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Post by Mike »

Except for a couple of small changes and the normal restriction on defamation, the Victoria Park Tavern will remain uncensored.

Email from this bb is sent to a large number of silent readers, I have no idea of their ages or values, nor do I need to know, but Nick and I do have a responsibility to refrane from sending offensive material into people's inboxes. At the same time we have no desire to unnecessarily control posts. As a compromise we have removed the Victoria Park Tavern from the overnight emails and turned on the word filter to block the couple of words that cause the greatest offense.

Those who would like to participate in discussions in the VPT can still do so, and the others can still participate in the BB without being involuntarily offended.

Post by Larry »

Mike, Can you please answer why f**k is not allowed but c**t is, sounds a bit strange to me, did not a high court judge say f**k was now a non offensive word, only 2 months ago.
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Post by Mike »

Both those words are blocked - automatically.

Not everybody is happy to allow judges to dictate their personal standards. A judge also stated a few months ago that it is ok to beat your wife.

Post by Larry »

Mike, do you only block some? is rooculler a relative?

Post by Larry »

We're in the nervous nineties (no pun intended, for pie fans) 4 to go...

Long time since anything to do with collingwould got a ton

You, should thank me greatly!!!!

Pete the Pieman

Post by Pete the Pieman »

Larry, RooBoys site has three (3) posts in total.

Two from me and one from some pathetic little Norf urchin.

The one question you continue to completely ignore is "Why don't YOU or ANY other Norf supporter post on your own site?"

You've certainly been around a few other site, including Geelong's, why not your own?

I believe I know the answer to this but, I'd like to see you confirm it or rebut it.

Of course your usual non-response will say it all.

Post by Larry »

Pete the Pieboy,

You have it wrong as usual, but nice try what board are you leaving messages on, twit. Obviously not the one that Kangaroo fans visit.

Better luck with the next search, don't try to hard, I don't want you hurting yourself.

Sad to think you can't find a BB.

But then Collingwould players can't find the ball, so it is understandable.

QUESTION? What was figjam doing tapping his heel when he was kicking out last time we played each other?
I don't think any of his teammates understood the signal. New game book required, with draft concessions.


Post by Larry »

What was figjam doing?

what ever it was, Wayne was laughing himself silly, all afternoon.
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Post by Newelly »

I was wondering if this BB had a "no-life, No-brain" filter. Larry would of never got a word onto this bulletin board if that had been the case. Larry, and I speak for all of Melbourne and a good part of Australia, get a hobbie......

Post by Larry »

Newelly, you are my hobbie...

so what was figjam doing?

appears as though no one actually knows.
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Post by Joel »

Hey Larry YOU ****, why don't you answer any of my posts? It seems as if you are trying not to answer them!!!
1. How has Wankary been treating you?
2. Just how many grand Finals have you been in?

And lastly I thought you were the NOW team!!! Stop talking about past grand final wins!! The fact is cockhead that the only team that has been in the VFL/AFL as long as NORF have and (although I hate to say this) that has more wins against us is Carlton!! So just **** off back to your caravan and stop pretending, it doesnt last forever. I hate so called supporters that barrack for team just because they win, a real supporter is one that will stick with a club through tough times and good.

Post by petro »

As I said in my earlier comments, if North is the club of the decade, why are they trying to move to Sydney, why are they always trying to get more supporters and why don't they make alot of money. The reason is that they are so pathetic off the field, they have to move to Sydney or even merge just to survive. If North is the club of the decade then they wouldn't have to do all these things. A really good club survives on its own two feet and North can not do that. Just image when your success runs out and noone wants to sponsor you guys anymore, how long do you think you would last.

By the way GET ****ED!!

Post by Larry »

37 Grand Final for 14 Flags, dam good effort.

That means your mob have lost 23 Flags, ahh, now I get the Colliwobbles jokes, thanks for the information, never realised how much Collingwould had choked in the past. it has been a while now, since there last GF.

and imagine some bloke earlier in this thread accused the Mighty Kangaaroos of not winning enough when you get there, he must not know his own clubs choking history.

PS.. To make your arguement sound a little convincing why don't you shove the figures for pre 1926 or I can count our 6 VFA flags and 53 wins in a row, yeah 53 whats your best effort?

see ya b&w poo.

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Post by Damien »

I feel strangely compelled to keep visiting this thread......

B&W Blood, you make some excellent points and as always your research is thorough and accurate without resorting to gutter language. Tradition cannot be manufactured overnight.

It is a sad indictment on North Melbourne that Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club are only two years old and have already created a presence and spirit amongst Melbourne people bigger than North Melbourne's, as indicated by the public recpetion held at the Melbourne Town Hall recently. 99% of those in attendance were there to see the Stomboys. The media quckly picked up on this too and gave the Storm far more mileage in the press.

I guess the Storm, like the mighty Maggies have that mystique, that aura, that presence that makes people want to be a part of it....
