Wot 2 wear 2 the Copeland???

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Wot 2 wear 2 the Copeland???

Post by Spidergirl »

4 all the other chickies cool enough to actually B going to the Copeland what r youz all gonna wear? Dress, pants, skirt ? (or nothin maybe hehe!) Well Image i dunno what 2 wear yet Image but i reckon the best place 2 go to get shit to wear 4 it would be Southland Image shopping heavan . They seriously have like every shop u can possibly think of there!

#8 RoCkS
Go RiCkY!

Post by Spidergirl »

oh dear how did these little ones get in here Image. Soree to the other girls, this topic was only meant for the ones going to the Copeland.

U of course Chris's chick sound like such an immature little brat that i bet by the time the Copeland starts u will be in the land of nod dreaming of the players u will never get as it will be way past your bed time. So is it the fact that your parents won't let u out by yourself or is it the fact that u r to povo to afford a Copeland ticket. Ah but i suppose when we stroll through the door u will be the one out side dressed in rags sucking off every guy on the doors cock begging that they let u in free.

#8 RoCkS
Go RiCkY!

p.s. u have obviously never been out with us then ! Image ah nevermind maybe in about 10 years time when u look old enough to sneak into clubs then u will pick up some players! Image

Post by Spidergirl »

oh i know how old u are alright. Definately not old enough to have been in Chris's class only about 5 years below him so therefore why would he have rang u up. Right Piegal#41. Unless this Chris's chick is that blonde chick Chris was sitting with at the game a few weeks back and who walked out of the after match function holding his hand then i dont really think she is gonna be accompanying him to the Copeland. Keep on dreaming Chris's chick go on. (chris's chick - not) haha u r so not Chris's chick hahaha!

By the way u dont like being called povo so why call it. Track pants and a t-shirt is so dero and i dont like being associated with that so how bout u think about what u r saying 2 ppl then they might not say similar shit back!!!

#8 RoCkS
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Magpie Gal 19
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Post by Magpie Gal 19 »

Hey Chris's babe. Spidergal is not a dero by all means. Actually Spidergal, myself and piegal#41 do actully know a few of the players of the collingwood football club.
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Post by CQ »

well of course spidergirl isnt going with anyone (as in guys) but if you were talking about anyone as in chicks as well spidergirl is going with magpiegal 19, piegirl 41, me, ren, mavro, 2 of my cousins and another friend of ours, now that makes 9. why do you persist on trying to put spidergirl down, it just goes to show how petty you really are. all she was saying is what will she wear to the copeland and what do u do? you come in here a be the little mole that you are turning out to be. i didnt say anything at the start cos i thought u would get over it and shutup but i am getting very pissed off with you insulting one of my mates.
anyway who do u think you are to say that spidergirl wont be getting close to the players?? she will be a lot f*ckin closer to them than you will because she will actually be there, unlike yourself. have you heard of the expression 'youve gotta be in it to win it' well we are in it and you arent so we have a chance and you dont.
thats another thing you are 14 or 15 or however young so why dont you just shutup, tell me this chriss babe, why would chris ring a 14 yr old???

[This message has been edited by CQ (edited 11 August 2000).]

Post by Spidergirl »

Ta CQ.

Its just that we are more mature that's why she has done this.

haha only 14 or 15 wouldn't ya just hate to be that 'unlegal age' again! The players would just run unless of course they wanted to get themselves in an Adam Heuskas situation!

#8 RoCkS
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Post by CQ »

oh! so we are too ****in gutless to even put our name on something we think! isnt that pathetic, you really must feel threatened by spidergirl to go to the extreme length of getting a tag like that. if you have something to say to her why dont you meet her down at training and say it to her face, im sure she would kick your arse.
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