Live Scoreboard & Chat! A Bit different This Week.

The NTCSG serves Pie fans in north-east Tasmania.

Moderator: tassiepie

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Live Scoreboard & Chat! A Bit different This Week.

Post by Black_White »

No free to air TV or radio in the eastern states this week.
Now I know how all you interstaters feel!
Despite the AFL's fantastic broadcast deal we will be in the
chatroom once again trying to ride the highs and lows of the
Mighty Pies fighting the budgies in Perth.

Go to and click on the "Live Scoreboard
and Chat" link.

pre-game chat begins at 3pm AEST
There will be no game description this week.
Live Scores will be kept up to date.

Remember to put a - or _ to secure your nickname if you have
not registered (registration is different to any board registration)

See you all in the VIRTUAL OUTER!

P.S. Poor old daics had to excercise his awesome powers last week.
It's not something he enjoys doing to Magpie folk so lets keep the language under control guys. Daics says thanks......
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