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Post by Spidergirl »

*ahem* Magpiera dont knock Roos now K
Well i will most likely be there going for both teams of course!!!

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Post by Spidergirl »

well excuse me little Magpiera us chicks havent actually given u the honour of sitting with us at the footy yet K. If you're lucky we might let you travel up in the same plane as us but staying in the same hotel well hhhmmm i think that would even be pushing it! lol!

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Post by Spidergirl »

yeah whatever we will ring u when we get lost in Sydney then. hey Mags u gonna come clubbing with us up there ---->haha as if... u won't get in !!!!!

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Post by Spidergirl »

oh i will Mags last time i went to Sydney we went to Kings Cross at like 11 at night on like a Friday or Saturday night --->mad ass Image its crazy there!!!!

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Post by AlfAndrews »

Ah, yes. You're very sensible, Mags.

You've gotta watch out for all those scumbag mother****ers in Kings Cross. There's a junkie with a baseball bat around every corner, Mags. And they don't just bash your brains out, either. They steal your runners as well and hock them for drug money.

I used to live in Kings Cross, Mags. It's a BAD place.

I had to sell my grandmother just to buy a newspaper to study the form to back a winner so I could afford the taxi fare to Chatswood so I could mug some rich bastard to get the money to score my next bottle of metho.

You're right, kid, it's a BAD, BAD place.

I had a girlfriend once, but she got sliced up by some crazy speed freak when she went whoring outside the Pink Pussycat one night to pay for my plane ticket to Bangkok so I could score a couple of weights of Chinese Rocks to ease the DTs and bring the flying pink elephants back to ground level so I could at least feed them some peanuts that I'd stolen from a 5 year old kid from the Primary School in Darlinghurst after I slipped a couple of mandies into his raspberry cordial.

Yep. No doubt about it, Mags. Kings Cross is a BAD, BAD place.

It's a proven medical fact that living in Kings Cross too long turns your skin yellow. Then your teeth fall out and you get this horrible rash and you can't stop itching and you start sleeping during the day, and nodding off at night, and stealing from your best friends until you've got no best friends, and you start hearing voices, and the voices keep saying, over and over again, "Kings Cross is a BAD place ... King's Cross is a BAD place ... Turn back, Magpiera, turn back ... King's Cross is a BAD place".

And then one night ... when the tramps you've been pimping for are out at work and you're alone in your doss-house room ... you'll see that white light ... that blinding white light of the void ... at the end of a tunnel of oblivion.

And you'll know ... you'll just KNOW ... that Kings Cross is a BAD, BAD place.

**floreat pica**

Post by Spidergirl »

my god Alf ---->what a mind!!! u r more fu@ked up than me lol well done mate!

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Post by Spidergirl »

well Magpiera it cant be any worse than even stepping out your front door thesedays. Yesterday i got friggen stalked by a carload of bastards and that was just goin to the local shopping centre so yeah gimme Kings Cross any day or night for that matter!

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Rooboy (2 good!)

Post by Rooboy (2 good!) »

you have no idea...do you

consider this, colliwobbles wont even be in the 8, the mighty kangaroos will be there once again so my fortune teller says!

I will take a guess at it anyway.......you, yourself & I....many happy returns losser girls...!

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