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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:56 pm
by Cuthbert Collingwood
how about giving judd a part-time job?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:39 am
by die4pies
pietillidie wrote:Everyone keeps going on about Daics, and while he was the skills master he may not be an easy guy to negotiate with. I can recall previous administrations also having difficulty coming to an arrangement with him. Needless to say, not everyone is suited to coaching or easy to get along with (G. Ablett and T. Lockett might be in the same boat, though in fairness to all three of them I don't know them personally).
Lockett hates football and is preoccupied with his fishing now.
Yablett has similar off-field issues to Carey and we can't afford to have the cheater and dope-boy at the club at the same time, especially when we are promoting the club through Maccas as being a kid friendly organisation. (Not that your suggesting we get them pietillidie, but I just like taking the opportunity to bad mouth them :D )

Now seroiusly:
Daics is part the club's team of the century and deserves some respect from the board. Respect he never got as a player. It's time for the egos that think they are running such a great show to pull their heads in a give a true champion what he deserves. Only half the job is done and near enough aint good enough.
The TAB does not rate a chance at all this year, even though I do. If isn;t going to be this year, then how long do we wait? Is 32 years the benchmark now?

Back to Johno. He has played enough great games in the past to suggest to me that given full fitness he will be in the 22 and playing a key role with Tarks and Racer, running off half back. I thought he was OK on Sunday, but I didn't see much of him, I was watching others. Like Licca and Casper, he is one of those players that goes about his business with little fuss and you check the stats to see what he did and find he had three times as many touches as you can remember.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:28 pm
by Albow
Anyone for some humble pie????????
21 effective kicks, ding ding come and get it guys!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:36 pm
by die4pies
Albow wrote:Anyone for some humble pie????????
21 effective kicks, ding ding come and get it guys!
No humble pie here...
Back to Johno. He has played enough great games in the past to suggest to me that given full fitness he will be in the 22 and playing a key role with Tarks and Racer, running off half back. I thought he was OK on Sunday, but I didn't see much of him, I was watching others. Like Licca and Casper, he is one of those players that goes about his business with little fuss and you check the stats to see what he did and find he had three times as many touches as you can remember.
Brownlow votes = 3

Topped the list all day. But did anyone really notice? Too busy drooling at Bucks, Clem and Pebs. Great efforts in their own rights, but without BJ doing the hard yards the scoreline may have been a lot different.

Disposal not AFL standard? How many goals did he create today?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:38 pm
by daicos from the boundry
I'll have a slice maybe 2. One game doesnt make a year though or a career.More of it Ben we need it.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:10 am
by Zakal
Actually went beyond decent kicking today imo... he actually seemed to be spearing a few passes in a very Buckley-esque fashion.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:39 am
by Johnson#26
His kicking was fine yesterday - not a thing wrong with it. He can really go for a run and bomb them in long, too.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:06 am
by die4pies
Johnson#26 wrote:His kicking was fine yesterday - not a thing wrong with it. He can really go for a run and bomb them in long, too.
Luke, your man must have got the umpires 3 votes. I have made a note to expect it Brownlow night.

Kicking a footy 40m is easy, kicking 40m at full tilt is not so easy. Johno made it look very, very easy.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:55 am
by stui magpie
I'll have a slice of that. But only a little one. I maintain his action has a problem. The fact that he did so well yesterday was great and I hope he he keeps it up.

No one would argue that james manson had a buggered kicking action, yet he would be the first to tell you how effective it was.

Good on Johno.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:00 pm
by 3rd degree
people have been harsh on Johno - He can annoy me at times but overall I think he is one of our hardest workers - great to see him emerge !

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:16 pm
by Leanne26
um wat the hell.
just get over his damn kicking...
he is a good player..he knows what he is doing with the ball.
may seem he doesnt.but he does..
he got votes yesterday. played heaps well
his kickin wasnt bad at all..

go pies!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:40 pm
by burnsy17
he's worked on his kicking and its alot better than it used to be...

PLUS, he is alot more attacking and damaging than alot of others on the list, he's hard and he runs in the right direction (forward) instead of others who run sideways, backwards, into the crowd.......

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:06 pm
by favourites 2008
Its been a long week in football and its amazing how one game can change so many members views. The stats last week didn't lie, 8 clangers, so yes every1 had to come out (including me) and say his disposal was sh@t, now a week later we are admiring him and saying how good he is, so what now leave johno alone and move onto licca? Our disposals are not consistant enough and that is our problem, the difference between the first half and the second half against the hawks was we were finally disposing of the ball with a bit of thought. I think we should back off our boys and lets see if they can string a few games of "good" kicking together. GO PIES

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:18 pm
by RudeBoy
I think the problem with our disposals is most apparent when we try to do too many slick chip passes. When we use longer kicks deeper into our forward line, our disposal is much more effective, especially given the marking power we now have up forward.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:26 pm
by AFL_Record
Every time Johnson had a touch of the pill he would go long and strong. No short chips, No backward kicks, No sideway kicks... Long and strong.

Agreed, RudeBoy. The players look far more effective when they kick the ball long and strong. Maybe that was the reason why BJ didn't make a noticable clanger.