The Boundary Line

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Post by melissa »

we missed u 2. Does anyone know what's happened with Em? Haven't seen her around.
Gee, everyone's sick at the moment, one of my best buds had her whole fam come down with food poisoning. Don't ever buy Safeway chickens that you have to cook yourself.
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Post by bellastar »

i'm glad you missed me. missed everyone else too! sorry about your friend and her family.

where are you, emily? come out, come out wherever you are!
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah cant wait for the next episode!!! Im so hooked on these stories its so sad, but good as well!!

bring it on!!
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Post by bellastar »

With only four more episodes left of Season 2, I’m really going to need heaps of ideas for the next season. I have written down quite a few already, especially for the first episode of Season 3, but I am open to anyone who has anything good to contribute. Yes, the fans always know best, so let your imaginations run wild and contribute! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Guess who’s back? Back again? All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Bella‘s back! Tell a friend................

And now, the 25th episode of Anna Nicole Smith’s last shred of dignity....................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: While Arabella profusely apologised to Ryan for the pregnancy boo-boo, Ryan wouldn’t have a bar of it and berated Arabella, telling her he never wanted to see her again. Arabella was devastated. Meanwhile, Estella was still chained and bound to her bed. Reaching her phone, she called Shae for help. Also, whilst at training, Dale was distracted by the thought of horny trophy wife Mrs Muscat. Then, Travis ended up spotting all the lovebites and scratches riddled all over Dale’s body, done at the sadistic hands of Mrs Muscat. Dale quickly ran off in embarrassment, confused. Meanwhile, Arabella was crying her eyes out over her argument with Ryan. She realised then how much she loved him. And what a big mistake she made in running away and marrying Brodie. After Brodie told her to forget all about Ryan, Arabella got angry, finally at the end of her tether. Then, just as she was announcing that she wanted an annulment, stormtroopers and army personnel flooded the room............


Shae untied the last of Estella’s chains, freeing her from the bed. “I can’t believe it, your Dad went to all this trouble to keep you and Chris apart? That’s sick!” Shae exclaimed, appalled.

Estella stretched out her limbs, still in a little bit of pain after so long. “We have to hurry! Dad and Stifley are probably heading to the prison right now!” she cried. “We have to get there before they do!”

The two girls quickly exited the room in a mess of adrenaline and worry. Estella was panicking. Had Dad and Stifley already gotten to Chris? She prayed to God they hadn’t.


Arabella had suddenly found herself on a plane, flying to God knows where. A sense of deja vu overwhelmed her. She was surrounded by a bevy of army officers and troopers, all armed with expressionless faces. And really big AK-47’s. Arabella was scared. “Where am I going!?” she demanded, once again.

No one answered her.

“Tell me now! Where is this plane going!? Where is Brodie!?”

Still, Arabella was ignored.

“Just tell me.............”

“We are not authorised to tell the whereabouts of your destination or of the said fugitive,” interrupted a random army officer, barking at Arabella.

Arabella was getting frustrated. “Why can’t I just............”

“No more questions!”

Arabella slumped in her seat. Now was her time to reflect on everything that had happened, how she had destroyed her own happiness with Ryan for a quick fling; how she had fallen head first into marriage and fake pregnancy, not even ready for any kind of huge commitment in her life like that yet. Then there was Ryan’s vow of never seeing her again, how angry he was, as well as finally asking Brodie for an annulment.

Arabella sighed. Her life was now a misery. How would she pick up the pieces?


Fenella looked through the telescope with content. She had the perfect view from her room into Ryan’s room in the hotel across the road. She had been biding her time, and now that he had finally seen the light and left Arabella for good, he was all free for Fenella to capture. Lucky she had the technology to listen to all the conversations, what with all those bugging devices implanted both in Arabella’s and Ryan’s rooms.

Today would be the day Fenella made her move. Today was the day she would kidnap Ryan, where she would finally have him in her clutches, the day she had been dreaming of for ages.

Fenella watched as Ryan sat in his room, mindlessly flicking through channels on TV in a depressed stupor. Perfect timing.

“Ready to go now,” said Fenella, talking into her walkie-talkie, radioing in the SWAT team she hired to help in her mission

Fenella then walked out of her room, her and her SWAT team ready to capture Ryan........


He just couldn’t help himself. Dale had gone back to Muscat Manor and, of course, he and Mrs Muscat were getting it on once again! Dale was drawn to her somehow. Whether it was her sky-blue, 80’s style bogan eyeshadow or her raspy, shrill voice destroyed by years of smoking the finest cigars that attracted him, Dale just knew there was something about her.

As Dale and Mrs Muscat were playing yet another round of ‘Hide The Sausage’, they heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

“Oh My God! Its my husband! You have to hide!” barked Mrs Muscat. She quickly shooed Dale into the walk-in robe, with him climbing in top of the top shelf. She quickly shut the door behind him and composed herself, grabbing her dressing gown, whilst hiding the sausage.

Then, Mr Muscat entered the room, just in time. “Dear, are you here?” he called out.

Mrs Muscat tottered out of the bathroom. “Oh, didn’t here you come in,” she lied, cool as a cucumber.

“Good news! Arabella has been found and she’s coming home! She’s on a flight right now! I knew we’d find her!” cheered Mr Muscat.

“That’s fantastic, sweetheart,” replied Mrs Muscat, though still distracted.

“Now I’ve got to go call New Idea and make a deal for the rights to the story!” Mrs Muscat then excitedly ran off.

Mrs Muscat closed the door behind him, breathing a sigh of relief. “Dale, you can come out, he’s gone,” she called.

Dale climbed off the shelf and opened the door. He was still a little shaken and scared.

“That was close,’ breathed Mrs Muscat. Then, she started to get excited. Dale caught the naughty twinkle in her eye. “That was real close.........” she purred. “We were nearly caught.”

Dale smiled. He caught her drift. Suddenly, they got their freak back on, and fell back onto the bed, enraptured with passion once again. The sausage also joined in the fun, too!

Now You Decide:

How will Mr and Mrs Muscat discipline Arabella for her behaviour?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by melissa »

They send her to a convent? Enter her into Australia's Next Princess or whatever that bloody dreadful show is called? She certainly needs a lesson in etiquette. Or something. I mean, who dumps Ryan Lonie for Brodie Holland, except for maybe... Brodie Holland's fans... and Sarita? No offence to Brodie but he just doesn't do it for me.
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Post by luvlicca »

hahaha thats so funny mel!!!
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Post by bellastar »

Once again, I apologise for the delays in posting new episodes. I got caught up in the bushfires and had to evacuate. My computer, among other things, got put into storage. But now that I’m back, everything will start coming along smoothly, hopefully! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Sorry I‘ve been away a lot........ All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Travel, the flu, bushfire, it all sounds totally weird!

And now, the 26th of everyone’s belated New Year present........................

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Shae rescued Estella from being chained and bound her bed, and quickly rushed off to find Chris before Dad and Stifley did. Meanwhile, Arabellawas on a plane heading home. She begged to know where she was going, but no one would tell her. Arabella then lamented on the misery that was now her life. Also, Fenella finally activated her plan to kidnap Ryan now that Arabella was out of the picture, and so she summoned her SWAT team. Dale and Mrs Muscat also got it on again and nearly got caught by Mr Muscat! As he came bursting into the room announcing that Arabella had been found, Dale quickly hid. When Mr Muscat left, Mrs Muscat and Dale counted their blessings.........Then naturally got back to getting their freak in once again!............


After much unhappily wedded bliss, a fake pregnancy and the fact that she had practically disappeared without a trace, Arabella was finally home. Like being sent into the principal’s office, she was seated in front of her parents, ready to be interrogated about her torrid affair with Brodie and her scantily-clad lifestyle on Temptation Island.

“Do you realise what hell you put us both through!?” spat Mr Muscat, pacing around his study angrily. “How much we spent on the FBI and ASIO just to find you!?”

“How could you run off with that cad Brodie?” cried Mrs Muscat, appalled. “And to not even tell us where!”

“It was all Brodie’s idea, not mine!” argued Arabella. “It was all spur of the moment, I swear!”

“Well, just so you know, we know of every sordid detail that happened on you little rendezvous away with Brodie,” snapped Mr Muscat, knowingly.

Arabella stiffened. They knew everything?

“Oh yes, Arabella. Everything! The marriage at Marilyn Manson’s wedding chapel, you breaking Ryan’s heart, the fake pregnancy................”

Arabella could tell by her father’s emphasis that he was not happy with that last little detail.

“”But it was a mistake, I wasn’t pregnant! I didn’t know, I’m so sorry, I really am!” Arabella pleaded.

“Oh, Arabella, how could you!?” sobbed her mother, collapsing onto the couch.

Mr Muscat looked at Arabella with direct scorn. “Look what you have done! Not only to your mother and I, but to yourself! You have practically destroyed your life. And for what? Just for some silly little fling with that pretty boy Magpie!”

Arabella looked down, totally ashamed. She couldn’t think of anything else to defend herself with. Why bother, its not like her father would listen anyway.

“Firstly, I will ensure that your marriage is deemed null and void,” announced Mr Muscat.

Arabella didn’t bother to argue that, since that was what she had wanted in the first place.


“Also, I feel you have left your mother and I with no choice but you in a nunnery training convent for disobedient young women. I’m sorry, but I feel you have become too wayward and troublesome for us to handle. You need rules and boundaries, Arabella. You need discipline! I feel we have done all we could. This is now out of our hands. We can do no more.”

“No, you can’t do this!” cried Arabella. “Don’t do it! I’ll change, I promise!”

“Sorry Arabella, but its too late for that,” replied Mr Muscat. He and Mrs Muscat then left the room solemnly, with Mrs Muscat still sobbing. Arabella was left alone to wallow in her own disbelief.

“No! No! Why?” bawled Arabella, distraught.

Unfortunately, the damage had been done. Arabella was to start anew as a straightlaced and conservative nun in training, a whole new life, leaving her old, torrid one behind. There was no way she would get Ryan back now.


Fenella slowly walked around Ryan, whose wrists and ankles were tied up to circulation-hindering proportions to the metal chair in the middle of the dank and depressing room. Ryan struggled to loosen the ropes, as Fenella watched on in sick satisfaction.

“Fenella, why are you doing this!?” exclaimed Ryan, horrified. “Look, I care for you very much as a friend, but I just don’t love you! I’m sorry, but I just don’t!”

Just then, Ryan was smacked across the head by one of the SWAT team members circled around him in a menacing fashion. Ryan winced in pain.

“But Ryan, I’m doing this for us!” whined Fenella, in a rather eerie sing-song voice. “ I love you, more than Arabella ever did! We were meant to be together, Ryan. I love you.”

Ryan was incredibly creeped out. “But Fenella, we just don’t belong together. You can’t make someone love you. Just let me go!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” explained Fenella, quietly, still sounding unhinged. “I just cannot let you go.”

Ryan slumped in the metal seat, feeling defeated. He was scared shitless. How the hell would he get out of this one?


Shae and Estella ran into the office of the prison, hoping that they weren’t too late. They asked for Chris’ cell block number, and were allowed access.

However, their relief soon turned to shock when they found that Chris, and any trace of him, were all but gone. Estella started to shake with fear. She quickly stopped a passing guard. “Excuse me, could you please tell me what happened to the guy who was in this cell?” Estella asked, as calmly as she could.

“Two guys came in and paid his bail this morning,” replied the guard. “They were talking about going to the airport or something.”

Estella was freaking out. Stifley and Dad had beaten them to the punch and were now escorting Chris to the airport to send him away!

“Thanks for that,” she said, then quickly walked out of the prison with Shae. They had to hurry before Stifley and Winchester finally got their way, and split Estella and Chris up for good.

Time was now against them.......................

Now You Decide:

Will Det. Stifley and Mr Winchester beat Estella and Shae to the airport?

*Reviews and suggestions appreciated!
*Voting- first posted, first served!
*And please answer the question!!! I can’t read your mind on what’s gonna happen next! YOU have to tell me!
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Post by luvlicca »

ooooooooooo, chris will be rescued for sure!!
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Post by melissa »

i think Estella should ring in a bomb threat at the airport. That'd stop the plane from leaving!
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Post by bellastar »

Sorry its been awhile, what with the fires and going on holiday and all. But now, by some kind of popular demand, i give you the latest episode......

And now, the 27th episode of.......

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Arabella was finally home. Her parents interrogated her thoroughly, and they knew of every little sordid detail of Arabella's runaway abroad. Even the fake pregnancy! At a loss as to how to control Arabella, Mr and Mrs Muscat decided the best way to discipline her was to send her to the most strictest of convents. Arabella protested, but the decision was final. She was distraught. Meanwhile, Fenella was holding Ryan captive, pledging her love for him in a rather creepy, sing-song manner. Ryan was scared. Also, Estella and Shae made it to the jail to break Chris free.............Only to find him gone! Apparently, Det. Stifley and Mr Winchester had beaten them to the punch and bailed Chris out, and were now escorting him onto a plane! Estella and Shae hurried to beat them there in time................


Estella and Shae had luckily beaten Det. Stifley and Mr Winchester to the airport, posting a fake bomb threat to the airport, believing anything in this terrorist-fearing world.

But they didn't have time to celebrate, as the dastardly duo, along with Chris, had just walked into the place, hot on the heels.

"Chris!" cried Estella.

She raced over to him, not caring about Stifley and her father. Chris also broke out of Stifley's grip and swept Estella off her feet, kissing her and holding her tightly.

"I thought I'd never see you again!" exclaimed Chris.

But before they could get comfortable.........

"I wouldn't be doing that," said Stifley, in a low and evil tone.

The lovebirds turned around. Stifley held out a gun, as was Mr Winchester. Estella and Chris froze. Shae gasped.

All went quiet............


Arabella was sitting in the lounge room when her father came in, looking a little flustered.

"Dad, what's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"Apparently, Ryan has gone missing. ASIO reported it to me this morning. They think Fenella is behind it all."

Arabella was angry and appalled. Fenella, her own best friend, trying to steal her one true love! How could she?

But Arabella then remembered that she was no better- she too had stolen someone else's boyfriend.

But how would she find Ryan and save him? And what about Brodie?

"Dad, you have to tell me- where is Brodie?" begged Arabella.

"Brodie is gone! That is that!" boomed her father, angrily. He then stormed out of the lounge.

Arabella was devastated. Her ex-BFF had stolen the one she love most; he hated her; and she was responsible for someone's disappearance!

How would she fix all this?


Meanwhile, as all this drama in Muscat Manor unfolded, someone was watching from outside. They continued to spy, waiting for the right time to pounce, to infiltrate the place.

They wanted to get their deserved revenge on Arabella, for all she had caused, for all she had ruined.

They had been planning this revenge for a long time. And come hell or high water, they will get it!...........


"Please, Fenella, you can't keep doing this! How is this making things better?! Please, just let me go! This is insane!"

"No, Ryan," replied Fenella, in her eerie voice. "I just can't do that. The only way you can be freed is if you marry me. Will you marry me, Ryan?"

Ryan gasped in horror. That was basically a contradiction in terms! He really valued his safety, his life. Ryan really did want to escape this madness.

But was he prepared to go this far for freedom?


Now You Decide:

Will Ryan marry Fenella to save himself?
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Post by melissa »

Ugh. Marriage sucks. He should marry her, so she'll untie him then get a quickie divorce.
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Post by luvlicca »

he should for the sake of the story.... then make her pay for what she has made him do!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by bellastar »

Its oh-so close now. After this episode, the finale of Season 2 is next. Can you believe it- we have already gone through two seasons of The Boundary Line within 7 months! And man, has it been a fun ride! And I’ve already started planning Season 3. Its going to be way more different to Seasons 1 and 2, believe me! A whole new direction! A complete overhaul! Anyway, enjoy the second last episode..........

Disclaimer: All events and characters are fictional. Written without player and club permission. Not long till the finale! All events and personas do not reflect those of the players and club. Only one episode left! Prepared to be shocked!

And now, the 28th episode of the Australian Soap of The Year.............

The Boundary Line

What Has Happened So Far: Estella and Shae finally made it to the airport. But Stifley and Winchester quickly caught up with them, with Chris in tow. As Estella and Chris embraced one another, Det. Stifley pulled out his gun, along with Mr Winchester. Estella, Chris and Shae all gasped in horror. Would they really shoot them? Meanwhile, Mr Muscat told Arabella that Ryan had gone missing, and that Fenella might be behind it. Even thought she had stolen someone else’s boyfriend in return, Arabella couldn’t help but feel betrayed. She was devastated. Whilst this drama went on, someone was watching, waiting for the right time to seek revenge on Arabella. But who?..........Also, Ryan begged once again to Fenella to let him go. But she refused, explaining that the only way he could be free was if he married her. Was Ryan prepared to do that?


Estella, Shae and Chris were still at gunpoint. They were acting as cautious as possible. Any minute now, either Mr Winchester or Det. Stifley could fire. They were both crazy enough to do it.

“Shae, just run now,” yelled Estella. “This doesn’t involve you! Just run away and find help now!”

“Estella, no, I can’t............”

“Just go, Shae! I don’t want you to get hurt!”

Shae sighed. She reluctantly left and ran, trying to find help from anywhere she could.

Estella and Chris were now left at gunpoint. “Dad, please don’t do this! This isn’t worth it!” screamed Estella. “This is not the answer!”

But her pleas went ignored. “Sorry, Estella, but you’ve gone too far this time,” replied Mr Winchester, gruffly.

“Look, this is between you and me, Mr Winchester,” said Chris, as calmly as possible. “Just let Estella go. You can’t possibly shoot your own daughter, can you?”

Estella was appalled. “Chris, no!”

But neither Dad nor Stifley were budging. “I don’t think so,” replied Mr Winchester. “You robbed me of my daughter. Now I’ll rob you of your life!”

“Dad, no!”

But Dad and Stifley were only fooling. For now.

Chris and Estella were trapped. They were running out of options. And time!


Arabella still couldn’t bear the thought of Fenella stealing Ryan away from her. She really wanted Ryan back in her arms, to be forgive, to forget all about the past few months. Arabella had decided to run back to Temptation Island to free Ryan from Fenella’s clutches, as well as to ask Fenella what the f--k her problem was!

She had packed her things and was ready to go. However, just as Arabella was about to leave, she was attacked by a stranger! Wearing one of those Warnie masks from the Herald Sun!

“Get off me! Ahhhhh!!!!” screamed Arabella.

“You ruined everything for me, you slut!” growled the stranger.

Mr and Mrs Muscat had heard the commotion and had run upstairs, alerting the storm troopers. Everyone rushed up, breaking up the scrag fight between Arabella and the masked stranger. After resisting them both, Mr Muscat unveiled the assailant.................Sarita!

“Sarita?” murmured Arabella, bewildered. Everyone gasped.

It was pretty obvious why Sarita had broken in and attacked Arabella. Y’know, because she stole Brodie and destroyed her wedding? Remember, Season 1?

“I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for that meddling bitch!” screamed Sarita, Scooby-style. She was then dragged away by the storm troopers, but not before yelling “You’ll live to regret this!”

Everyone looked at one another. “Well, that was odd,” noted Mrs Muscat.

Awkward silence then followed the anti-climax.


It had been a few days, but Mrs Muscat had finally been able to meet up with Dale for a little rendezvous. Dealing with her stupid daughter and her runaway situation had left her incredibly frustrated and horny, so Dale was practically a dead man when she arrived!

As the age-challenged duo rolled around in the daisy bush in their unbridled passion for one another, Dale suddenly stopped, seemingly feeling uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong?” asked Mrs Muscat, concerned.

“Well, its just.............I think we should end this. Things are just becoming too risky and complicated, and you have so much to contend with right now, what with Arabella coming home; and with Ryan and Brodie. I feel like I’m getting in the way.............”

“No! You’re not! Trust me!” exclaimed Mrs Muscat. She was getting worried. She couldn’t lose Dale, Not now! “You keep me going, Dale. You’re the only thing I look forward to. You’re an escape from my mundane life, my dirty little secret.”

Dale started feeling guilty. He didn’t want to break Mrs Muscat’s heart. This was only just a bit of fun. Wasn’t it?

“Please, Dale. Don’t end this. You’re getting more sex than ever! And you’re still only 19!”

Dale thought about it. That was true........

“Fine.....” replied Dale, falling for the guilt trip.

Mrs Muscat squealed with glee. She then pounced on Dale, the two falling back onto the daisy bushes, their unbridled passion returning at an all-time high!

No question at all! The Season Finale of Season 2 is up next!
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Post by luvlicca »

ooooooooooooooooooooo very interesting!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by melissa »

yeah, don't blame Mrs Muscat, begging that nice piece of stuff to stick around lol!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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