
A forum for the use of Collingwood's Cheer Squad - and for anyone else who would like to comment on or contact the Cheer Squad.

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Post by Black_White »

Special mention to all the guys and girls who made the effort to go into enemy territory and support the boys. Though we couldn't be there in person we were with you in spirit.
During the broadcast it was encouraging to see B&W color in the ground. (no effing "Teal")
The close-ups after the Pies kicked goalsmade it look like a home game...lots of noise and black & white movement.

Congrats to you all and I hope the heads don't hurt to much this morning!


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Post by dillo_09 »

Yeah great effort from all those there - even heard a chant at one stage which is a great effort.
The run thru was great, it even earn a 5-10 seconds on channel 7 and was mentioned by the commontators. Excellent job.

May the Good Lord have mercy on the Saints souls!!

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Post by foxy »

yep, the banner even rated a mention on Sports Tonight! i heard some chanting throughout the night, which was great. i just wish i was there! it would've been wicked!

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Post by Joel »

What did it say on the banner? I didn't hear (the commentators on the radio describe it) or see it.

Post by AlfAndrews »

One side of the banner said:


I'll take the credit for that one, thank you very much ... I can't wait for the royalty cheques to come in Image

The other side of the banner said something like this (if I can remember correctly)


Yeah ... it was a wonderful weekend for the busload of us that went over. We had a couple of dozen regular Cheer Squad members and several other Pie fans who came with us. And we did a fair bit of chanting on the way over to show everyone the ropes.

At the ground, we had our busload of people, plus a few others who'd made the trip over ... and quite a few Adelaide-based Collingwood fans who were there with great enthusiasm. We managed to teach them the chants as the game went on and they were really terrific. It was a great effort. We didn't shut up all night. Even when the Teal Blues were kicking goals out of their arses.

Yep, there's a few sore heads around. In some cases it was from celebrating hard into the night. In other cases it was just the headache you get from yelling really loud for hours on end. But the worst injuries were to our throats. It was a strangely quiet trip home. There was hardly any chanting at all because most of us could barely speak.

One of the greatest moments was when the players and officials, including Eddie, came over to the Cheer Squad to sing the Club Song with us at the end of the match.

There were a few other adventures worth talking about. One occurred outside the ground as we were leaving. Most of the Port fans had gone by then because security kept us in the ground for quite some time after the game finished.

But as we walked out, chanting and singing and floating on Cloud 9, a handful of real-life Port ferals were hanging around abusing us. One in particular was getting right in our faces. At one point I was walking right next to him. I was carrying a bundle of flags under my right arm, but my left arm was free. This feral just seemed to be begging for an elbow to the head.

I know it wasn't particularly nice of me, but really, the guy was a complete bastard. And he was just going on and on. So, I had a quick look around to make sure Security wasn't looking, and gave him a quick elbow to the head. Nothing too serious, mind you. It was just like saying "f*ck off", but with a bit more emphasis. Image

Anyway, he wasn't all that impressed and gave me a bit of a shove. Then this other Port guy, who had seen me give this guy the elbow, came out of nowhere and gave me a punch in the side of the head. And the beauty of all this was that I was so deleriously happy that I didn't feel a thing. The adrenalin had well and truly kicked in and I was ten feet tall and bullet proof. I can feel it a bit now, but I'll live. It was worth it.

Not that I condone violence at all. But Port Adelaide barrackers are fair game, especially if they are doing everything they possibly can to provoke you. And when you've won you will always get the last laugh. Those two guys have to live with the knowledge that their team lost.

Another adventure occurred in the city after the match. A small group of 4 or 5 of us were walking around the city and we walked past a bar where Eddie and several other Club officials and staff including Mick Gayfer and Neil Balme were celebrating the win. Eddie recognised us and invited us in for drinks. I felt as proud as punch to be sitting there talking to Eddie McGuire with all these locals walking past the window gawking in at us.

It was just like a dream. It really was. But it actually happened. I've got witnesses.

There were a few other little adventures, but I might have to keep them in-house because I don't want to incriminate anybody. Let's just say that some odd-things happen in the City of Adelaide whenever Collingwood plays there.

Enough said.

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Post by CQ »

onya alf, that banner was really good, %$^ that woulda pissed em off saying that we have the maggies name!! Image


Post by ytry4 »

I reckon! lol

P.S. Does the cheersquad have to get approval from the AFL on what they are going to say on the banner?

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Post by Joel »

Nice, sounds like ya all had a great time..good to hear!!

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