Paid Maternity Leave

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Paid Maternity Leave

Post by Lorelei »

Hey as this is the chicks channel this seems like the right place to post this... Image

This is such an important issue - read up on it girls and support it!! You can get more info here if you are unsure what it is all about -

Here is some food for thought -
Women do not have effective equal pay with men. Women's reproductive and parenting functions place them at a disadvantage in the workplace, compared to men. The leave taken to look after children has an effect on income levels, appointment to new jobs and any likelihood of promotion. For example, men and women generally earn the same income within their jobs. However, when children appear, full-time employed women earn 88 cents in the dollar compared to men.


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[This message has been edited by Lorelei (edited 14 December 2002).]
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Post by TaZ_LuVs_EmIn3m »

I know this is a topic that gets ne sooooooooo mad because we are females we will always be second best to men and the problem is that Men really dont long as it doesnt effect them there fine. Thats why so many women are out of jobs or dont have kids because of this! Seriously the government should start to give women a better break instead of ignoring this problem and it wont go away.......sorry just my oppion lol


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Post by carlabuckley_05 »

don't be sorry for your opinion taz...Image


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Post by *Rach_luvs_Lonie* »

Yep I totally agree Tara!! They just get to have 'fun' and were left looking afta the baby with no money...its just stupid!! I think if we have to stay at home and look afta the babies then we should get paid 4 it!!!
Luv Rach!!xoxox


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Post by Richo_Rules »

what about the fathers? do they get paid time off to be with their children? and what happens after 3 months? chuck the child into childcare and piss off back to work..thats not how i would wanna be raised. if u want a baby i believe it is a full time commitment.
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Post by Rowdy »

"chuck the child into childcare and piss off back to work"..hrmm, not the most intelligent response. When I had my first child I had no choice but to go back to work. Fortunately I had a great mum who could help me out. When my child was 20mths old I put her in childcare and agonised over the decision. I didn't have the choice of staying at home with her, so comments like the one above do nothing but promote ignorance. Having children is indeed a fulltime commitment, fortunately since having my second child earlier this year, I have been in a position to stay at home with him. I've been on both sides of the fence and whilst every mum would love the chance to be a fulltime mum, sadly the reality is not so attainable for a vast majority of the population. There are many issues at hand and this type of forum is not the place, just bear in mind that you need to have some experience in issues before you sprout your opinion. For the record, my daughter thrived in daycare and she still attends twice a week while I am at home witht he baby. SHe goes because she loves it and it stimulates her in ways that I do not always have the time or energy for. Whatever my choices have been where my kids are concerned I know that they will grow up respecting my decisions and the person I am for having made them. My daughter will know that women are wonderful creatures that can handle being a mum and a member of the workforce. My husband was raised by a "stay at home, do everything for all the men" woman and I can tell you it's taken years to re-educate him! As for paid maternity leave - ABOUT TIME!!
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Post by CQ »

yeh it is a bit ridiculous. then the government has the nerve to whinge about our 'declining population' pffft.
lucky for my family my mum stopped working when me and my brother were little and my dad still worked then when i started going to school (my brother is older so he was already there) my mum went back to work.

but if you cant afford this kind of lifestyle then what are you supposed to do? spend half your pay on childcare? how can u afford to live comfortably? thats why ppl arent having kids.

oh and ppl wanting to live their own lives without being tied down with kids is another reason.

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Post by Rowdy »

CQ you're right on the money..people are putting off having kids until they're much older, or not to have at all. The bottom line is me staying home with the kids our income took a dive big time, fortunately we can still manage, but alot can't. If I went back to work tomorrow I would spend $200 a week in childcare alone. That's almost half my pay cheque! Governments can't have it both ways - want more babies but not helping in the right bonuses at tax time are all fine and well, but put more subsides into childcare or maternity leave. We are raising the future of the nation afterall!
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