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Post by luvlicca »

yeah its a bit like tht isnt it....
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 6

Paul was beside himself, he didnt know what to do. Taylah was laying there crying and she wouldn't let him touch her.

"What's wrong. Please tell me!" Paul says desparately

Taylah rolls over.

"Can you leave me alone, I need some time to think." She says coldly.

"Um, sure if you want. But I would prefer to be here for you."

"Yes I want you to leave"

Paul gets up and goes over to the bed and tries to kiss Taylah goodbye, but she just moves out of his reach.

"Bye" she says

"OK bye. I'll come back tomorrow" he says as he walks out the door.

He wanders out to the reception and asks to use the phone.

"Chris, mate, can you come get me. Is that ok?"

"Yeah I'm on my way. Be there in 15."

Paul hangs the phone up and walks out to the carpark.

What is wrong with her. What did I do? He thinks to himself.
I came as soon as I could. What had the doctor told her. He needed to know. He just didn't know what to do.

Just then Chris pulls up. Time went quickly, he thought.
He gets into the car and sits in silence as Chris takes off.

"So, what's wrong with her mate?" Chris asks.

"I don't know. The doctor told me that she had no energy and he had further tests to do when she was awake and more energised. Next thing I know, she's awake, he's in there and I have to leave. Then he has left and she is in tears and won't talk to me. I don't know what's going on. Then she asked me to leave." Paul says

"Shit. I hope she's ok."

" We all do mate."

Chris pulls up out the front of Paul's place. "See you tomorrow then" Paul says as he gets out of the car.

"No worries. Take it easy and if you need anything just call." Chris replies.

He takes off and Paul goes inside.

Taylah, sits up. She gathers herself, and reaches for the phone.

"Lee, is that you?"

"Yeah, Taylah is that you?"

"Yeah it's me. What you doing for the next week or so...?"

"Nothing, why?"

"I need you here. As soon as you can please."

"What's going on Taylah? Is everything ok?"

"No, it's not. I'll explain when you get here ok. Just hurry. I'm at the Royal Melbourne hospital, room 112."

"Oh shit. Ok I'll be there in an hour."

With that Taylah hangs up the phone.

She lays her head back on the pillow.

Just then there is a knock on the door.

"Hey ya hun, how you doing?" It was Bell.

Taylah just burst into tears.

"Not good, I'm a wreck. I don't know whats going on." Taylah says crying

"Tell me whats happening chicky and I will do my best to help"

Taylah lays down and starts to explain to Bell what the doctor just told her.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy?" Bell asks.

"You think I would be, but I'm so worried about what this might do to us, I cant help but think it's going to ruin it" Taylah replies and starts to cry again.

Bell goes and sits on the bed and tries to comfort Taylah.

"And to make things worse, I sent Paul home and he doesn't know why!!"


Paul sits on the couch and tries to think as to why Taylah sent him home and why she was so upset. He couldn't think of anything.

"Dids, it's Paul. Hey mate. Is Yadie there. I need to speak to her."

"Yeah mate, I'll get her. Is Taylah ok?"

"She's alright, thanks."

"Hey Paul, what's up?" Yadie says getting on the phone.

"Look, I suppose Al told you Taylah's in hospital. I was hoping you could go and see how she was doing for me, she kicked me out."

"Yeah, he did. Is she ok?"

"I don't know. I really don't"

"Yeah I can go. I'll give you a call later." with that Yadie hung up.

Paul thought if Taylah seen some of her friends then it might make her feel better.


Lee burst in the room.

"I'm here" she says.

Lee walks over to the bed and gies Taylah a hug and kiss.

"Right, what's going on?" she asks.

Taylah just looks at her. The next minute, Yadie walks in.

"Right Taylah, what's happening. Paul is so worried about you right now" she says.

Taylah just looks at them all and begins to cry again.

Bell pulls the other girls aside and tells them the story.

They all walk back over to her and sit around her.

"It's ok baby girl. We are here for you." says Yadie.

"But you need to tell Paul" says Lee "He needs to know"

Taylah just sits there with a blank look on her face.

"What do I tell him. Sorry I am going to ruin your life?"

"Sweetie, if you think for one second Paul is not going to support you, you really don't know the man." Bell says. "He loves you Taylah. Tell him"

They all sit around and discuss what is happening and they all tell Taylah that everything will be ok.

"Please what ever you do, don't tell Alan and Chris. I need to tell Paul first" Taylah asks.

"Never would" Bell said

"Me either" Yadie replies.

And with that, they both leave.

Lee looks at Taylah, "It's ok mate. I'll stay as long as you need me too. I promise."

"Thanks. Hey did I tell you Paul asked me to move in with him. And I said yes!!!" Taylah says excitedly.

"Good for you. I'm so glad your happy. I promise this won't change anything."

The girls sit and chat for a bit and then Taylah says to Lee "The strangest thing happened yesterday. The bloke who found me, Cooper Cronk, I had a dream about him while I was sleeping before. He swept me off my feet and asked me to marry him! What do you think that was about?"

"Dunno, but you don't need another man, but me on the other hand..." Lee says laughing.

"Look, it's getting late. I'm gonna go, and I will be back tomorrow ok. See ya"


Taylah watches Lee leave and she grabs the phone and dials Paul's number.


"Hello... I just want to say I'm so sorry for the way I treated you today. You didn't deserve it." Taylah said

"Oh baby, it's ok. I know something is going on. It' ok. Is everything alright now?"

"Yeah, I just needed some time to get my head around things. But can you come see me tomorrow before you go to the club?"

"Of course. I'll be there with bells on. Goodnight baby. I love you!"

"I love you too!!"

Taylah hangs up the phone and lays down and closes her eyes.

She starts to fall asleep and guess who walks into her dreams.........
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Post by leelee »

hehe yay go leelee and yadie to save the day!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 7

Taylah walks over to Cooper and he wraps her up in his arms and kisses her passinately.
He leads her to the bed and lays her down. He runs his fingers over every curve in her body.
She moans....


Taylah wakes up in a sweat. Oh my god!! She thought. Why am I dreaming about him... I don't even know who he is!

She sat up and realised that Paul would be here shortly.
She actually couldn't wait to see him, but she really didn't know how he would react. Would it be good or would it be bad!

"Knock knock. Hey babe. How are you today?" Paul says as he walks into the room.

"Hey! I'm fine. Come sit over here" Taylah says patting the bed.

Paul walks over and sits on the bed, he grabs hold of her hand.

"Ok, spill, what's going on" he says

"Ok. But let me get the whole thing out and please don't interupt. When I'm done, you can say whatever you want ok"


"Alright then, here goes. When the doctor came back in yesterday he asked me some questions, like have I been sick and if I had been feeling run down. I said I hadn't been sick and wasnt feeling run down anymore than usual. I asked him why and he told me...... ummm he told me that I was PREGNANT!!!"

There was a pause. And then Paul got up, he didnt say anything.

"Oh my god, YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm going to be a dad!!!!!!!" he yells

Taylah just looks at him. "You mean your not mad?"

"How could I be mad. Your going to have my baby" he replies

"Oh, I am so relieved. I thought that you would be pissed off about this. That's why I sent you hom yesterday. I was scared it was going to ruin our relationship. I'm so sorry. I should have told you then."

"Are you kidding. I was so worried about you, I had no idea what was happening. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I'm so happy baby. You make me the happiest man in the world."

Paul walks over to the bed and gives her a hug and a huge kiss.

"Look I have to go, but I will be back to pick you up and take you home this afternoon ok baby"

"Ok, I'll see you then."

She watched Paul leave and then picks up the phone and dials Lee's number.

"Hey, Paul was just here and I told him. He is over the moon. He is picking me up this afternoon so I'll give you a call and you can come over if you want."

"Sure thing. Speak then" Lee says.

Taylah then gives Bell a call -" Hey chicky, I just told Paul about the baby. He was so excited. I think we are going to be ok"

"Great Taylah. I'm happy for you. Is there anything you need?"

"No I'm fine he's picking up this afternoon to take me home. I'll chat to you again soon ok. Bye."

"Ok. Bye."

Taylah wanted to ring Yadie as well, but as she was about to, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" she says

In walks Cooper.

"Hi there" he says "I don't know if you know who I am, but I was the guy that bought you in here. I came to see how you were doing."

"Hi, I'm much better. Thanks for evrything you did. It was really appreciated by my boyfriend." Taylah says, she thought she better let him know she hd one after the dreams she ahd been having.

"I'm glad to hear that." Cooper says as he heads over to the seat. He sits down and begins to have a conversation with her.
She can feel him staring at her and she knows she has to make him leave, but for some reason she can't. She is drawn to the man and she doesn't know why.

"Umm, I hate to be rude" Taylah says "But I have to make a phone call, do you mind"

"No that's fine" He says and gets up. He walks up to the bed and he kisses Taylah on the cheek and then walks out.

Oh my god, what was that! Taylah thought. She ran her hand over her cheek. He had such soft lips she thought.

Just then the phone rang.


"Hi there, how are we doing today?" Yadie was on the other end.

"I'm great Yadie. I spoke with Paul this morning and he is so so happy about the baby. I couldnt believe it. He was so excited. I'm so happy"

The girls chatted for a little longer before Yadie had to go to work. they said they would catch up after Taylah got out of hospital.

Taylah went back into lala land and was thinking about Cooper. What was it about him. There was something. She just couldn't get him out of her head.


Paul was floating on air as he walked into the Lexus centre. Peta stopped him before he went thru the doors and asked how Taylah was.

"She is great, just great." He said. He walked thru the doors and into the change rooms.

Chris and Alan saw he was a bit gaga and went oer to him.

"Mate, what's up. Is everything alright with Taylah? Alan asked.

"Yeah mate. She's great." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Did she say yes?" Chris asked a little confused, especially seeing as what happened last night.

"No mate. I haven't asked her yet. I went to see her this morning and she told me what was wrong. We are having a BABY!!!!!!!!"

Alan and Chris lookat each other "WHAT!!!!!!"

"Really, and this is good thing??" Alan says.

"Yeah mate, it's fantastic. I couldnt be any happier. And the best is yet to come. I am going to make her my wife." Paul replies.

"Well mate, if your happy, then congrats!!! Chris says and gives him a pat on the back.

Alan smiles and gives him a quick hug. And they all have a chuckle.

Just then an announcement comes over the loud speaker.....

"Congratulations to Paul Licuria and Taylah Rand who have announced that they are having a baby!!!"

Oh no Paul thought, Taylah is going to kill me!!!


Cooper walked back to his car with a smug smile on his face. He has got thu the first apart of his plan. Now all he had to do was to met her outside the hospital and see what she was like. But he had a feeling it was going to e a difficult task, she seemed to be in love with this Paul fella.
That will have to change he thought to himself.


Lee couldn't wait she had to go and see Taylah. She was bored.

She walked into her room and Taylah was just lying on the bed staring into thin air.

"Hey you. I'm bored. What's happening?" Lee says

"Oh hey. Nothing. Just waiting for Paul to come back. I miss him so much."

"Right I have a job for you. I want to meet Ryan Lonie. I really like this one. I think he is what I need" Lee says with a smile.

"Is that right? Well I suppose I can see what he is up to for you. Maybe we can go on a double date or something. We will see. How's that?"

"That sounds like a great idea"

They sit and chat for a long time and then Taylah's mind goes back to Cooper...............
Last edited by luvlicca on Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Last edited by luvlicca on Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bellastar »

well done! starting to become quite awkward indeed..........
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Post by yadie05 »

this cooper dude should f*&k off he ruining there happiness the dirty dog
i want more i love this
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Post by leelee »

**** great!
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Post by luvlicca »

thanks girls...... much appreciated!!! I will keep going I promise!!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 8

Paul is standing around the locker room and all he could do was smile. He was so happy. Nothing could spoil his day. He had a grin from ear to ear and couldn't wait till he could go and pick up Taylah.

He got changed and went and joined his team mates out on the training track.

He got a few whistles and call outs from team mates and from supporters who had heard the news thru the grapevine.
All he could think to himself was that Taylah was going to kill him for letting everyone else know before she had the chance to tell anyone herself.


Taylah was getting bored, there was nothing to do. She still had hours before Paul was due back here to pick her up. What was she going to do.
She got herself out of bed and went for a walk.
She got half way up the corridor and then noticed Cooper Cronk standing in front of her.

She tried to ignore him, pretend she didn't see him, but it was impossible. He had something about him that drew her to him. She didn't want this, but it was impossible to not to. He was gorgeous, muscles in the right places, had strong arms. She could see herself in those arms. And that's what scared her right now. She had just got to the point of no return.

"Hi there Taylah" Cooper said.

"Hello again Cooper' Taylah said trying not to look into his eyes, she knew if she did, she would be a helpless cause.

"So, you must be feeling better then seeing as your out of bed?"

"Yes, I am. I feel great actually. Thanks for asking. Look I hate to do this, but I must go back to my room. Paul will be here soon and he will be looking for me if I'm not there. Thanks again for everything though." Taylah says as she goes to walk off.

Just as she turns around, Cooper grabs hold of her arm and pulls her back towards him and plants a kiss on her lips.

Taylah tries to pull away, but she can't bring herself to do it.
She makes herself "Excuse me, what the hell do you think you are doing? How dare you!" Taylah screams and she runs off back to her room.

Cooper just smiles at what just took place. That will get her thinking, and she has the sweetest lips. Now I will be on her mind he thinks to himself.


The boys come in from the track. Paul runs thru the doors and jumps into the shower. He is so excited.

He dries himself off and gets dressed, he doesnt want to waste another minute. He just wants to get to Taylah and take her home. Then they can discuss everything. And maybe he can finally pop the question he has wanted to for such a long time.

"I'll catch you guys tomorrow" he says as he leaves the locker room.

He walks thru the doors at the reception and Peta tells him congrats on the impending baby. Paul just gives her a big smile and walks out the door.


As Paul is pulling up, he sees Cooper Cronk walking out the doors.

"Hi there Cooper" Paul says

"G'day Paul. How's things. I see Taylah is feeling better. I ran into her inside."

"oh, ok, yeah she's doing much better thanks."

Paul keeps walking and goes thru the doors. Cooper thinks to himself, ths will be interesting.


Taylah sits on her bed, she just finished getting dressed and was waiting for Paul.

Paul walks into her room and she jumps off the bed and runs over to him and gives him a kiss and hug.

"Can we go home now?" she says.

"Of course we can baby. Of course we can."


In the car, Paul looks at Taylah who is just beaming.

"So, I ran into Cooper today out the front of the hospital. He said he seen you in the halls"

"Oh yeah, I didn't even know who he was till he introduced himself. I thanked him for bringing me in here. So that was nice of him." Taylah replied. She hoped she didn't say something to incriminate her of what just happened. She couldn't believe he had the nerve to do that.

She needed to speak to the girls. She needed to tell them what happened. She needed some guidence.

What was she going to do.......................
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PASSIONS - Chapter 9

Taylah sat back on the couch and started to relax. She still hadn't officially moved in, but she felt like she belonged here.

There was a knock at the door. Paul answered it and in walked the girls, Lee, followed by Yadie and Bell.

"Hi guys, I guess your here to see the mother to be. Well I will leave you to it then. See ya babe. I'll be back later." Paul yelled out.

The girls walked into the living room and as soon as they did, Taylah lost it. She started crying and they all ran to her side and gave her a hug.

"Hey!" Lee said. "I thought we were over this?"

"We are. But I did something really bad, really bad. Well actually I don't even know if it was me but it was still bad." Taylah replied.

"What happened?" asked Yadie.

"Cooper kissed me!! and I really don't know if I kissed him back. And the worst thing is, I think I enjoyed it!! Taylah said in between holding back the tears.

Bell sat up "You what!! Taylah what are you thinking? How could you ket this happen. I thought you loved Paul?"

"I do I do. I don't know what happened. I'm ready to go back to my room and he whips me around and kisses me. I tried to pull away but for some resaon I didn't want to, and then I thought of Paul and I ran."

"Ok, ok." Yadie said. "We will get thru this. It might take all night, but we will sort it out I promise."

Yadie was always the voice of reason, and had to control Bell and Lee, cause they were really angry.

The girls talked and talked about the situation and had come to the realisation that Cooper, NOT Taylah was responsible for this. What was his thinking. He must have known she was with Paul. How could he not. He had seen them together at one stage in the hospital.

They decided the best course of action to tale at this point was not to tell Paul what had happened. He was way to happy and Taylah really didn't want to ruin it for him. She was supposed to be happy to. But the way things were going, she didn't stand a chance.

She said goodbye to the girls, and went back to the living room to wait for Paul to come home.


Paul was finishing off his drink with Chris and Dids. They were having a great mate chat about their women and what they were going to do with them. Of course Paul was going to ask Taylah to marry him, and with all this talk, Chris was starting to think about his future with Bell. He was really starting to think where he wanted to be in 5 years time and every time he did, Bell was with him every step of the way. But the problem was, he didn't really believe in marriage, so would that get in the way.
Dids on the other hand wasn't even sure if Yadie was the one, but he didn't want to throw away the 2 years they had been together, for just in case. He said he would figure it out sooner or later. He loved the time they spent together and wouldn't trade it for the world. But he just didn't know.

The guys finished up and they all said they would see each other tomorrow at training.


Paul walked into the house and seen Taylah sound asleep on the couch.
He picked her up and took her to the bed. She looked so peaceful and he didnt want to distrub her.
She opened her eyes "Hi baby. I love you"

"I love you too" Paul said as he kissed her lips.

He layed her down on the bed and started to pull the covers up when Taylah pulled him towards her.

She kissed him and ran her fingers thru his hair. She didn't feel like sleeping anymore. She had a hunger in her that needed to be fed.
He laid down on top of Taylah, his hands running all over her. It was like they hadn't seen each other in years.
Things were getting steamy fast. Before they knew it, their clothes were on the floor, the bed was a mess and the neighbours could probably hear what was going on. It was filled with passion and tension. The likes neither of them had displayed before.
And why was that. Is it because they were on the verge of becoming parents? Was Paul about to pop the question? Was Taylah thinking of Cooper.


Back at Dids and Yadie's place, Dids was thinking about what the boys were discussing earlier that night.
Was Yadie the one he was destines to be with. What made him feel like she wasn't?? She had stuck by him thru thick and thin. She was still pleasant to him when he was an ass. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. So what was it??

Yadie walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"What's wrong babe? You haven't looked like yourself since I got home?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking. Dids replied

"Can I ask you a question?" he said

"Of course"

"Are you happy in this relationship? Is there anything you would want to change if you had the chance?"

"NO WAY!! I love everything we do, go thru. I wouldn't change a thing! Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just wanted to see where your head was at" he smiled

Yadie was feeling a bit confused. Where did that come from she thought.


Lee was on her own again. This always happened. She needed a boyfriend. She WANTED Ryan. He had no choice. He was going to fall madly in love with her and live happily ever after.
But how was she going to make that happen. She had the inside track thatnks to Taylah and Licca, but that wasnt going to get him to fall in love with her was it?
She knew what she had to do, she had get known around the club. She needed to get inside Ryan's head. And she knew just how to do that!!


Cooper sat in his chair ever so happy with himself. He had done it. He kissed her. And now he would be in her head. It's what he wanted all along. Paul didn't stand a chance now.
Mind you, he still had concerns about her wellbeing. She never told him what was wrong with her.
It could be fatal for all he knew. Was he willing to take a punt on someone like that.
Of course he was. What he wanted he got.

WHOA........... what's gonna happen next!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by leelee »

leelee finds cooper and kicks his sorry lil arse thats what! bahaha

Ohhh deary me... come on girlies keep it going!
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Post by luvlicca »

thanks lovey, but i was pushing for you too find ryan first
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Post by bellastar »

since when doesn't tazza believe in marriage?! =0
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