Ashy and Elly's topic

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Post by @shLicuria »

wat do u mean he doesnt reply to my sms'?
yer he does! it just depends wat i am talking about..... ImageImage

lol congrats ellsy! lol she has prob noticed ur one up and is gonna try wit more.... i wonda if she does..
everyone will be reading this going.. WAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT!!

hahahhaahhahahahaahahaha Image

lv frm me who WANTS someone and lvs paul

Tyson Lane Forever
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Danzy Rocks!!!
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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

Well he didn;t reply on Sunday! Did he?

lol yer it'll be interesting to see what happens. heheh. but I think I am a few more. Image

No one knows what we're going on about except US!! haha how powerful does this make ya feel?!! hehe.. Image

Honestly Ashy... how many guys do u want!! *******, **** and ****! Image

hehe... I LV MARK! and danzy and dimma! Image

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Post by JessDavisHollandLicaDidak »

sorry to interrupt but before u get ur wires crossed michy was LOL'ing to me, as in jessdavis...... sorry guys, oh its ok we have no idea wat ur talking about so we'll just stay out of it!

I love Dane #36, Damien #2, Guy #30 and Daniel Giansiracusa 4 EVA!
Brent PLZ come back... look what ur missing out on!
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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

lol Jess! Hahaha, when we saw "Jess" we thought of err.... sorry I better not say!!

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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »



she posted..........

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Post by @shLicuria »

yer he didnt reply on sunday cuz his phone was in service and he was parting for 2 dayz and didnt get home till monday nite

lv frm me who lvs paul

Tyson Lane Forever
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Danzy Rocks!!!
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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

hahha fair enough.

Ash, this thread is so pointless. But I lv it. Image

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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

Hey... we're only having a bit of fun. No need to get so worked up.

1. Yes, I am 14, but Ash is older, I'm not going to say how old (even though everyone knows) because she'll get pissed off at me.

2. Ash is in year 10. I am in year 9.

3. Yep you RRRRREEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY sound like one of us. No one is like me and Ash Image

No hard feelings. Just fun Image

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Post by Foreverpies »

Lica's number one fan needs to settle down!!
I can see that what Ash and Elly are doing is not harmless. In fact it's a little bit of entertainment for the rest of us because we get to try and guess what the hell they are on about and have a laugh at the same time!!
Keep the fun going girls!!
Danzy Rocks!!!
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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

hmm I'm beginning to think maybe it's best if we don't keep the "fun" going..

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Post by brodie_rocks! »

Hey Ashy and Ella (and neone else who wants to have a looky),

I wasn't sure if I'd get a chance to talk to u guys before I went away so I thought I'd leave u a post in lasting memory Image

I sat my final exam for the year today (Law) at Caulfield Racecourse and it was actually pretty cool. I reckon I got at least an HD for all 3 of my subjects!! Now I've got a 5 month holiday until 2nd yr UNI starts next March! What shall I do with myself! *lol*

Well yer, u know already but I'm off to Tassie tomozza then over to Adelaide (un-voluntarily for a wedding!!) so I wont get to talk to u guys till I get home on the night of the 30th Oct(great holiday spots eh!). I'll miss u guys sooooo much!!

Ash, I got ur sms today bout the 'R'# and thanku soooooo much for trying for me! That is so very sweet of u!! 'C's' just being a JOCK I reckon Image Soz I didn't sms back but Dad cracked it at me cause I've only got so much I can spend on my phone on hols so yer...and I can't afford to buy more credit!! Damn I need to get a job! Image If u guys wanna chat to me, ur gonna have to ring me or sms me cause I can't call out (dun have that much dosh!!)

Anyways, I gotta go clean up all my notes and start packing ma bag! Gawd, I dun even get a break between now and going away for crying out loud!! *lol* Thanks also for a wonderful day last Sunday - and to Hayley too if she reads this at all! Sorry I had to go so early in the arvo but -> exams!

Missing u guys (and someone else) heaps already!! Hugs and kisses!

Luv ur buddy,

Steph xoxoxo

PS: Ashy, sms me ur home addy so I can send u a postcard!! got urs already Ells! Image

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Post by @shLicuria »

awwww look whos bak into the world that seems to revolve around her and only her...
iam not going to fite with u lica loser there is no point. i have betta things to do

thats ok with R#!!!!!! matt said he would try for me ok?? lol so hopefully we will have it for u by the time u get bak!!

lv frm me who lvs paul

Tyson Lane Forever
and A Day.
I miss you tubs.

[This message has been edited by @shLicuria (edited 05 October 2002).]