Dear Ash, Ella and Shez

If you want to be able to chat about the really interesting stuff in footy without being hassled by the guys - do it here!

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Dear Ash, Ella and Shez

Post by brodie_rocks! »

Hey Everyone!

This is a special msg for Ash, Ella and Shez but u can all read it if u like!

Yup guys, I'm off again holidaying as u already know! 4th state in 2 months! Didn't know if I'd get a chance to say a proper bub-byes before I leave cause I'm going down to a mates place tonight then out to the airport with her tomoz cause she's going o/s for a yr then, of course, I fly out to Sydney Thurs so I wont have much time at home.

Dress is totally finished and I achieved the Aussie look Image I'm so *:S meh* bout Thurs night!! I'll try and get a certain blondie on the phone to u guys to say hi - that's if I work up the guts to say hi to him without falling over giggling my brains out making a moron of myself - AGAIN! And I will try and get pix of Six 'n Out and see if I can call when they're playing a song or 2 so u can have a listen in.

Den I'm off to the cricket at the SCG Friday - full strength NSW side! Can't wait!

Wish u guys could all come up! I need u there soooo bad!!! What do I say/do?!?!?!?! hahahaha

Neways, missing u all already! Cya Monday! Image

Luv Steph xoxoxo

Danzy Rocks!!!
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Post by Danzy Rocks!!! »

Steph, I have speech night tomorrow night!!!

I'm gonna time Ms. de Araguo's speech - SORRY - I mean DOCTOR de Araguo. Lmao.

hope you're having fun buddy Image

btw - I'm off to Tassie on Wed incase I haven't told you... but I think I have?

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