2008 Brownlow

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Post by Kingswood »

who is her husband? someone famous?
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Post by JacJacJacqui »

Ok here are my thoughts. First of all, the coverage of the red carpet was appalling. They were supposed to show the dresses not their heads. No one actually cares what they look like. All we want is a "Who are you wearing? Give us a twirl". The only full length glimpses we got were in flashes just before the ad breaks. NOT HAPPY.

Anyway, as for the dresses, the usual amount of disappointment was on parade. And when are people going to get over the 'bling' thing? It doesn't matter if you're wearing $2 worth of glass stones or $2.5 million worth of real diamonds, they still look tacky. Ever heard of understated? Less is more? I actually think that Ben Cousins' mum looked better that 95% of the women there. Anyway, I'll start with the good outfits seeing as there weren't many.

Best dress would be Alex Fevola's if it didn't have the stupid cut-out bits. It tuned an otherwise classic and beautifully cut dress into tacky crap. She also would have looked a lot better if she had chosen a different bag and if she hadn't turned a sickly shade of orange.

Felicity Percival (with Tom Harvey) looked simple and classic, the dress was very figure flattering.

Sam Lane looked nice, well cut dress. Although, I'm not a big fan of sparkly things.

Harry O'Brien's missus looked hot even though I'm not a big fan of the deep V neckline. Beautiful cut and colour on her.

Lauren O'Shannassy looked beautiful but the jewellery was overdone.

Sarah Williamson (with Marc Murphy) looked lovely (except for the orange skin), as did Jessica Heasman (with Chance Bateman) as far as I could tell.

Kylie Adams (with Johnno Brown) - nice, nothing spectacular though.

Danielle Foote (with Nathan Van Berlo) loked nice but a bit too orange.

Most overrated boring dress goes to Lauren Phillips (with Gary Ablett).

Just plain ordinary dresses on Lisa Lloyd and Hayley Moxon (with Medders) too - and what's with the elbow bangles? Dumb.

Best preggie dress goes to Daniel Wells missus Ria and also Christi Malthouse.

Now for the real nit picking!!

Worst of the lot was Shayne McClintock (with Brent Harvey). Where do I start? The back was horrible, the front was horrible, the colour of the dress was horrible, her fake skin colour was horrible too. And I'm sorry but she does NOT have the figure for that dress. She would need to be a foot taller and at least 20 pizzas slimmer. And hello? The dress cut to the navel was well on its way out of fashion when Twigley wore it in 2004. What was she thinking wearing it now? Same goes for Jana Peterson who was also sporting a sickly shade of orange.

Katherine Tuck (wife of Shane) - ugly dress, bad makeup, and skin tone a sickly shade of orange.

Katie Chivers - where is she getting married with her fadge out? Put it away girl. Yucky deb dress anyway. And manly basketball player legs.

Carla McGuire - a rare misstep from the ever-classy Carla. Ill-fitting, bulky, frumpy and all-round unflattering.

Brad Johnson's missus Donna's dress was way too busy - the neckline, the frills, the applique flower.. eeek! Not to mention the fact that the bodice was ill-fitting.

Shannon McGuire (partner of David Wirrpunda) - mermaid chic? I think not. I think cheap and nasty and her skin is an unsightly shade of orange.

Burnsey's wife's dress looked like a dancing with the stars reject. Rejected for good reason.

Kate O'Connor (with Nathan Foley) - unflattering style and colour.

Amy Pollard - ugly dress but kudos for the natural skin colour!

Ryan O'Keefe's partner Tara was a big red mess with bad posture.

Catherine Chappell (with Simon Black) - Just an ugly dress, ugly colour, ugly bow. Generally cheap looking.

Brad Green's wife Anna and Julia Bruce were both dressed in cheap satin sheets.

Rebecca Twigley's dress was bad from top to bottom. What was with the hip flaps? Inside-out pockets? And that shocking shade of orange! Oh dear!!

Another WORST would be Jobe Watson's guest. Apparently Jobe's sister made the dress as she was hoping to get some publicity. I know they say any publicity is good publicity but this is really bad!! What the hell WAS that? A plain black dress with a crop top over it that couldn't quite be pulled down over the boobs? And did she even measure her subject up to fit the dress to? Or did she model it on a tree trunk? So shapeless! Absolutely disgusting. Easily one of the ugliest dresses I have ever seen.

Shannon O'Malley - just an ugly dress.

Jess Johnson (with Campbell Brown) - He's such a hotty, what's with the oompa loompa handbag?

Harvey's wife's dress was a bit fug.

Katie Williams (with Jason Gram) couldn't get more orange if she was one.

Clementine Seton (with Jarrod McVeigh) looked like she was wearing purple vomit. Very unflattering cut.

Lauren Sharkey (with Bryce Gibbs) - pretty girl, came close but didn't quite hit the mark. Either a slit up the front or the cut-outs. Not both. The fabric was a little bit kitch too.

Nicole Carr (with Drew Petrie) - I liked the theory of the dress, didn't quite work though. Could have been the colour of the dress and/or the "tan"?

Symone Demetriou - very 'old' dress and not in a cool vintage sort of way. Plus the orange was way overdone. And the hair? Did she even go to a hairdresser to get that done? Honestly, these people are meant to have money and they can't even look good once a year.

David Hale's partner - Red and pink? Need I say more? Fashion crime.

Jacqui spong (partner of Jarrad Waite) - grey and orange dunny roll doll.

At the end of the day, they ain't no Dita's!! Trash, not class.

That is all!

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Post by John Wren »

^ and we look forward to having a similar review of the attendees at the copeland whether they are wags or chick channellers.
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Post by mel_kay39 »

yadster#13 wrote:haha wat a pisser
not too rapped in swannys other half seen better
wouldnt mind the bling twig was wearing worth 250 grand!
I actually thought Swannie's girlfriend had the best dress of them all. Pity they didn't show the bottom of it - in fact, they did that with a few of the dresses on the red carpet special. It's supposed to be highlighting the dresses, not showing who came with who. I was pretty disappointed. Looking for a frock for my brothers wedding and watched it just to get some ideas. But they show the same five ppl every year - Alex Fevola, Lisa Lloyd, Andrew Demetriou's other half, Lauren Philips and Rebecca "Look at moi" Twigley. Pathetic.
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Post by yadster#13 »

i meant her looks not the dress
his ex was hot!
some ppl like bling and im sure if you could afford to wear that much u would, she didnt look over the top in that department, but the dress was horrid.
think they should all back off from the solarium, what happened to that natural look? I hav only ever had one spray tan, and went to a lady who doesnt use shades of ORANGE lol
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Post by frazwatch »

Shayne McClintock
Worst. Brownlow dress. Ever. Oh yes, I rate it even worse than Ms Buckley's infamous g-banger. While the love handles and back rolls don't exactly help, even if this dress was on a size 6 model it would still be horrendous. Tacky design. Cheap colour. Blah.

Lauren Phillips
A gorgeous dress for a beautiful girl. She's one of my favourites. Is classy yet age appropriate. Only shame is that she had some fake tan issues - her arms and chest were a nice golden brown while her hands were pale.

Lauren Sharkey
Nice bright colours (although I'm undecided about the print) and she is a pretty girl. Can't stand those stupid side cut outs though. Why ruin a perfectly good dress by leaving bits out?! Argh!

Lisa Lloyd
There was a nice quote about my favourite WAG on another forum - "Lisa Lloyd is ununsual among the WAGS as she doesn't go out trying to look like a playboy bunny!". The shape is very nice and elegant as usual and the emerald green looks great on her. Looks much better on the TV than in the photos I've seen.

Olivia Anderson
I know she's pregnant but that is no excuse. Heck, even Tania Buckley managed to look great in 2006 when she was pregnant so if she can, anyone can. I am yet to see Olivia wear a nice dress to a formal event.

Felicity Percivall
The green looks great and she has a stunning necklace. Simple yet elegant.

Mariangela Wells
Radiant mum-to-be. She is positively glowing and has a smile that would light up the room. Very demure gown.

Rebecca Twigley
The most overrated WAG in the history of WAGdom. Dominatrix/Zena Warrior Princess meets wedding gown. Don't get me started on the hideous bag. I don't care if it's Chanel, it's foul.

Clementine Seton
Unfortunately in some pictures she looks pregnant courtesy of the wind. It is a beautiful pint though and the colour is gorgeous. She also has a stunning face and looks really natural. Love the hair too.

Carla McGuire
Why oh why Carla?! She is usually another one of my favourites but she got it really wrong this year. The top has no support at all which makes her look saggy. Not flattering at all. Also, is her handbag that hideous that she insists on posing with her hands behind her back?

Lauren O'Shannasy
In my head I know I should like it because it's elegant and she's a very pretty girl but I just don't. Can't put a finger on what it is but I just don't like it for some reason.

Julia Bruce
Beautiful. Classy. I love the colour. Pity it appears to be rather wrinkled but you get that with satin I guess.

Catherine Chapple
In some photos I didn't like fabric of the dress but I like the bow detail. Goodt hair and she has nice, natural makeup.

Alex Fevola
She seems to be wearing a tacky wedding dress. Can I just repeat again how much I hate cut outs. Could she look any more like a Barbie?

Christi Malthouse
Not a fan of the colour but the design was beautiful and showed off her baby bump nicely.

Stephanie Edwards
Gorgeous, glowing, natural face. Nice blue dress yet again ruined by cut outs.

Kylie Adams
Gorgeous. Love the purple colour and it's nice, simple and classy. A lot nicer than the ice-skater/dancer costume she wore last year.

Welsh's girlfriend
What is with the Farrah Fawcett hair?! Other than that it's a nice dress. Very glamorous.
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Post by JacJacJacqui »

jmcp wrote:^ and we look forward to having a similar review of the attendees at the copeland whether they are wags or chick channellers.
And you will where WAGS are concerned. As for other chick chanellers, it's probably best to keep ones opinion to ones self so as not o offend anyone..

Another note on that Laurem Phillips dress. Empire line, baby doll cut is OUT. I read in the paper that the dress sells for in excess of $600. I personally wouldn't have paid more than $30 for something so outdated.

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Post by JacJacJacqui »

yadster#13 wrote:some ppl like bling and im sure if you could afford to wear that much u would
I personally wouldn't.. Sure-fire sign of "new money".

Less is more.. More than one simple pair of diamond earrings, maybe a diamond pendant necklace and one diamond ring would look tacky.

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Post by Alec. J. Hidell »

frazwatch wrote:
Kingswood wrote: wheres christi... my favourite. i heard she looks very nice
Here you go. Christi modeling her dress:


Not a fan of the colour but the style is beautiful.
Gee, she's put on weight :cry:
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Post by frazwatch »

Alec. J. Hidell wrote:
frazwatch wrote:
Kingswood wrote: wheres christi... my favourite. i heard she looks very nice
Here you go. Christi modeling her dress:


Not a fan of the colour but the style is beautiful.
Gee, she's put on weight :cry:
Yeah, that tends to happen when you're 7 months pregnant unfortunately :wink:
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Post by yadster#13 »

we should re name this section the bitchy channel lol
claws are out sorry if i offended anyone wasnt trying to hav a dig
i just like diamonds think they are classy
i would think dating gary abblett she could afford more than a 600 dress
and i didnt like wat lisa lloyd wore i kno she has had a child but u could see a podgy stomach under that silky dress
think most of them were pretty poor
hopefully u guys wil like wat us girls wear ;)
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Post by Fire Up »

^^^^ (last sentence)

ill see when i get there. if i remember ill write up wot every girl on here wore (if i remember or not) :lol:
Last edited by Fire Up on Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Miss_Lisey_Molloy »

frazwatch wrote:Welsh's girlfriend
What is with the Farrah Fawcett hair?! Other than that it's a nice dress. Very glamorous.
It's not his girlfriend.. She was just asked to accompany him, coz I'm guessing he had nobody else? Her hair was bad, though.. Me and my friend were waiting for her to come on, as she's my friend's friend, and when we saw her, we were like "Oh my god! Bad hair!!"

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Post by Hanskies »

The hair was Worst on Ground..... Shocking
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Post by Kingswood »

gee you girls are picky :P

say what you want about the hair, thats not where i was looking. georgous girl
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