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Post by yadie05 »

nice one dan, toned it down a lil lmao
not that some of us mind hehe
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah well now taylahs fat... so have to wait for the saucy stuff till after the birth of the child i guess!!
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PASSIONS - Chapter 22

The guys were pulling up to Alan's place all dressed up and ready to take him out on the town for one final bachelor night!! No strings tonight! It was all about the boys.

Chris was pumped. It was to be his final outing as a former team mate before he went over to Perth with Bell forever. He was going to have the time of his life.
Ryan wanted to have a great time too!! He was so over Lee. He couldnt even be bothered answering her calls, or seeing her. She had really hurt him, and now he was determined to let his hair down and have a drunken and fun night!!
Paul on the other hand was ready to have a good time, but his mind was on Taylah. She was having some weird feelings over the last few days, and wasnt feeling the best. But she wouldnt let him stay at home with her. She wanted him to have a good time with his mates. Especially Alan, it was his bucks night after all!! So he made sure he took his phone with him in case she needed him and he also asked Bell and Yadie to stay with her while he was out. Of course the girls agreed. They would do anything for each other. It was the way they all were.


Lee was on her own. She didnt go to Taylahs. She realy wasnt in the mood to hear all their love tales. She was devestated. Ryan was still ignoring her. She didnt think it was that big a deal. But he did. And that is where they were divivded. This was never gonna go away. But she didnt want to get married, she wasnt ready.
Maybe she needed to get away. Maybe she should just pack her stuff back up and move across country. Then she could start over. But before she did she thought she should try one more time with Ryan. But not tonight cause she knew he was out with the guys. Unless she went and found them and tried talking to him face to face. Maybe if he was drinking, he would listen to her??
She just needed to know where they were going to. She made a few phone calls and found they were all heading to the Boutique to start with. So she went and got changed, called a cab and off she went. She needed answers to help her make up her mind.


The girls were all sitting around watching chick flicks, and having a erv on some of the guys on screen. But of course none of those guys could even come close to their men!!

"So, have you figured out your hair yet??" Taylah asked Yadie

"Nope. I'm going to the hairdressers on Saturday. I'll be there for about half a day working with Tonya and coming up with something for all of you and for me. I cant wait." she replied.

They started flicking thru magazines when all of a sudden Taylah let out a huge cry.

The girls jumped up and rushed to her side.

"What's wrong??" Bell asked looking a little pale

"I dont know, I thought the bub was just kicking me, but I dont think it is" she said.

"Do I need to ring Paul?" Yadie asked.

"No, its ok, the pain has gone." Taylah said.

They went back to the magazines, and watching tv and talking. It was all right for now. They were all happy.


Down at Boutique the guys were downing drinks quicker than you could say there names. Ryan was checking out a few stunners in the corner of the bar, Chris Paul and Alan were all sitting in there booth, chatting. Alan wasnt even paying attention when a couple of girls walked over to him and started shaking their ass in his face. He had a quick look, then tunred and finished his drink. He was only interested in Yadie, and he couldnt wait to get home to her!!
Chris and Paul were having a nice look, but it was nothing special. They used to love this attention, but not anymore. They were all grown up now.
The only one paying attention was good ol Ryan. He was letting these hoochies drape themselves all over him, and he was really enjoying it too. The others were just having a good old laugh at him, but he didnt care.

Just as one of the girls planted a kiss on his lips, Lee walked in. She saw the whole thing. She was shattered to think that he could move on so quickly. She didnt need to speak to him now, she knew he wasnt coming back, it was over for good. As she left the club, she started crying, this was not how her life was supposed to turn out. Now she was going to be packing all her stuff up and leaving yet another town.

Back inside, Ryan had seen Lee walk in and made sure she seen his kiss, but he wasnt expecting her to just walk out. But she had, now it seemed it was all but over. Little did he know, it was over and Lee was leaving Victoria forever.

Paul was just having a mouthful of drink when he got a sick feeling to his stomach. Was Taylah alright. Surely if something was happening the girls would have rung and let him know.
He went back to drinking. The guys decided it was time to move on to a new night spot. Where were they going to go next??


There was a knock at the door, Yadie got up to answer it.

"Hi, I'm here for Taylah"

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Post by bellastar »

hey, you can't just end the episode like that! i want more, i'm curious!
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Post by Daisy Chains »

Totally agree Bell.! Danni you can't just leave us hanging like this......
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Post by luvlicca »

Its coming its coming
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Post by luvlicca »

HUH what you on about Mags???
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PASSIONS - Chapter 23

"Excuse me??" Yadie said to the stranger at the door.

"I said I am here for Taylor" he repeated

Yadie didnt move, she didnt know who this guy was. It couldnt have been a stripper coz if it was, they would have asked for her. Wouldt they??


Lee got home and started packing her stuff into bags and whatever else she could find. She was leaving and she was leaving now.
As she was packing stuff there was a knock at the door. She went and answered it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked looking at Ryan.

"I seen you at the club. And I wanted to come and talk to you" he said

"Well now you have talked so you can leave. I'm in a hurry."

Ryan took a step inside the door and seen the boxes and bags everywhere.

"Where are you going?" he said

"I have to go to Qld for work, and I have to leave tomorrow morning" Lee said, it was the first place she thought of.

"And you werent going to say goodbye?" he asked

"Well, I came to find you , but you were busy with all those other girls, so I thought I would leave you piece" she said as she turned away so Ryan couldnt see the tears welling in her eyes.

"So if you dont mind I have plenty to do and not enough time"

"Fine then, be like that. You could have rang me as well you know." he replied

"I have tried plenty of times, but you dont answer my calls, so I thought Id find you. But now I wish I hadnt. So leave, I dont need this anymore!! Lee yelled at Ryan

Ryan tunred around and walked out the door.

"If I leave now, theres no going back, I will never see you again" Ryan said

"I know. Goodbye" Lee replied and shut the front door.

Ryan was gobsmacked, he hadnt realised that his actions earlier had hurt Lee so much. Now he couldnt do anything about it, she was leaving.
He walked away and kept looking back, for just in case she opened the door agan. But to no avail, she wasnt going to. It was over.

Lee finshed up what she was doing and called a cab, this was it. SHe was outta here.
She left a note for the girls to find on her door explaining everything and she would ring them soon.
The cab arrived, and Lee was gone for good!!


The guys wondered where Ryan had got to. He wasnt with them when they went to the Pennisula. They all thought maybe he went off with the chick from the last club.

Alan was well on his way to getting tanked and Chris and Paull had had there fair share too!!
Paul was still a bit uneasy about the feeling he was having earlier. He felt like there was something wrong, but he couldnt put his finger on it. Chris could see a bit of strain on his face.

"Mate, whats going on?? You looked worried" he asked

"Its probably nothing, but I feel like something is wrong with Taylah. But Im sure if there was, the girls would ring. Right??" he said

"Yeah mate for sure. Bell said shed ring me as well, so dont worry! We are here to have a good time so lets do that!!" Chis said.

Paul just laughed and they ordered another drink. By now Alan was hitting the dance floor. He was shaking his booty all over the place. Chris and Paul thought they may as well jump in the deep end as well. So up they got.


Back at Taylahs place Yadie was at the end of her tether with the guy at the door. He wouldn tell her who is was, or why he wanted Taylah. So for that reason Yadie finally had a enough and shut the door in his face.

"Who was that?" Taylah asked

"Dunno, no one there when I answered it" she lied

So nothing more was made of it.


Who is at the door?? And what do they want with Taylah??
What will Ryan do??
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Post by yadie05 »

its that interferering wanker cooper!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

Cooper isnt carlscum darling!! he plays for the Melbourne Storm!! and he is hot!!!
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Post by melissa »

it's the taxman! Taylah forgot to put in her return for last year! They're going to go through her finances and will have to pay the Federal Government heaps in back tax! And she won't get the baby bonus!
(sorry, just in a real pessimistic mood, lol).
Gee we're all really laying into Lee at the moment. You would think she'd stolen someone's bf! (did she?)
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Post by luvlicca »

dunno man, but she wanted out so im writing her out!!
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Post by melissa »

Yeah i think she wanted out of everyone's stories.
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

new ep is on the way, just finishing it off!!
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- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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