We are idiots

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Larry and Rooboy

We are idiots

Post by Larry and Rooboy »

We dont know why we come to this site. There is always an attraction. Its like going to the games. We never miss a Norff game. They are such a great side. The best thing about attending Norff games is there is so much room, you can pick almost any seat you want, no hassles. You Pie supporters must hate going to your matches where you have to fight for seats because you have so may supporters than us.

We always sit on the wing. Nice and breezy up there on Level 4 of the MCG.

Also at Norff games b/c there are no fans you can hear everything that the players and umpires shout and say. it feels like you are at a Brunswick v. Preston VFA games of the past. Except they used to get some more supporters than Norff.

Yes we have won 2 premierhsips in the last 10 years. But so have West COast. And Adelaide. And Essendon are about to. We are on the slide now. OPen that grave up Ron, your teams coming too! Image
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Joined: Thu May 11, 2000 6:01 pm
Location: Gold Coast, QLD


LOL!!! Good call Magpie Greg! I agree!!!
Larry and Rooboy

Post by Larry and Rooboy »

We knew we had a thick team. But those colours? UGH! Matches our and our team's personality. Diarrohea colour!

And where have all the Pies supporters gone a la our ad in yesterdays Collingwood newsletter? If they have gone they certainly havent been turning up to our Norff games. One day we had four men and a dog, but usually its two men and three dogs - they're married to them.

We support a crap team. 4 flags in 75 years vs the Pies 14 flags in 103 years They have the greater strike rate.

We are Norff,
we are crap ,
we sit there and twiddle with our lap
we are Norff
no need to be coy,
we're supported by punces
like Larry and Rooboy. (where is the other dog, why doesnt he post here???)
frustrated maggy mother

Post by frustrated maggy mother »

I am so disappionted with the crap my fellow coolingwood barrackers a writing on NBB. Seriously but true it sounds like you blokes dont own a membership, dont work, live off the dole and strive on putting our club on a pedistall.

Have a good look at the results from other clubs in the last 5 decades - makes us just want to roll up and hibenat in a small hole for years. I'm embarassed to talk footy with others, it makes me want to cry. I remember when i was a little innicent maggy girl, my father an avid maggy supporter, would drag me along to watch a bunch of losser - well at the end of the season, they were.

I cant spend to much time writing as the cans of food are boiling on the stove and the kids smell, I must really go now.

On that note I think Larry & Rooboy are on a big mission, they seem to be clever supporters who didn't get brain wash.

After all, they have seen more cups then all of us. I must admit 1990 was a miricle, previous to that we have failed as a club in many ways.
Larry and Rooboy

Post by Larry and Rooboy »

We are trembling so much this week because our beloved orange-tangs meet the BOMBERS. We had a greta win against the bottom team. Of course, we couldnt beat the 15th placed team!

Oh oh it dribbling down our legs again. We are really scared...because we know that our team is going to go out in straight sets, makes the whole year a waste really, although it does cheer up our supporter base - Hello to you all out there Basil, Helen and Daphne. The two of us will meet you all at the supporters group gathering in the phone box next to Norff Melbun Town Hall.

We are dickheads and we like to post on this BB just to prove it.

Oh Oh, forgot to change our nappies again. It would be easier if we werent wearing these straight jackets. What is deep sleep therapy? No this is how we are normally, never heard of Chelmsford! Image Image Image
CFC Favourite Son

Post by CFC Favourite Son »

Well boys & girls, another sensational year for the b&w, pity we couldn't beat the easy beats of the comp this year, but we save our best for last. Great job by all the boys, put their lifes on the line week in week out for an other piss poor performance which we followers are used to. Anyway.....

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