as his other team mates came to congratulate him.

Arabella was intrigued.

“Who was this magnificent creature?”............

Now you decide:

Who was this magnificent creature? Name your favourite player!

Get in quick!
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Post by leelee »

RYAN! of course.. there is only 1 magnificent creature out there that can get away with kicking a goal like that and saunter back to his possie!
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Post by tazzies_girl »

Taz!!! Taz!! We no ya love him Bel...
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Post by bellastar »

i'm not sure which one to go with- help!

okay, i'll break it down:

pros- ryan sounds like a typically nice guy that all readers will barrack for and love, while tazza, who's also a top bloke, will appeal to readers because of his tall, dark and handsome quality, that mysterious and brooding thing that all girls would give their mothers for!

cons- i thought it'd be bias if i went with tazza first in the story, and i don't really know much about ryan

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Post by bellastar »

Did you enjoy that? Take that, Bold and The Beautiful! The masses love me! They really, really love me!! (okay, now I might just be drunk with power!)

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. I have never written for a soap opera in my life (but I do love the trash!) All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Female hearts may flutter during the course of this episode- discretion advised!

And now, the 2nd episode of Nicole and Keith’s favourite soap opera.........

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Wealthy Arabella Muscat has it all. Except for a man. She is then dragged to Lexus Centre by her father Lord Muscat, and suddenly falls in love with a mystery stranger at training........


Arabella was still enthralled by the vision of the riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a Collingwood guernsey. She continued to watch him leap for the rounded red pigskin, running with such grace and poise.

“Who was that that just caught the ball?” asked Lord Muscat, pointing to the object of Arabella’s affection.

“That,’ began Eddie, “is Ryan Lonie."

“Finally, I know his name!” thought Arabella to herself, excitedly.

Arabella then noticed several of the boys gathering around in a group , pointing right at her. They began giggling and smiling.

‘What are they staying? Is it good? I wish I knew!’

“We’ll be inside in the conference room, Arabella,” said Lord Muscat, tapping Arabella, who he interrupted from her lusty thoughts. “Do you mind staying out here?”

“Oh, of course, Daddy, I’ll be fine.” Of course she’d be fine- she had luscious eye candy to keep her entertained.

Lord Muscat and Eddie were inside. Arabella continued to have a perv. She suddenly noticed that the group of guys who were laughing at her, including Ryan, were now walking over to her.

‘Oh, God..............’

“Hey there,” smiled Ryan. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Oh, I’m Arabella Muscat. My parents are Lord and Lady Muscat- they own the Cheapa Crap clothing empire,” she smiled sweetly.

“Oh, rich chick, huh?” replied. Ryan “I heard Eddie was going to do a deal there.”
“I’m sure it’ll go well. Maybe we’ll see more of each other.”

Ryan noticed her flirting. “Why wait? How about I give you my number now?”

Arabella’s heart leapt. Ryan wanted her number!

“Oh, of course!” Arabella pulled a Swarovski diamond-studded pen and Dolce and Gabbana address book from her Louis Vuitton handbag. Ryan also wrote down his number as well.

Suddenly, Arabella’s ruby-studded Blackberry started ringing.


“Arabella, we are leaving now, the car is coming around to pick us up.”

“Of course, bye, Daddy.”

“So I guess I’ll see you later then?” said .

“Sure. See you, Ryan," smiled Arabella.

She then left the oval, contented.


Arabella stared out the car window, dreaming of Ryan and his brown hair, gorgeous eyes, cheeky smile, strong, taut muscles, glistening with sweat, his uniform covered in mud, his tight, white shorts............

“So, Dad, will we be going back to Lexus Centre?” asked Arabella, ever-so-innocently.

“Oh, I’ll be going back in the morning to deliberate more with Eddie. You won’t be going back, though,” replied her father.

Arabella’s heart sank immediately.

“I don’t think you should come along again-all those football boys and their playboy ways, I just don’t trust them!” continued Lord Muscat. “And they’re all too grubby for the likes of us, too much like common folk to me!”

Arabella sighed sadly. It was like she was being kept away from , that their differing social status’ were acting as a barrier.........a boundary, even.........

Arabella thought about the phone number in her address book. was a grubby footballer with 10 times less the income than the Muscats.......But there was something about him, something, mysterious, something sexy, something.........exciting..........

What should she do?


Now you decide:

Should she phone Ryan, or should she obey her father?
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Post by tazzies_girl »

of course she'll call him, we've got no story if she doesnt lol
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Post by bellastar »

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. The OC, this is not! (California, here I come!) All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Warning- Arabella will be breaking the rules of rich society!

And now, the 3rd episode of the soap opera that has been banned in Kazakhstan................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Ryan came over and started talking to Arabella, unbeknownst to her father. They then exchanged numbers. While dreaming about the moment in the really black shiny limousine, Lord Muscat announced that Arabella would not be going back to the Lexus Centre, and that he did not approve of football boys, much to Arabella’s dismay. Does she break the rules and ring Ryan?


Arabella sat on her bed staring at Ryan’s number. She was torn on what to do- does she call Ryan - the guy she hoped would help her escape her mundane, routine, life? Or does she stay put, obeying her father and remain living in this fortress, this great-for-the-myriad-of-presents-I-can-have, but-otherwise-boring world?

No one knew about Ryan and how they had exchanged numbers. Should she call him now? Would he call her instead? Arabella hoped he wouldn’t, since Lord Muscat got the butler, Chumley, to screen the calls for any, ahem, ’special clients’...........

Arabella picked up her phone- ’I have to call him.....,’ she willed herself. She slowly gathered up the courage to call Ryan. She dialled his number digit by digit.


“Miss Muscat.” Chumley had opened the bedroom door. Arabella, frightened, quickly put down the phone in its cradle.

“Oh, Chumley, you gave me a fright there!” breathed Arabella, still a little shaken. Had he caught her? The address book was still open on the bed............

“Your father has requested that you be prepared for dinner at 7pm sharp- Brad and Angelina will be dining with you this evening.”

“Oh, that’s great,” replied Arabella, trying to hide her fear. You might think that having Brad and Angelina over to your house for dinner would be so exciting and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But for Arabella, it was just yet another snooty appointment, except this time, they’d be bringing baby Shiloh.

“Oh, who were you calling there, Miss Muscat?” asked Chumley, suspicious.

Arabella panicked. She had to think fast. “Oh, I was about to ring Fenella, so she could ring Estella.”

“Oh, that won’t matter. The Garamonds and the Winchesters have already been invited.”

“Oh, I had no idea, but thank you for telling me.”

“Alright, then.” Chumley then left.

Arabella breathed a sigh of relief. She decided to go through with calling Ryan, already dialling before she realised it.

The other end rang. Arabella was feeling impatient. Would he pick up?



“Ryan? Its me, Arabella.”

“Arabella, hey, how are you? I saw your dad, but you weren’t with him.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Actually, I was just about to ring you. I was gonna ask if you’d like to come out to a party with me. A lot of other people will be there........”

Arabella was beaming, dancing around the room. Ryan wanted to invite her out! With him!

“Arabella? Are you there?”

“Yeah, I am!”

“Will you go out with me?”


But then reality set in........

“........but my Dad’s having Brangelina over for dinner, and I’m not sure how to get out of it, and my father isn’t so crazy about.........”

“.........You dating a commoner, right?”

“Well, yeah, but I do like you, Ryan.”

“And I do like you, too, Arabella. Can’t you get someone to cover for you. Just for a while, at least?” pleaded Ryan.

Arabella really wanted to meet up with Ryan again. He was totally and utterly gorgeous, a mysterious, yet cheeky, stranger. The offer was really tempting..........

But what of Lord Muscat and his iron fist?

Arabella had to decide.........


Now you decide:

Should Arabella go to the party with Ryan, or stay for dinner with Brangelina?

*Oh, you can give me feedback about the story if you want, reviews, suggestions, anything’s cool!
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Post by Emily14 »

i love the story gets better and better
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Post by melissa »

Go to the party with Ryan. Then if it were me, i'd be looking for a spare bedroom upstairs hehe...
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by tazzies_girl »

They should go to Taz's bar opening
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Post by bellastar »

did you see that in the herald sun? man, he was gorgeous! too bad his girkfriend was there, sitting on his lap, though!
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Post by David »

obviously she should go to Ryan's party! Though she's going to get in trouble when she gets home!
Wait on I'm not a chick, what am I doing reading and enjoying this.... not good hehe.
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Post by melissa »

whose girlfriend was sitting on his lap? I didn't see it. Didn't know Taz was opening a bar? God i am so out of touch down here in Catland.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

David from Canberra wrote:obviously she should go to Ryan's party! Though she's going to get in trouble when she gets home!
Wait on I'm not a chick, what am I doing reading and enjoying this.... not good hehe.
wow, i'm so glad i've got a male reader gettingin touch with his feminine side! do you have any suggetstions on where the story should go, 'cos i value a male's viewpoint as much as a female's!?
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Post by bellastar »

I would like to tell you now that things are really going to start picking up in the story, trust me! And be aware, I am taking the piss out of soap opera and fanfiction in general, so don’t think for a second that I’m trying to write the next War and Peace or anything- this story is not for real! And this is my forst foray into writing fanfiction- I am not a professional! Also, I’m doing it all in good fun, so enjoy yourself! Anyway, on with the story!.......... PS, this one’s for you, David!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. I’ll pay a dollar to all those who read this story. All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. RE: Jason Akermanis, don’t sue me!

And now, the 4th episode of the soap opera that has Jason Akemanis complaining to no end.......

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella finally gathers up the courage to call Ryan, but is nearly caught by the butler, Chumley. However, he doesn’t find out, so Arabella calls Ryan, who invites her out to a party. She’s excited and wants to go, but must deal with her father and the impending dinner with Brangelina- what will she do?


“Trust me, he’s gorgeous!” cooed Arabella, brushing her hair with her one-of-a-kind echidna-spiked hairbrush

“I don’t know.......” sniffed Fenella. “He stills sounds like some grubby footballer.”

“Oh, I beg to differ!” laughed Arabella,, as she passed Fenella and Estella a copy of In Black and White Magazine that she found at the merchandise shop at the Lexus Centre. Ryan graced the front cover, above a headline which read ‘Sick of Being A-Lonie: Why Ryan Wants a Girlfriend.’

“Well, he isn’t half bad after all,” purred Fenella. “And he’s on the prowl as well!”

“I guess he’s okay,” replied Estella, snootily.

“Why do you have such an aversion to footballers, Estella?” asked Arabella, curiously. “What have yuo got against them?”

“Its........a long story.”

“I’m so sorry to have to ask this of the both of you, but you have to cover for me, just for tonight! Please!?” begged Arabella.

“Of course- not a word to anyone!” exclaimed Fenella.

“Just please be careful!” pleaded Estella.
“Why are you worrying, Estella, I’ll be fine!”


The guests had arrived. The entrees had just been served, which consisted of fried quail droppings served on toast points, which are considered a delicacy in their native Andorra.

Arabella sat anxiously in her seat, counting down the clock until she met up with Ryan. She took another bite of her fried quail dropping toast point, wincing at its salty and chalky taste.

“So, Brad, we read that you and Angelina may be marrying soon,” said Lord Muscat.

“I’m sorry, my client will not be answering that question,” said Brangelina’s publicist, who had also been invited to dinner.

“Oh, well, Angelina, I heard you may be adopting your next child from Tasmania, how is that going?” asked Lady Muscat.

“My client will not confirm or deny that statement at this point in time,” said the publicist, interrupting once again.

Arabella looked over at Fenella and Estella. It was time to break out of this freak show.

Arabella rolled her eyes back in her head and then passed out right in her plate of fried quail droppings on toast points. Everybody usually used that tactic at Lord and Lady Muscat’s dinner parties, especially if the conversation was boring and the entrees were Andorran.

“Oh, Arabella, how awful, you just passed out,” trilled Lady Muscat. She then returned to the dinner table conversation, not really noticing her daughter’s faux-pass out.

“Oh, we’ll take her upstairs,” exclaimed Fenella and Estella, dragging Arabella with them.


They didn’t notice too much, which is good,” said Arabella, as she changed out of her Christian Dior sparkled ball gown, and into a hot pink halter top and denim mini, both from Target for $29.95. Arabella still felt guilty for it, but she couldn’t help but splurge on the outfit from (God forbid) Target. Her parents would probably disown her if they ever found out. They only wore the best!

Fenella and Estella quickly primped Arabella’s hair and make-up, making her look absolutely stunning, like a refined and eloquent Tara Reid.

“Are you ready, Arabella?” asked Fenella, excited.

“Yes, I can’t wait!”

They all sneaked down the hallway, as Arabella went down the secret elevator, which was concealed between her father’s study and her mother’s shrine devoted to Hotdogs.

“Good luck, Arabella,” smiled Fenella.

“Be safe,” said Estella.

Arabella waved goodbye, and set off to her secret date with Ryan.


Ryan was getting anxious. He just knew it. She was too good for him. She said she would try to make it, but it was probably just an excuse. Why would some rich starlet want to date him? Would she really want to give up her glamourous life, a whirlwind of presents and parties and wealthy friends, who had connections to even wealthier friends; for some mundane, routine, not nearly as glamourous, footballer’s life? She wouldn’t be that stupid.

But he really liked her. They had a spark, chemistry, a certain something. He thought she was beautiful- her deep green eyes, tumbling waves of fiery red hair, porcelain skin. But it could never be, she must have just been humouring him yesterday............


“Ryan! Ryan! I’m here! Don’t worry!”

He instantly started smiling. She looked pretty tonight, with er hot pink halter top, denim mini and knee-length black boots.

“’Bout time, gorgeous!” exclaimed Ryan, giving Arabella a peck on the cheek.

“Sorry about that, my parents are entertaining tonight- they have Brangelina over.”

“That must be exciting,” replied Ryan.

“Well, I’ve met them before.”

They walked inside into the home of Dale Thomas, whose parents had gone out for the night, so he decided to hold a party. (NB, not a fairy bread and pass the parcel kind of party!)

It was a whole new world for Arabella. ’So this is what a normal person’s party looks like....’ she thought to herself. She looked at her surroundings- the slabs of VB everywhere; the relaxed manner of all the people on the couch, laughing, chatting happily; the ordinary, but humble keeping of the home; the precious Boonie doll taking pride of place on top of the TV.

Ryan and Arabella walked over to greet Dale.

“Hey, Dale, I’d like you to meet Arabella Muscat, she’s that bloke Lord Muscat’s daughter,” presented Ryan.

The two greeted one another.

“She’s a looker, hey Ryan?” purred Dale, talking in a rather randy manner.

“Hey, don’t get too comfortable, she’s with me, kid!” snapped Ryan. “And what’s this music? Backstreet Boys? That’s s--t!”

“Its........not mine! Its my, um, sister’s!” mumbled Dale, nervously. He quickly scampered off like a squirrel with a nut.
“That was odd,” noted Arabella, a bit confused.

Ryan then took Arabella outside in the backyard, where a lot of the guests had formed a crowd.

“What’s going on?” asked Arabella.

“Oh, its time for the annual metrosexual walk-off between Shane Crawford and Brodie Holland, its a very auspicious occasion.”

“Oh, sounds good,” smiled Arabella.

They stood up near the front of the crowd. A spotlight then graced the makeshift catwalk.

“Hello, I’ll be your host and judge tonight!” yelled Mark Holden, walking out onto the stage, excited. Except no one was cheering.

“Tonight, we witness the walk-off between two metrosexual icons- one, a veteran, a role model for many, the quintessential pretty boy. The other is a newbie on the scene, but he has made quite an impact. Girls want him, guys want styling tips off him. Is he a threat? We’ll find out tonight!

The audience cheered.

“And now here they are! In the red corner, we have the man, the myth, the legend...........Shane Crawford!”

Shane walked out on stage in a Saturday Night Fever-esque suit with shiny black boots, whilst ’Stayin’ Alive’ played in the background.

“In the blue corner: he’s the one and only pretty boy from Tasmania whose parents may not be cousins..........Brodie Holland!”

Brodie strutted out to the tune of ‘Play That Funky Music, White Boy.’ He was wearing a pimp suit and fedora hat, complete with a fur-trimmed cape and white platforms.

“Now, I want a clean fight, not bitching, no scratching, alright?” warned Mark.

They both agreed.

“Now, the first event will just be basic strutting. You know what to do, so lets begin!”

The guys got into their positions. Shane went first, flawlessly strutting with such poise and grace. He owned the catwalk.

Next was Brodie, who also strutted effortlessly, almost threatening Shane’s lead.

“Okay, that’s the end of round one! Now, round two- the pouting stage!”

Shane went first again, giving off a pout that would make Posh Spice proud. However, when it was Brodie’s turn to pout, the whole audience erupted in a flurry of cheers and wolf whistles. Shane was pissed off, feeling threatened.

“And now, round three!......”

But then............
“Oh God! There’s a fire in the house! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!”

Suddenly, everybody started fleeing, jumping fences and piggybacking one another. Ryan quickly grabbed Arabella, running onto the street.

“Are you alright?” he asked, puffing.

“Yeah, fine.”

They stared at one another. Then, Ryan pulled Arabella towards him, kissing her softly.

“Wow, Ryan, that was........” said Arabella, flustered.

“Yeah, I know.......”

Then , Arabella noticed the time.

“Oh, crap, I have to go! I’m so sorry, Ryan! See you! I’ll call you!” she yelled out to him, running away.

“You, too, Arabella!”

Watching this from at least two or so metres away was yet another eager man. He, too, had taken a fancy to this Arabella goddess. But it didn’t deter him that she had eyes for Ryan- he would do anything and everything to get her.............


Now you decide:

Who is this devilish admirer? Name another player now!

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
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