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Post by JUBJUB »

I read on the Big Footy Board that I was banned from this site.How could I be banned when this is the first message I've posted.

I read above in General Discussion that I posted some messages last night.WRONG !!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't me.I think a Pies supporter is trying to cause trouble.

I claim responsibility for what I write and this is the 1st message I've posted on this board.
Rooboy (2 good!)

Post by Rooboy (2 good!) »


you are more than welcome to join us here at NBB. We have a wide variety of species and they all bite so tread carefully.

Post by jeff#2001 »

Just be warned for the last time you thucken idiot
if i ever come across you i will kick your head in is that clear

you are a scumbag little idiot

oh dont worry dirtbag i will find you and i wont stop lookin till i do

one day

2 months

7 months i dont care BUT if and when i do find u frog shit smart arse bastard YOU will be very very sorry!!!

so leave your smart arse comments where ever you want
but i will get you!!! one day dickhead.

Post by JUBJUB »

**** OFF JOFFA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by JUBJUB »

Suffering from what ????????????????????????????

I couldn't give a fat rats !!!!!!!!!!!

Post by DIPPER »

Hey man,you're a real hoon,I've just gotta say I feel real sorry for Collingwood cos these Pie eaters have got one poor team.Get down to the G when the Hawks are playing and see a real team in action.
Rooboy (2 good!)

Post by Rooboy (2 good!) »

Dipper, stay over there, theres no room for you here.

Post by piesfansrmorons »

I have never read so much shit in my life, you pies fans are deadset wankers. No wonder your team is crap when they have idiots like you supporting them.

Post by mellows »


Finally a sign of intelligent life on this site, I was beginning to think that everyone here has an IQ under 10. Totally agree with your comments.

Post by jeff#2001 »

you all come in here under false names
why is that........

i tell you why you are all shit coward bastards!!!!!!!

any one of you come to me at the footy and say all this shit!!!!

im joffa i have no need to hide behind another name.

so u see YOU are the idiots cause you sit behind your computer screen and say wot u want well tell us who r you.

you low ****en scum !!!!!!!!!!

come to me face to face at the footy you wont you know why
cause you are all yellow gutless bastards.

come to me at the cricketers and tell me and i will shove my beer glass right down your throat!!!!

gutless ****en heroes!!!!!

Post by AlfAndrews »

Ah, lighten up, everyone.

Hey Jubster, old cat. Tell us a joke.

**floreat pica**

Post by mellows »

Oh I'm sorry, are all you pies supporters getting upset, diddums, your mummy will make it better
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