Beware ... new rule ... NO BACKWARDS BARRACKING

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Dr Alf Andrews
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Beware ... new rule ... NO BACKWARDS BARRACKING

Post by Dr Alf Andrews »

Just thought you'd all like to know about a new rule that I was told about by a member of Her Majesty's constabulary last night.

Barracking backwards is now a criminal offence, punishable by instant eviction.

I was made aware of this after a verbal altercation with a Carlton supporter who, for some reason, thought it was a good idea to sit right behind our Cheer Squad. In fact, he occupied the seat immediately behind me.

He didn't seem to appreciate my barracking style for some reason and (rather impolitely) told me to sit down. I then (rather impolitely) told him where to go and things got a little heated.

I decided to do what I always reckon is the best tactic for persuading an unwanted intruder to leave ... I proceeded to do all my chanting directly into his face ... with my face about an inch away from his. To his credit (sort of) he stood his ground and refused to budge. At one point he grabbed me and a physical fight looked possible. But, as much as I felt like snotting him I didn't touch him at all. Just continued to chant into his face.

After a while a member of the Gestapo arrived. He said nothing to my Carlton friend, but proceeded to read me the riot act. The conversation went something like this:

<B>PLOD: If I have to speak to you ONE MORE TIME ...

DOC: ... but hang on ... you haven't spoken to me at all yet.

PLOD: Well ... I'm speaking to you now. I've been watching you and you've been carrying on a bit.

DOC: But all I'm doing is barracking. What's wrong with that?

PLOD: You can barrack THAT way (pointing to the oval) as much as you like ... but if I see you barracking THAT way(pointing back to my Carlton friend) again, you're out.</B>

So ... there you have it. Barracking backwards is now illegal.


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Post by MissMagpie_20 »

LOL ALFImageImage U crack me up. I saw ur altercation last nite mate and it was a bloody joke. Im sick of Collingwood ppl getting picked on. U didnt do anything wroing mate. More fool the dickhead for sitting near our CS.

It shits me that he came to our CS and didnt get told off, but with all out unoficcial guyz at Carlton;s CS, when i was with them in the 3rd quarter, they were the ones getting told off. I wanna know why the Carlton guy at our end wasnt told off if Collingwood ppl at Carltons end were? Its a joke.


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Post by JLC »

Seems like Collo has his Carlton security friends in his pocket. Im with Alf on this one as well. I think the police and security have lost sight of the fact that this is the football not a cemetary......Its like anytime you wanna have fun they come down on you like a ton of bricks. Surely they have more important police or security issues to deal with than worry about some Collingwood supporters having a good time.


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Post by Presti35 »

Did anyone see that lil kid piff a bottle at those carlton morons half way thru the 4th?

Its the thing about going to the games... you cant barrack without someone wanting to smash your face in. And im not talking over the top barraking but just simple things like celebrating a goal or cheering on a player. Its bloody ridiculos sometimes.. ive been spat on, had all kinds of shit thrown at me.. u name it... and all for notihng really. so i just say its best to totaly ignore anyone who gives you the shits and enjoy the game, its not worth things getting heated up and possibly getting into a fight. Actually that reminds me of the time where my best mate got whacked on his arse by a coppa at waverly.. but thats another story lol.

But anyway.. Its a funny story Alf.

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