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Post by luvlicca »

i dont know
i just came up wth it
he might marry you
i dont know yet!!!
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Post by bellastar »

you mean no white wedding? no little pageboys and flowergirls dressed up as fairies and pixies as attendants!? no tacky wedding decor!? NO 12-PAGE SPREAD IN NEW IDEA!!!??? What are you trying to do to me!!?? We were suppose to be the new posh and becks (god forbid!), or to a lesser extent, the new bec and lleyton (double god forbid!)
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Post by luvlicca »

i dont know mate.....
never say never!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS -Chapter 10

Taylah wakes up and looks over at Paul, who is sleeping soundly. She strokes his head gently. She wanted to wake him up, but she also wanted to watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful. And they had a late night.
She moved her hands further down his head, to his neck and then to his shoulders. He rubbed them gently and he started to move a little.
He rolled over an opened his eyes. His hands started to wonder around her body.
Taylah knew what was coming next, she coud feel it (literally). :wink:

They throw their clothes off the bed and start to roll around the bed. If the neighbours thought they had a show last night. They were in for an even better one this morning.

Hours pass and they still haven't got out of bed. Taylah is spent. She has no energy left. Paul had taken it all from her. But it was worth it. And she had the marks to prove it. But then again, so did Paul.


Chris and Bell had a late night themselves.
Chris was laying in bed while Bell was in the shower. He had been thinking about what Paul had said last night. Paul was so determined to marry Taylah and he was so happy and he knew that it was the best thing for him. Last night Chris said that he wasn't sure if he was into marriage. He had a great relationship with Bell and he was scared that if she knew that he wasn't sure about marriage they could have a fall out. That he didn't want. He loved Bell, but after everything he went thru with his parents, he just wasn't sure. He didn't want to go thru that again. Not with Bell. He loved her to much. What was he to do.


Lee knocked on Taylah's door. There was no answer. She tried again.
Taylah ran to the door while she was putting on her dressing gown.

She opened the door "Hi"

"Hi, did I come at a bad time?" Lee said.

"No it's ok. Come in." The girls walk into the lounge room and sat down on the couch.

"So, what's going on?" Taylah asked

"Not much. I came to see if you wanted to go down to the club today. I really need to see Ryan. I really want to meet him. I decided last night that I really want to meet him. And I thought we could go with Paul."

"Ummmm, ok. I don't see why not."

Paul walked into the living room still putting his pants on.

"Hi Lee" he said looking a little embarrassed.

"Hi Paul."

The girls had a little giggle and Paul turned around and finished getting dressed. He grabbed is bag to go to training. He was about to walk out the door when Taylah said to hang on a minute. Lee and herself were coming down with him today.

In five minutes Taylah and Lee were in the car with Paul and they were on the way to the Lexus Centre.


Paul was running late, so he threw the keys to Taylah and ran inside.
When he got to the reception, he let Taylah know that Taylah was coming in today with Lee.

Taylah followed not far behind. She and Lee walked in the door and Peta jumped up from behind her desk and gave Taylah a hug. "Congratulations. I am so happy for you" she said.

"Thanks so much." Taylah said.

They chatted for a bit and then Peta buzzed them thru the door. Everytime they walked passed someone they would congratulate her on her pending child. By the sound of it, everyone knew and she hadn't told anyone. Paul must be really excited she thought.

Out on the track the boys were mucking around and then Paul seen Taylah walk outside and sit down with Lee following her close behind.

Of course the boys wanted to know who was sitting with Taylah. He told them it was Taylah's cousin. a couple of them seemed interested. But the one who didn't say anything was the one Lee wanted the most, Ryan.
For now anyway.

The girls sat there and watched the guys train. Lee had her eyes plated firmly on Ryan. She caught his eyes a few times. Taylah was too busy watching Paul to see what Lee was carrying on about. He was making her so so horny. She couldn't wait to get him home. Why was she feeling like this. Whatever it was, it was great. She didn't care what it was, she liked it.


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Post by yadie05 »

OMG he doesnt love me and doesnt want to marry me!!!!!
plz change his mind hahaha
and plz tell cooper to go away he ruining there happiness
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Post by luvlicca »

jade he loves you.... just dont know about the marriage part... it will work out!!
and as for cooper............. well who knows!!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 11

The guys walked of the track and into the change rooms. Ryan caught up to Paul.

"Who was that with Taylah?" he asked.

"That's Lee, her cousin. I think she likes you mate. I seen her having a good look." Paul replied.

"Yeah, so did I. That's why I wanted to know who she was. Shes pretty hot. Can you introduce me to her."

"Sure. Come round tonight. I'll hook you up" Paul said smuggly. He thought he was king of the romance department since he got with Taylah. He thought everything he did turned to gold.


The girls were sitting in the function room while they were waiting for Paul to finish up.
All of a sudden out of nowhere, Cooper Cronk walks thru the Cafe side doors.

Taylah tries to hide. She points him out to Lee who really wants to go and give him a piece of her mind. He walks over to the counter and then turns around. He spots Tayalah. He starts to walk over when Paul comes thru the doors behind them.

"Hey baby, you ready to go?" he says.

Taylah jumps up "Yeah, lets go"

Cooper stares at her, she can feel his eyes gazing upon her even while her back is turned. She feels such a connection to him. But she does't turn around. SHe doesn't want to look. Lee on the other hand, turns around and gives him a nasty look. He doesn't seem to care. He jus continues to look at Taylah.

Back in the car, Paul tells the girls that Ryan is coming over for tea later. He tells Taylah they need to go over some game footage, and it was easier to do it together than on their own. Taylah swings around and looks at Lee, as if t say, now's your chance. Of course Paul didn't tell them the real reason. Ryan wanted to meet Lee.

Back at home, the girls are preparing dinner.
There was a knck on the door. Taylah told Lee to go get it, it was most probably Ryan.
Lee walks over to the door, wipes her hands on her pants, tosses her hair around a bit and then answers the door.

Ryan looked gorgeous in a pair of jeans a a polo. Lee had to control herself. She could have quite easliy jumped his bones right then and there.

"Hi, you must be Ryan" she said

"Yeah, hi. And you are?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Lee. NIce to meet you. Come in please."

Ryan walked in and went straight to the kitchen.

"Hey there Taylah. Congrats on the baby." He said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks Ryan." Taylah said

The three stood round and chatted for a while. Paul walked in and they were all having a drink and chatting.
They walked into the living room and continued their conversation.
After a few minutes, Taylah asked Paul to help her in the kitchen, and they left Ryan and Lee on there own to get to know each other a bit better.

In the kitchen, Paul was finding it hard to control himself around Taylah. He was running his hands all over her while she was trying to organise dinner. But she was struggling. She was so ready to kick the others out and go straight to bed.
She had to stop him, she slapped his hands away, but he kept coming back for more.

"Out of my kitchen mister." Taylah said playfully.

Paul walked out to the living room and walked into a sticky situation.
Lee was all over Ryan.

"I guess it didn't take long for you two to get to know each other" Paul said laughing. He turned back around and went back into the litchen to Taylah what awas going on.

"Dinner's ready" Taylah yelled out.

Ryan and Lee came into the dining room fixing themsleves up from the fun they were just having.
They all sat down and enjoyed there dinner.

"Taylah, this is fantastic" Ryan said.

"Thanks. I do my best" Taylah replied.

They all enjoyed a conversation while eating dinner. They were almost finished when the doorbell rang.
Taylah got up to get it.

She opened the door only to see a big bunch of red roses lying on the ground. She picked them up and found the card. She read it - Taylah, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Love always Cooper.
She dropped the roses. Oh my god. The nerve of this man she thought. But the flowers were beautiful. She hid the note in her pocket and walked back inside.
She got to the dining room and Lee's mouth dropped.

"They are gorgeous Taylah."

"I know. Paul thanks so much. I love them" Taylah said. She knows that they weren't from him, but she didn't dare say they were from Cooper. Paul would go ballistic.

"I didn't do that" he said

"You must have, who else would have?" Taylah asked.

"I don't know, but I tell you now, it wasn't me"

They looked at each other for a minute then Taylah went and put them in a vase.

"Well, they didn't have a card, so I assumed they were from you." she said as she sat back down at the table.

"Nope not me" Paul said looking a little concerned.

After dinner the guys did the dishes and the girls went into the living room.

"Lee, they were from Cooper" Taylah said as she handed Lee the card they came with.
Lee read the card and then ripped it up and put it in her pocket.

"That man is crazy. I'll kill him myself" she said.

Lee told Taylah not to worry she would sort that ass out. And she meant it too.

OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH what's going to happen when Lee gets her hands on Cooper!!!
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Post by leelee »

he's gonna be one wanker haha
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Post by luvlicca »

nah he playes for the storm, so i cant hate him tooo much!!!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 12

Taylah got into bed and she felt like the her world was falling apart. She loved Paul with all her heart, but she keep thinking of Cooper. She couldn't get him out of her thoughts. And then he sends her those roses. She couldn't remember the last time Paul did that. But why did she have too. He did so much more for her. He was there for her when ever she needed him. He was her soul mate. At least that's what she thought.

Paul rolled over and threw his arms around her. He felt her feel uneasy. Like she was trying to move out of his grip.

"What's wrong baby."

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just feel a bit yukky." Taylah said. But of course she was lying.

Paul didn't believe her, but he didn't push. He just knew something was wrong. maybe it had somehting to do with the flowers she got. He didn't send them so who did. Maybe that's why she was upset, cause he didn't.


Cooper was sitting at home and his mind was on Taylah. Did she get his flowers. What did she think of them. Was her mind on him too! He hoped so. He couldn't get her out of his mind. She was gorgeous. She had this air of freshness about her. Something he had never seen in another before. He wanted her so bad. He had to have her. He wanted her to be by his side. He didn't care what he had to do.


Yadie had bee feeling down since Dids asked her if she was happy. Had she done somehting to make him think she wasn't. Why did it only come up after he had been with Chris and Paul. She wanted to know what they talked about. She needed to know.
She walked into the bedroom and Alan was lying on the ground doing some situps.
She went and stood over him, "So" she said "I wanted to ask you, the other day when you asked if I was happy, where did that come from? Did I do something to ake you think I wasn't it?"

Alan sat up and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"No, I was just asking. I mean we have been together for 2 years and I was just wondering if there was anything you woudl change. That's all.

"Oh, ok. You promise that's it."

"I promise" Alan said as he stood up and planted a kiss on her lips. He walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower.

Yadie crossed her arms over her chest and had a smile on her face. She felt better, but still unsure. She wanted to believe that's all it was. But she just didn't know.
She walked into the bathroom taking her clothes off as she walked. She surprised Alan opening the door of the shower and getting in.

It didnt take long till the room was steamed up and for them t o be getting all hot and heavy!!


Lee was having sch a good time at dinner with Ryan, she asked him if he would like to go for a drink afterwards. He said he would love to, but being so late, it would be better if they went somewhere quiet. They threw around a few places and then Lee asked if he would like to go back to her house. Ryan jumped at the chance. They grabbed a taxi and they were on their way.

They were deep in conversation when they pulled up to Lee's house. ryan got out first andwent and opened the door for Lee. She stepped out of the car and walked up to her front door. She opened the door and walked in.
Lee was trying so hard not to make a move on Ryan. She wanted him so bad.
She turned the lights on in the lounge room and went and got them a drink from the kitchen. She went and sat down next to Ryan on the couch and handed him his drink.

He moved closer to her and then put his drink down. Without warning, he lent over and kissed Lee. She was shocked at first first, but didn't stop him. She kissed him back. They started letting their hands wondering, clothes started being thrown away. Lee moved slowly from underneath Ryan and made her way to the bedroom. Ryan followed still taking his pants off. It was going to be a long night......


I wanted to write more, but I couldn't be bothered....
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Post by Victoria15 »

hey im new to nicks my name is victoria
just thought i'd let you know that how much i love this story i was reading it all day..cant get enough its fantastic!! keep up the good work!!
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Post by bellastar »

hi victoria! have you read any of the other stories? i write the boundary line- its traditional soap opera trash, if you're int that kind of thing!

welcome to nicks!
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Post by sam. »

I only read this one.
I read the first season of boundary line but.. i dont know. i like this more.

and yeah so many have popped up but yeah, havent even attempted to read any more because there is just so many..

i feel sorry for hannah having to read them all! :p
theres heaps.

if i read more then this one id get confused.
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Post by yadie05 »

ahhhhhh the shower scene gotta love that one
gee these stories seem so real
and then i wake up!
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah jade, i thought the same thing and then i have to pinch myself...
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