Re cheer squad and that savage rumor.

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magpie jeff

Re cheer squad and that savage rumor.

Post by magpie jeff »

There is a person in bigfooty claiming that the cheer squad is split he is relentless in doing this as he keeps on refreshing the post.
I know a lot of people from here go into bigfooty chat and i have reason to believe that MAYBE we have a case of loose lips
or heaven forbid some one is out to cause trouble.

Well be on notice who ever you are because a lot of work has gone into making the cheer squad what it is today.

To those who have read the paticular email im talking about disregard it, it's bullshit as the cheer squad is united and working beautifully from time to time things get heated a little bit in the squad but thats all a part of the in house decision process and the up and down emotions on any paticular match day.

But read my lips who ever you are WE ARE UNITED and we will be around for many seasons to come.
And if it is ever revealed who ever you are there will be hell to pay that you can be sure of.

WE MARCH WITH PRIDE,WE MARCH WITH LOVE,WHEN IT COMES TO OUR COLLINGWOOD WE FOREVER MARCH ! we will never forget our great number #42...GO YOU BLOODY PIES yeaaah LETS KICK ASS.lets kill the bloody bastards !!
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Post by JLC »

Dont worry Joffa,

Your manager is on the case and will hopefully expose the mole who is trying to cause mutiny within the Collingwood Cheersquad. I wont name any suspects that i have in my mind. As any good detect does i will slowly piece each bit of evidence till i complete my puzzle.

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Post by magpie24 »

Has God just spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post by Spidergirl »

for *** sake stop worrying about all this bullshit and watch the bloody games for once
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Post by London Dave »

I cannot understand how anyone can believe anything on BigFooty. I'd reckon the morons who use that board(i.e. Non Pies) would wear out a pair of lips reading a two line post. (Which means none of them have got this far without a lip transplant)

[This message has been edited by London Dave (edited 09 June 2001).]

Post by eMmA »

What has been said on bigfooty is a load of bullsh*t and whoever started the whole thing is a pathetic idiot who has nothing to do except cause a bunch of trouble. If whoever started it does use Nicks...Just stop the crap it will get u no where in life! and IF it is someone off Nicks, what the hell are u doing starting trouble within ur own club. Im not saying the person is off Nicks but if the person is.

Spidergirl, It is hard not to worry about cause a hell of alot of work has gone into that cheersquad from Eddie and Kerri and everyone else on the commity and in the cheersquad so when someone says that there is a fight goin on in the cheersquad it gets very upsetting especially when it isnt true and when the Cheersquad is there every week giving it all they can and more to suppoert collingwood.

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Post by Joel »

Guys just watch the footy, be passionate and don't worry about "detractors". People like that just go away when they realise no one is listening. (by the way I don't know what was actually said at Bigfooty because I haven't been there for about a week - until today).

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Post by Mike »

Come on you guys, you're smarter than this.

Some complete loser decides to take a punt and use the obvious fact that every group ever known to man has squabbles from time to time.

It was a troll, he's a soapboxer trying for a reaction to his post - he didn't get what he wanted, he got more. He got cheer squad members looking at each other and talking witch hunt.


If you're this easy to unsettle, the bastards are going to bring you down very quickly.

The Cheer Squad as it stands now, LOUD, PASSIONATE AND UNITED, is a huge threat to other clubs, perhaps more so than you realise. You're going to be repeatedly attacked. Your behaviour, your noise, your passion, your unity - everything about you will be under scrutiny and criticised.

You're COLLINGWOOD, you're above all that - the cream of the cream - and the comments of wannabes, no-hopers, shit-stirrers and other bottom dwellers will have no impact on you because you know that you are the best and that nothing they can do or say can touch you.

You do what do you and you do it better than anyone else - always remember that.
magpie jeff

Post by magpie jeff »

Well said mike and we all agree.

To the people who say just go and watch the footy thats a fair comment as well.
You see the smart arses involved did not get what they obviously wanted and that was to start a big slanging match and a free for all so to speak in bigfooty bulletin pleased to say the egg is now on there face.Im pleased to say collingwood people are bigger than that.
And i believe it is our right to answer any sort of bullshit rumor and i also believe it's our right to say to these very sick and disturbed people with two faces what ever you tried to achieve you failed,so run along and start your shit elsewhere and dont drag this wonderful club and it's people into the mud.

You see sometimes silence is an admission of guilt we just wanted to let everyone know the cheer squad is running beautifully and will be for a long time to come.

But im now pleased to say that this is now yesterday's news.


WE MARCH WITH PRIDE,WE MARCH WITH LOVE,WHEN IT COMES TO OUR COLLINGWOOD WE FOREVER MARCH ! we will never forget our great number #42...GO YOU BLOODY PIES yeaaah LETS KICK ASS.lets kill the bloody bastards !!

Post by Spidergirl »

To be honest i think some of the more immature poeple in cheersquads thrive on the bitchiness and backstabbing in the cheersquads and i have noticed that many people in them don't even watch the game instead concetrate on wot the rest of the supporters are doing.

anyway if its such a problem with someone saying something cant u just trace their isp or woteva?
magpie jeff

Post by magpie jeff »

Nah the subject is finished thanks jill

And to finish it off we could not really care who the people are we just felt a need to tell people what a load of bullshit it all is.


WE MARCH WITH PRIDE,WE MARCH WITH LOVE,WHEN IT COMES TO OUR COLLINGWOOD WE FOREVER MARCH ! we will never forget our great number #42...GO YOU BLOODY PIES yeaaah LETS KICK ASS.lets kill the bloody bastards !!

Post by AlfAndrews »



I hope you haven't blown Spidergirl's anonymity there, Jeff.

**floreat pica**

Post by Spidergirl »

hmm yes Jeffry and Alfred Image
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