What a *%&$ing JOKE!

If you want to be able to chat about the really interesting stuff in footy without being hassled by the guys - do it here!

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Post by *miss_magpie* »

why don't U just shut the f**k up.. do you honestly think that we give a toss what you think?? i dont remember ALL of us writing that we know players at all..let alone thinking we're 'best friends' with them
so before you go making accusations about us and assumptions why don't you get your head straight and keep your mouth shut because we dont care what you.. or anyone else thinks

we respect the players as people but we do know that they are just like everyone else in this world just because they play for such an almighty club doesn't mean they are some kind of gods or anything, if some people on here know the players then good on them, they can tell whoever they want it's their choice and if you dont' wanna hear/read it then f**king well don't we seriously couldn't care less we come on here to talk football and occasionally share our views about players and if you don't like it then that's up to you but not everyone on here is deluded about the players being angels and saints we idolise them for the way they play football not the type of people they are.

tarkyn rocks
go pies!

Post by Spidergirl »

ooooohhhhh Fu@king hell this is actually one good reason the page is closing and guess what bitch Image now that the page is closing i can't get kicked off here for making threats N E more so here goes---->TRUST ME HOE U R ****ING GONE IF I C U!!!!!!!

Firstly we love most of the players they r our heros. I did not say IN LOVE with them!!!! We just LOVE them. There is a difference u friken idiot. U stuck up bitch coming on here acting as if we wanna marry them that is bullshit we know they have their own chicks. We are simply chicks who love our footy and being able to go meet our heros whether that be at training or wherever well that is cool. What is all this bullshit about them not giving a shit about us ha? Did we say they we think they do--> no. We just think it's nice that some genuinely do appreciate all the money we spend on the club and all the time and those that do have thanked us we know who they r. Those that talk to us just coz they have to and sign away coz thjey get paid a shitload don't u think we know who these ones r haven't u read any other topics on here!

Enough time has been wasted explaining to u anyway coz WHY THE FU@K SHOULD WE HAVE 2 EXPLAIN OURSELVES!!!
rot in hell little pig why we keep having our footy fun!

Image ??? Image

Post by Spidergirl »

good boy Mags!
Gyro u r in on this too we aren't stoopid. I just wanna know why we have all these faggots coming on here trying to start us?
and hey, guys go to training a hell of a lot too so why don't youz start accusing them of wanting to get on with the players all the time ha. It sucks being a footy chick sometimes cause ppl underestimate how much we really are into our footy its just all this other crap that goes along with it! groupie this groupie that---> so what we at least know our footy as well!
Better than some of u guys i bet and better than u other dumb chicks who think u flick youre fingers and the players come running!

Image ??? Image

Post by eMmA »

i think your a f**kin nut case to be honest!!!!do u think that we give a shit that your laughing at us because it shows how much of a low-life fool you just are being entertained by our posts!!and ummm you are replying to so that makes you look even dumber!!!

I love collingwood and THE ROCCAS and am bloody well proud and do not really care what the hell you think so as far as im concerned you can take your comments and shove em up u know where!!!!



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Post by *miss_magpie* »

firstly.......who wrote YOUSE?? sorry i think i missed something can someone enlighten me?

secondly..... why is everyone suddenly coming in here starting shit with everyone?? are yous all like mates of one another or what?
AND i never said we don't talk about the players, i said that ALL of us didnt say we know the players
how can you say that we think we're good?? i mean do you know us? do you know who you're typing to? so what? we write about what we think about the players does that mean we think we're good.. oh now i get it sorry miss/mrs./sir high and mighty
i'll never EVER write my opinions again!! i'm sorry if i've offended you!!
f**king hell... spidergirl if magpiera gets the address let me know k could be funny to watch!!

do you think we're some kind of bimbos or something that go to the footy just for the players wearing our mini skirts high heels and tight tops??? if that was the case i'm sure we wouldnt spend our time on here talking about football all the time, we go because we love the game so get that into your head and stopping picking shit!

tarkyn rocks
go pies!!

[This message has been edited by *miss_magpie* (edited 02 October 2000).]
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Post by Mike »

I don't understand why you lot get sucked in - every time. Why give her the satisfaction?

Anyway, I was going to ban her, but if she's stupid enough to come back on she deserves what she gets.

But no more threats SG or I will ban you and I'd hate to do that at this stage (but I will).

I'll paste the system log for BlackAndWhiteGirl below (I've removed the identification for the moment). If you look at that you'll see that she obviously doesn't have a lot to do with her time, so be gentle.

BlackAndWhiteGirl, you've caught me at a bad time, I'm not feeling particularly charitable at the moment, but in consideration of the fact that the only excitement you seem to have in your life is to worry about what other people think, I'm prepared to give you one warning. I don't know how bright you are, but your ISP is the same as goodoldcollingwood4ever and youareallgroupies - another coincidence. If you would like me to send a copy of my system logs to the ISP (with identification) just keep it up. They will know who was logged onto that connection at that time and take the appropriate action. People are very easy to identify on the internet.

02/Oct/2000 1:26:31 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=13&SUBMIT
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02/Oct/2000 4:08:04 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=General+Discussion
02/Oct/2000 4:08:41 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=13&SUBMIT
02/Oct/2000 4:09:33 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/postings.cgi?action=newtopic&number=13&forum=Chicks+Channel
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02/Oct/2000 4:32:38 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=Spidergirl
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02/Oct/2000 4:35:06 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/ubbmisc.cgi?action=editbio&Browser=&DaysPrune=
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02/Oct/2000 4:38:53 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Chicks+Channel
02/Oct/2000 4:40:49 PM /nick/ubb/Forum13/HTML/000048.html
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02/Oct/2000 5:25:49 PM /nick/ubb/Forum13/HTML/000078.html
02/Oct/2000 5:27:29 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/postings.cgi?action=reply&forum=Chicks+Channel
02/Oct/2000 5:27:43 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=lostpw
02/Oct/2000 5:28:11 PM /nick/ubb-cgi/postings.cgi?action=reply&forum=Chicks+Channel
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Post by CQ »

ha! well actually i hope these posts are being sent to everyone, not only in australia but the world!!! hahaha as if i would care, after all it is a PUBLIC forum you f*cking idiot. oh yeah and we dont THINK we are really "cool and tough" oh we ARE, come on down to vic park and we will give you a demo.
but then i suppose your friend nicole m emailed u the site, well nicole has been found out and is f*ckin gone!!! ay spidey!
ahh yes we are so pathetic, we come on here and write about stuff then for a bit of real excitement we go onto other sites and bag em, ha! who really cares.
ha! yeah i was wondering about the 'YOUSE' thing too jess. but then i would know for sure if i got off the drugs and stopped imagining things appearing on the screen....
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