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Post by luvlicca »

thanks brodiez baby. much appreciated. also welcome victoria. pleasure to meet you...
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 13

Lee woke up and looked over at the other side of her bed, Ryan was still there. WOW, who'd have thought. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
She was staring at Ryan and then all of a sudden he opened his eyes. She tried to turn her head, but he caught her out.

"Good morning" Ryan said

"Good morning. Did you sleep alright?" Lee said with a wink.

Ryan rolled over to her and just smiled "I don't think I've ever slept better"

He kissed her and then got out of bed. He jumped into the shower and yelled out to Lee asking if she wanted to join him. Lee just ran to the bathroom. What a morning this was going to be.


Taylah rolled over and grabbed Paul's waist. She felt so guilty about last night. She didn't mean to be a bitch, but she just couldn't get Cooper out of her head, and then the flowers. What was she going to do. Maybe she should just go and have it out with him. Tell him once and for all she is off limits. She couldn't deal with this, not now. She just found out she was having a baby and now Cooper. Her head felt like it was going to explode. It was getting to much.

Paul rolled over and gave Taylah a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you feeling better this morning baby?" he asked

"Yes I am. I just felt a bit off last night. Sorry if I was a bitch, I just had one of those days you know. I'm sure there will be many more" Taylah replied and then she started crying. She didn't know why, she just stated crying.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Paul sat up and grabbed her, he held her close to his chest.

"There is something we need to talk about. I have something important to tell you. I really don't know how to say this."

"Whatever it is you tell me, I want to fix it. Tell me what it is baby, I don't like seeing you upset."

"Ok, but promise not to be mad. This isn't my fault. I had nothin to do with it, nothing."

"I promise"

Taylah began to explain to Paul everything about Cooper. How he kissed her and then sent her those red roses. She was ballig her eyes out. She didn't know what else to do she told him. She even went as far to tell Paul how she couldn't stop thinking about Cooper.

Paul stood up and started pacing the bedroom. He was furious. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to comfort Taylah but he was so mad.
He got dressed and Taylah heard the door slam.

She layed back down on the bed and just cried. What had she done. Why did she say anything at all. She has just ruined what she had with Paul, and all over something stupid.
She grabbed the phone and rang Bell. She knew it was early, but she needed someone, and she could get Chris to look out for Paul because who knows what he would do right now.

"Hello, Bell, I need you! I just did something really stupid, really stupid." Taylah cried into the phone.

"Taylah, what happened"

Taylah cried into the phone and told Bell everything. She needed to hear that what she had done will be fixed. It will be ok after he has calmed down. Wouldn't it.
Bell tried to calm Taylah down, but nothing was working. She told Taylah that she would get Chris to go and find him. He would bring him back home and they could sort things out.
They hung up the phone and Taylah just continued to cry. What had she done.


Paul was so angry. How could this happen. Did Taylah not love him the way she said she did. What was Cooper's problem. He had some nerve. How dare he kiss his girl. Taylah was his. At least he thought so. He wanted to kill Cooper so badly. But he wasn't that type of person. Or was he??

His mobile phone rang. He answered it "Hello" he said coldly

"Hey man, it's Chris. What's going on? Where are you?" Taylah is beside herself. She just rang Bell man. What's happening?" Chris said.

"She kissed that Cooper guy, that f***ker. What is his deal amn. He knew that she was with me!" Paul screamed back into the phone.

Chris tried to calm Paul down. He told him to go home and speak to Taylah and sort this out. He reminded him they were having a baby. He realy needed to work this out. Paul said he would go, but he just wanted some space. He promised her would go home as soon as he was ready.


Taylah decided she would have a shower while waiting for Paul to come home.
She was letting the water run down her and then all of a sudden she felt a bit sick. She looked down and there was blood falling to the ground......


OH MY GOD..... tune in for the next chapter...[/b]
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Post by yadie05 »

she will mis carry cos of stress, it happens a lot
or maybe she got her time of month and still is pregnant
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Post by luvlicca »

dont know.......... havent decided what will happen!!
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Post by bellastar »

is it murder? can you really imagine paul killing someone! 8 o
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i really havent decided!!
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PASSIONS - Chapter 14

Paul slammed the door and ran into the bathroom. He saw Taylah laid out on the floor. She was holding her stomach and crying her eyes out.
He picked her up and took her straight to the car. He jumped in the drivers side and put his foot down.

He kept an eye on Taylah as well as the road. He was petrified. What had happened while he was gone. Was this is fault. He had s many thoguhts running thru his head.

Taylah was hunched over in so much pain. She had no idea what was happening. All she did was take a shower. She grabbed Pauls hand and held it tight. She didnt want to let it go.

Before they knew it they were at the hospital. Paul jumped out of the car and ran inside, he came back out with a nurse and a wheelchair. they helped her out of the car and got her into a room straight away.
They helped her onto the bed and then the nurse went to get a doctor. Paul sat next to her and held her, he didnt want to let her go. He was so scared for her right now.

The doctor walked into the room and asked a few questions about what had happened prior to coming to the hospital. Taylah explained that she was just having a shower, and that her and Paul had been arguing, but nothing strenuious. Paul was getting frustrated. He just wanted to know what was happening. The doctor said he needed to run some tests and he took some blood out of her arm and said he would be back as soon as he could.

Paul sat on the end of the bed and took Taylah's hand. He held it tight.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I feel like this is my fault. I should never had left you. I'm so sorry." he said as he had tears welling in his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have told you as soonas it happened. But I promise you, there is nothing going on with Cooper. He means nothing to me" Taylah replied crying.

They hugged and Paul kissed her passionately. He couldn't help himself. This wasn't the time or place. He needed to get some air, so he can let himself calm down.

"I'll be back in a minute. I just need to calm down for a bit ok. I can't have you in here." He said as he walked out of the room.

Just as he walked out the door of Taylah's room, he spotted Cooper walking towards it.
It didn't take Paul long. He walked over to Cooper who held his hand out to shake his and Paul just threw his fist into Cooper's face.

"How f*cken dare you. She is taken you asshole. Who the hell do you think you are?" Paul yelled at he top if his lungs.

"She came on to me mate. Not the other way around. Besides, did you ever think she wanted something better" Cooper said sarcastically

Paul just turned around and walked outside. he couldn't believe he did that. But he derserved it he thought to himself.


Cooper stormed into Taylahs room and took one look at her and kissed her. He was really pushing his luck.

"Get off me" Taylah yelled "What is your problem. I'm in hospital and in pain. What are you even doing here. Go away"

"Sorry, I can't help it. I want you. Your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I want yu to be mine." Cooper said. There he put his feelings on the line.

"You have to be kidding don't you. I'm with Paul and I'm having his baby. I don't want you. Now get out" Taylah said.

Just as she finished her sentence, Paul walked into the room.

"You have some nerve mate. Get the f*ck out of this room before I beat the shit out of you. NOW!" Paul said as calmly as he could.


Cooper literally ran out of the room. Shit, he didn't know that she was pregnant. Did it matter. He didnt think so. He was falling in love with her. Everytime he saw her, it made him realise how much he wanted and needed her. He had told her how he felt, would she return his feelings, or was he wasting his time. He was hoping she would be feeling the same. But of course with a baby on the way, it would make it a lot more difficult.


"Did he do anything to you" Paul asked

"No it's ok. I'm fine. I don't even know what he was doing here." Taylah replied as the doctor walked in.

"Ok, now first things first, your baby is fine. You lost a little bit of blood but nothing that will cause any danger to either of you. we can't tell you why you lost the blood, all i can suggest is that you just relax and don't do anything that will put you into a stressful situation. I will give you a prescription that will help keep your blood pressure down and hopefully keep you relaxed. If you have any more problems please come back and see me immediately. The nurse will come and discharge you and then you can go." he said

Paul and Taylah hugged and gave each other a kiss.

"The baby's ok. Thank god" Paul said smiling.

"Yes. I'm so glad. Now we can start over, from the beginning and work this out. We will be ok." Taylah said.

"Yes, yes we will" Paul said as he hugged her one more time.

The nurse walked in and gave Taylah her medication and explained when and how many to take. She filled in her clipboard and then said that Taylah was ok to go.

Paul helped her get dressed and then helped her out to car. They were on their way home.


So the baby's ok, and Paul and Taylah are going to sort thru things, but does she have feelings for Cooper??
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 15

Paul opened the door and helped Taylah in the door. She walked into the bedroom and layed down on the bed. It felt good to be home. Paul put her bags down and went and sat beside her. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her forehead.

"Is everything ok between us?" Taylah asked

"Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just worried about you. Are you ok?" he replied.

Taylah nodded. She couldn't help but wonder what had happened between Paul and Cooper. Especially seeing as Paul didnt do anything rash when he caught Cooper in her room. But then again, she didnt tell him that Cooper kissed her. She didnt dare this time. She didnt want thins to get any worse than they did yesterday. At east now he knew what had happened the first time, so there was no point in making it worse.

She just closed her eyes and planted a kiss on Paul's lips. He returned the favour. The next thing they know, there was clothes all over the floor and the bed was in a mess.
But they were happy. It was exactly how it should be. They were celebrating the fact they are going to become parents, and why not do it the same way they made their baby!!
Nothing was going to spoil this moment. Not even Taylah's mind slipping back to Cooper every now and then. She was just concentrating on the man in front of her.


Yadie and Dids were just coming home from dinner out. They had a great evening. All Alan did was stare at Yadie. He couldnt take his eyes off her. She was beautiful. He was mesmerised. He had not taken so much notice of how beautiful she was. Ever since the guys were discussing there relationships, he looked at her in a different light.

"Whats going on with you?" Yadie asked. "What you kee staring at me for? What have I done?"

"Absolutely nothing. Can't I just admire your beauty." he replied

Yadie just gave a small giggle "Of course you can! But are you going to oen the door?"

Alan walked over and opened the door and watched her shuffle past him. What an ass he thought!!

They were inside and Yadie was walking to the bedroom taking her shoes off, Alan went and put some music on, a slow song was all she could hear.
She walked ou and there he was standing in the middle f the lounge room holding out his hand.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked.

Yadie walked over to him and he took her in his arms and pulled her close. His breath was hot over her neck. Yadie couldnt bear it. He was making her so hot.
She was motioning him towards to the bedroom, but he seemed so content in finshing the dance. So they did.
After the music stopped, Alan got down on one knee.

OHHHHHHHHHH whats going on here!!
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Post by leelee »

he fell over?
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Post by luvlicca »

dunno maybe he did, or maybe hes tying up his shoe lace!!
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Post by yadie05 »

ahhhhh maybe he passes out lol
could there be another marriage???
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Post by leelee »

but he is still enganged too trout mouth
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Post by luvlicca »

not in my story he aint
i wasnt having him with trout pout at all.
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 16

Yadie didn't know what Alan was doing. Her mind was racing. She was hoping he was tyong his shoes up.
Alan was starting to sweat a little. What was he doing? Is this the right thing? Yeah of course it is. He couldn't lose her. This was the right thing. He felt it in his gut. He had never felt this way before. She was special.

"Yadie, I love you so much. I don't want to lose you. After everything that has happened with Paul and Taylah, I want to make sure you will always be with me." he said

Yadie had tears welling in her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'll always be here for you."

"I'm glad to hear it. But I have something to ask you." he said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small box. He took hold of Yadie's left hand and he opened the box, inside was a beautiful diamond 5 carat ring. (coz you deserve such a ring)

"Yadie, will you marry me? You will make me the happiest man alive uf you say yes!"

"Oh my god, oh my god!!!" Yadie said staring at the ring. (Cant blame her, its a huge diamond)

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!" she screamed.

Alan put the ring on her finger and stood up. He planted a passionate kiss on her lips and picked her up and took her into the bedroom.


Taylah was lying in bed exhausted. Paul really took the wind out of her sails tonight. He was in a good mood and it showed. He rolled over and gave Taylah a quick kiss and jumped out of bed. He headed for the shower.
What a stallion Taylah thought. She was was still trying to gt her breath back.
Her train of thought was broken by the phone ringing.


"Hi hun, it's Lee. How's things going? Just thought I'd find out how you were doing since you came out of hospital?"

"Hey Lee, I'm good thanks. Everything is fine now. Thanks for asking. How is things with Ryan?"

"They are great. He stayed over and we woke up together. It was awesome. I think I'm falling in love with him. And I didn't plan for that to happen. I guess it was meant to be"

"Thats really good to hear. I'm pleased for you. Look I have to go..... I am being called. I'll talk to you later ok. Bye"

"Ok then bye"


Chris was putting the finishing touches on a dinner he prepared for him and Bell. He was planning tis night for a while. This was his night to ask her to move in with him. He wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but he still not sure about the marriage part. He thought if she moved in with him, he could see how things went and go from there.

"Knock knock" Bell said as she walked into the kitchen (she had her own key to his place anyway)

"Hey babe, how was your day?" he said as he gave her a kiss

"Yeah good, but whats for dinner I'm starving" she returning the kiss.

"That's a surprise. Before we eat I have something to ask you though."

"Oh, ok then. What is it? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is great, that's why I want to know...... Will you move in to my place with me?"

Bell was speechless. He was serious. He didnt believe in this sort of stuff, did he??

"Ummmm, I don't know. Is this what you really want? I know you don't believe in this stuff. I don't want you to do anything you dont want to?"

"Do you think I would ask you if I didn't want you to be here with me? I know I have had problems with committments in the past, but you are really special to me and I don't want my insercruties to jeopardise this relationship with you. I want you here with me everyday and every hour. I love you. I want to be with you!!"

"Well then, how can I argue with that. Of course I will move in with you" Bell said. She ave him a hug and a kiss.

Chris pulled away, "Sorry got to check dinner"


Wow looks like everyones relationships are heading in the right direction, somehting has to happen..... doesn't it??
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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