Congratulations, Cheer Squad ... 9 out of 10

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Congratulations, Cheer Squad ... 9 out of 10

Post by AlfAndrews »

I really think the Cheer Squad passed its toughest test today. Nothing went right on the field ... but there was a lot to like on the terraces ... or at least in the bay behind the goal at the Bourke St end.

That's exactly what we've got to do on days like that ... just keep on bloody chanting to the bitter end. It's very hard to do ... when we've got the team playing poorly, and all our fair-weather friends in the surrounding bays bagging us. Maybe if the front-runners and knockers would just concentrate on cheering their team on instead of bagging the players and their fellow supporters, the Collingwood army might get a bit of respect in the football world.

Well done, Cheer Squad. You were bloody heroic on what was a horrible day to be at the footy.

And, as for you knockers, front-runners and wimps ... maybe you should find another team to barrack for.

And a special mention to that loser from the so-called "Outer Cheer Squad" who tried to stick it up us today. I think the tide went out on people like you ... about 25 years ago. You are an embarrassment to The Club. Maybe it's time for you to just find a park bench to die on ... just go away. So you "can't hear the Cheer Squad sing", hey? Well maybe that's because your head is so far up your arse that it's intefering with your hearing. Tosser.

**floreat pica**
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Post by JLC »

Nah ALF the outer cheersquad is the real deal. We are only messing with you guys. Take a chill pill brother and relax. We played shit today but i want love not hate. We are all family brother.

Joffa your still down and shit!!!!!!! I know u r a brother!!


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Post by foxy »

it was definently a sickening game. but i was glad to hear us singing the song with a few minutes to go. didn't stop me feeling like shit after the game though.
i tell you, i got so pissed off with the umps i was ready to charge the field.
the bad thing is, it's games like that that will drive our supporters away. 46,000 at a sydney game is a great effort. next week, though, i'm guessing the bandwagoners won't be there.

Post by AlfAndrews »

If we'd won, I would have given us 8.

**floreat pica**

Post by AlfAndrews »


Maybe I should have clarified my comments. I was referring to that character with the shoulder-length hair who wandered into the Cheer Squad area and tried to start up the "Nick nack paddywhack" chant. I've seen him up the Ponsford End at the G, so I'm assuming he's one of yours.

Not that I was too worried by that particular chant. It's just not on our repetoire (for obvious reasons).

But it was his attitude that seemed to imply that the real Cheer Squad wasn't doing its job because we weren't marching to his beat, if you get what I'm saying. We weren't off with same pixies that he was off with. We weren't caught in the same 1972 time-warp that he was caught in.

I've got no grudge against you, JLC, despite anything I might have said in previous posts. If people want to do their own thing, that's their business.

But, I just wasn't in the mood to deal with knockers today. The Cheer Squad really bled for The Club today. And to cop cheap shots from our fellow Collingwood supporters was really rubbing salt into the wounds.

We're on the same side, JLC. We really are.

So, why are there so many people around who feel the need to attack people whose only crime is their love of The Club?

**floreat pica**
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Post by JLC »

Nah its cool ALF i see you every week and you are doing a great job.

The guy you are talking about is "dryazabone". He is a classic and a great guy. Yeah he is part of the Outer Cheersquad and is a real character.

Im Collingwood through and through ALF and i dont carry grudges life is way too short for that. So its all good ALF from my end.



Post by Spidergirl »

lol kick arse drizabone hahahah saw him get "escorted" out
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