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Post by melissa »

Can't I do them all? Lmao!!!
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

i guess thats up to bellastar... but if it waas me you could yes!!

wheres the new ep bellstar?? cant wait any longer!!
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Post by bellastar »

Episode 9: The ‘Hey, Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?’ Bit:

Melissa was making her way home. Not really concentrating on where she was going and in too much of a hurry, she went smack bang right into someone walking opposite her. Melissa stumbled back a few steps, then began to focus.

“Are you alright there?” a voice laughed.

Melissa looked up.


“Um, yeah, I’m fine......”

Heath paused for a moment. “Hey, aren’t you the girl from training. You know, the one I hit accidentally?”

Melissa blushed a little. “Um, yeah, that was me,” she giggled, like a schoolgirl. Noticing she was giggling just a little too much, she quickly stopped.

“So, what are you doing here now?” Heath smiled.

Melissa couldn’t help but notice how cute the freckles on Heath’s face looked when he smiled. “I work here now at the centre,” she replied. “I’m apart of the health care team as a remedial masseuse.”

“Well done,” congratulated Heath, patting Melissa on the shoulder.

She shivered slightly.

“Can’t wait for you to work your magic hands on me.”

Melissa fought the will to convulse at the thought.

She laughed. Unbeknownst to Heath, though, she couldn’t wait to work her magic hands on him either!

Melissa then caught sight of the time on the clock on the wall. She was going to be late to pick up Sherise and Kayla if she didn’t get going now. “Thanks, Heath. I’m so sorry, but I really have to be going. Have to pick up my kids from school.”

“You have kids?” questioned Heath, surprised. “I thought you were way younger, at least 27 or 28.”

Melissa was practically beaming when she heard that. Heath thought she was younger than she actually was! That had to e the best compliment she had ever received!

“Oh, thanks for the compliment, but I’m actually 33. But I have to admit that was flattering to hear!” laughed Melissa. Was she flirting with Heath? Well, he did start it.......

“Well, I better let you go then. I’ll see you around, Mel. See ya.”

Melissa continued on walking. She was a bit flustered. Heath was only 20, yet he already knew how to flatter a lady. An older lady........And he did it well! And it didn’t hurt that Heath was gorgeous to boot either!


All the girls had finally gotten out of the house to enjoy themselves. And to stop Deena from f--king whingeing about Stoner!

Everyone seemed to had floated off to all ends of the club, doing their own things. Maria had gone to the bar to order, waiting to be served. Then...............

“Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere?”
Maria spun around. Leaning beside her was Chris. Temptation was teasing her once again.

“Wasn’t I talking to you at Tullamarine Airport a couple of days ago?”

Maria was frozen to the spot. But since the silence was now starting to boarder on the awkward, she had to force out something. “Um, yeah, I talked to you,” she stuttered. Maria then moved up along the bar to request her order.

But Chris stopped her. “No, let me get it for you,” he insisted. Maria tried to protest, but Chris refused to have a bar of it. Finally getting his way, Chris ordered her a drink.

The two of them then both sat down in one of the booths. “So, tell me- who are you exactly? What do you do? How come you asked me the time at Tullamarine?” asked Chris.

Maria blushed a little. “Well, 1.) My name is Maria Cantero; 2.) I’m a Uni student; and 3.)...........

What was Maria meant to say there? She couldn’t tell Chris it was because she was a fan. He’d think she was some obsessive teeny. Not that she was!

“...........You were just the closest to me at the time,” Maria lied, hiding her embarrassment.

“Oh, alright!” laughed Chris.

Maria was kind of relieved, she guessed. Of course, she couldn’t tell him the truth, that she purposely followed him because he was so damn fine!

Time to change the subject. “So, how’s Perth?” asked Maria.

Chris looked down at the table, smiling in a somewhat shy manner.

“What?” Maria was confused.

“You know, don’t you?”

“Know what?”

“Who I am.”

Maria nearly passed out with humiliation. Why, of all the things she could’ve asked, did she ask that? So much for letting on.............

Chris could see the look on Maria’s face. “Its okay, though. Really.”

Maria made a small laugh, then squeaked in a strange manner, a noise she had never made before.

“Well, Perth’s been good so far,” continued Chris, as if the little faux-pas never happened. “I feel like I’ve settled in well. Except the only downside is that I know hardly anyone else there. I kind of miss Melbourne a bit.”

Maria was listening, but she also couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous Chris looked tonight, especially with the beanie on. Guys in beanies were so hot!

“You want to dance?” asked Chris, out of the blue.

Maria’s heart skipped. Dance? She danced like a goat high on ecstasy! But she might as well attempt to dance with someone hot making her look good................

“Okay,” obliged Maria.

The two got up out of the booth and onto the dancefloor, starting out at arm’s length. Pretty soon, Maria and Chris got closer to one another. Hands stroked hips, stares becoming more and ore intense, legs entwined, lips only mere inches away as he lifted her up.............

Chris spun Maria around, then placed her feet back on the ground. He then leaned into her ear. She shivered. Maria could feel his lips brush against her ear. “Can I get your number” he asked, rather cheekily.

Maria was more than happy to oblige. Not long after, the two exchanged numbers before the night was out.

Maria sighed. She didn’t want this night to end.


Michelle waited at the bar for her drink to be served, when she felt a rather slimy chill down her spine. She then turned around. Leering at her with a drunken smile was Brendan Fevola, AKA The Fev (TM).

“Hey, love,” he slurred. “Wanna dance?”

“Eww!” squeaked Michelle. “You’re the last person I’d ever dance with! And shouldn’t you be at home with your wife and kids?”

Brendan laughed. “Well, what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

Repulsed, Michelle walked away, drink in hand.

“C’mon, babe, at leats give me your number!” called out Brendan.

Upon hearing that, Michelle quickened her pace!


Jade was walking past the lower end of the bar when she noticed a girl crying into her Midori and coke. Ever compassionate, she decided to go over.

“Hey, you alright there?” Jade asked, leaning next to the girl.

“Oh, I’m fine. You really don’t want to hear it,” sniffed the girl.

“Try me. I like to be a bit of an agony aunt. What’s your name, by the way?”

“Well, my name’s Danni. Who are you?”

“I’m Jade. Nice to meet you.”

And so, the two talked. Danni went into the whole story about the love letter to Paul; how he rang her up; how he had met up with her in the cafe, only to break her hear when his trashy bogan girlfriend strutted on in. Jade listened with concern, but couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” said Danni, a little hurt.

“Oh, no offence or anything. Its just your whole saga sounds like a soap opera; like a Footballers’ Wives plotline.”

Danni thought about it, then couldn’t help but laugh herself. “Well, I guess it does a bit,” she replied.

Danni started brightening up a little, and Jade sympathised with her. The girls began to share some laughs instead of tears, and by the end of it all the two had become firm enough friends. So much so, that Jade invited Danni to sit with her, Deena, Michelle and Maria.

Danni was pleased. She could without some heartbreak for a change.


Emily was still crying over Dale. Well, at 16 having your heart broken was on par with a meteorite crashing to Earth. Or Marissa being killed off The OC.

Emily sobbed, furiously trying to wipe the tears from her face.

Then, her phone started going off on her dresser, the tone ’Flaunt It’ as its tune. Emily looked at the ID as she picked it up- ’Dale’. Should she answer it?

“Hello?” she answered, giving in.

“Emily? Its me, Dale. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she sniffed, grabbing another tissue.

“Look, I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for believing Reanne over you and standing you up. If i had known.........”

“No, its okay, really. I know you’re sorry,” soothed Emily.

“You weren’t too upset, were you?”

“No, of course not,” replied Emily. Obviously, Emily couldn’t tell Dale the truth, that she had been pining and crying over him for the past two days! A woman has to keep her pride, you know!


“Um, anyway, I was wondering.............Would you like to go out? For real, this time?”

Emily beamed. Her old, bubbly self was coming back. “Yeah, I’d love to, yes!” she exclaimed.

“I’m glad you’re excited then. I better be going. I’ll see you at 12:30?”

“Yeah. See ya, Dale.”


Emily hung up and out her phone back on the dresser. She then started jumping up and down and doing a little happy dance on her bed, squealing with delight.

Finally, things were falling back into place. Dale was hers once again. And this time, she wouldn’t be telling Reanne of her upcoming date!


.......................However, Reanne, standing outside Emily’s room, couldn’t help but overhear her little conversation with Dale. Well, Emily’s scream of joy had been so freakin’ loud, how could Reanne not hear it?

And already, she was concocting ways on how to ruin Emily and Dale’s first real date...................


To Be Continued...................
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Post by luvlicca »

ooooooooooo, cant wait for the next episode. Im loving this story!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Daisy Chains
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Post by Daisy Chains »

Bella I love your story...It always gives me the laugh I need!
Can't wait for your next episode! :)

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Post by melissa »

Oh that Rheanne, what a bitch! I think if I had a sister like that I'd be dosing her with Phenergan every morning in her Weetbix! (for those of you who don't know, Phenergan keeps kids nice, quiet and well-behaved. It's also an antihistimine).
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by bellastar »

trust me, i've had phernergan before. they drugged me with it when i was seven when i cut my face open (i had 8 stitches!). i they told me to count backwards from 100. i fell asleep by 96!
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Post by luvlicca »

next episode please!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by bellastar »

Episode 10: The Romeo and Juliet Rip-Off Bit

‘Maria woke up. Morning had broken as the sun was caught behind the curtains, dying to escape. She rubbed her eyes furiously, digging some crap from the corner of one eye, brushing it aside. Maria then stretched out her arms and arched her back. She rolled over................

“Morning, babe............”

“Oh my God!” Maria bolted upright, pulling the sheet tightly around her. Lying beside her in bed in all his glory was Chris, a sleepy smile painted upon his face.

“Did you sleep well? I’m sure you would’ve after last night........” he purred.

Maria was still in shock. It had been a big night last night. But she could only remember bits and pieces- a few drinks here and there, a dance, a kiss, the hotel keys in Chris’ hand..............

“Last night was a bit blurry, hey?” laughed Chris, who then started kissing along Maria’s arm, slowly and tenderly.

Maria was still trying to comprehend it all. Now last night was coming back to her............... The best bit. How good it felt.......

She smiled. “So...........we really did it last night?”

“Many times,” replied Chris cheekily, in between planting kisses on Maria’s neck. He then put his finger to her chin, leading Maria to his lips. The two became enamoured with one another, kisses growing more hungry, more yearning, to the point where Maria began straddling Chris’ lap..........

“Stay a little longer............” breathed Chris, between kisses, pushing Maria into the bed, laying underneath him............’

‘Beep, Beep!’

Maria awoke in a feverish sweat, her heart racing. She struggled to get her breath back and she smacked her alarm clock, turning it off. Maria then calmed a little.

Until her mobile went off on her beside table.

Maria, still weary, answered it.


“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

Maria quickly woke up. Chris? She shivered at the creepy parallel his call had with her dream, his exact words. “Yeah, I did,” she stuttered.

“I was just thinking about last night,” continued Chris, who sounded like a flirt even on the phone.

Maria also remembered last night- how they were both talking so intimately, the subtle flirting, the borderline dirty dancing...........

“.........And it got me thinking: would you like to meet me today, around 11?”

Maria thought about this. Could she think of a good little white lie before then?

“Sure, okay,” she replied, chirpily. “Where shall I meet you?”


Jade was making breakfast, a greasy one, of course, since she had hit the booze big time last night. It had been her first night of freedom in many weeks since she had been working for Dad, putting in many hours. And last night, Jade had come back with a vengeance!

Jade then spied Deen slumping down the stairs, looking a little worse for wear and as guilty as hell.

“Where did you get to last night?” asked Jade, smiling.

Deena stopped at the end of the stairs and looked at her. She then quickly raced off into the lounge, without a further word.

Jade was instantly suspicious. She’d have to dig deeper to find out that sordid tale.

Meanwhile, Maria came bounding down the stairs, fully dressed and bag in hand. “I’m going out,” she called out to anyone who’d listen.

“Wait, where?” yelled Jade.

But Maria had already left.

Jade was confused. ’What’s with everyone today?’ she thought to herself.


Emily went to meet Dale at..........the McDonald’s car park. Dale only had an hour to spare before training, so the choice of venue was a little spur-of-the-moment. Emily and Dale had already ordered, so they were now eating in his car.

“Sorry about the choice of venue,” laughed Dale, though a little embarrassed. “I just have to get back pretty soon. But I really wanted to see you.”

“It alright,” smiled Emily. “Just as long as I’m with you.”

Dale blushed. The two turned away from one another shyly.


“I’m sorry about my sister,” apologised Emily, feeling ashamed.

“No, I’m sorry for believing her. She really is a piece a work, huh?”

“Yeah,” sighed Emily. “She’s always made my life hell. She’s always been jealous of me.”

“She has a right to be!” laughed Dale.

Emily started blushing.

“You’re so pretty and kind, and just such a nice girl. Your sister’s just jealous ’cos she’ll never be any of that.”

Emily’s heart skipped. She was so touched. Never in her life had a guy been so sweet to her. Emily looked at Dale with adoring eyes. “Thank you,” she said, softly, smiling. Inside, she was beaming.

“Actually, I got you something,” said Dale, reaching into the McDonald’s bag. He pulled out a Hello Kitty bright pink beaded plastic necklace.

“I hope you like it,” he said, laughing softly. “I nicked it from an empty Happy Meal.”

Emily started giggling. “Oh, I just love it!” she joked. “Put it on me.”

Dale put it around Emily’s neck and tightened the clasp. “How does it look?” he asked.


Dale and Emily turned and looked at one another. They then slowly moved in and began to kiss, becoming more and more passionate, forgetting the bogans congregating in the car park and the strong, wafting scents of salt and gherkins. The troubles of just a few days ago were then obviously forgotten.


Meanwhile, Maria was waiting for Chris at a park near the hotel he was staying at. She couldn’t contain herself- why was Chris interested in her? It had been playing on her mind. He couldn’t be for real. There had to be a catch. It was just too good to be true. Shouldn’t Chris be with some model, or a random Big Brother glamour bogan? Or even Lara Bingle? (God forbid!) Why would he want to downgrade to a chick whop shopped at The Warehouse and, embarrassingly enough, sometimes farted when she was nervous? Lets hope that didn’t happen now................

And then, Maria saw Chris walk up towards her. ’God, he’s so gorgeous, its illegal,’ thought Maria, breathlessly.

“Are you alright, Maria? You sound like you’re wheezing or something.”

stopped. She quickly snapped out of her lusty daze. Chris was suddenly before her, smiling. Maria was mortified, but she soldiered on. Barely.

“No, no, I’m fine, really,” smiled Maria, moving over so Chris could sit down. He obliged and sat, stretching out his arm behind Maria, relaxed.

“I wanted to give you something,” said Chris. He pulled something out of his pocket and passed it to Maria. It was a ticket for today’s game. “What is this for?” asked Maria, a little confused.

“I wanted to invite you to the match today, if you’re able to, that is,” replied Chris.

Maria paused for a moment. “I know this may sound a bit weird, but we’ve only known each other for about, I don’t know, 13 or 14 hours now. Why do toy want me coming to see you? I mean, I hope that doesn’t offend you.”

“I just want to get to know you, Maria,” answered Chris, not the least bit offended. “There’s something about you I like.”

Maria mulled over his words- in what sense did he want to ‘get to know her?’ The way she so desperately wanted him to, perhaps?....Wow, this was a real bizarre way to pick up a chick- take her to a footy match to see you play. But it would be quiet a sight to watch..........”Yeah, I’ll be there, then,” smiled Maria.

“I can’t wait to see you there. I know its not much of a date, but I have to leave tomorrow, so it was real short notice,” explained Chris.

“Really, its cool, I understand,” replied Maria.

She knew there would be good compensation to be had- Chris would be wearing those tight little shorts!...........


Emily came home in a dreamy daze. She finally got to kiss Dale, she goy even with Reanne and all was right in the world!

Until........”Emily, who is this Dale boy you’ve been seeing? You were supposed to be grounded!” Mum and Dad sat at the table with stern expressions on their faces.

Emily was shocked. She had been found out. But how?

To Be Continued
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Post by luvlicca »

i cant even remember what my last post was but its missing!! what happened when this site was down for those hours today!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by Daisy Chains »

Great stuff Bella....It had to be Reanne that told her Parents about Em and Dale, what a friggin' bitch! I know it's only a story but, i'm glad i'm an only child! ;-) If i had a sister like that geez.....

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Post by melissa »

Good going Bella, liking the story a lot... hope you manage to get on line again soon. Where abouts in melbourne you moving to?
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Post by luvlicca »

dude I am loving this story!! it is wicked!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Post by bellastar »

hi, i'm here writing from my cousin's computer.

will try and establish a connection soon and keep writing, just so you all know.

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Post by luvlicca »

Ok missy....... where are the new eps of this story!! I dont care whether you post them here of on the webpage!! But I want them!!!! hehehehe
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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