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Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:06 pm
by Neil Appleby
AN_Inkling wrote:He's actually spent two days in Geelong!

When choosing a club, spending time in the area of course makes sense. I wouldn't consider missing out on his signature a great loss anyway. We have bigger fish to fry.
Yeah, but I believe one of those days involved visiting Deakin with his wife who needs to choose a University. Everybody knows that Geelong's Deaking beats the pants off Melbourne and Monash at medicine. But didn't Mitch spend 3 days at the Westpac Centre?

I say pass anyway, always thought he was disingenuous in the extreme after his dealings with Brisbane.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:06 pm
by Lazza
The Boy Who Cried Wolf wrote:
Lazza wrote:
sixpoints wrote:Listed also that Melbourne may offer picks 2 & their compo pick 3 (for Frawley leaving) to Adelaide for Dangerfield.
Dangerfield would be mad to go that basket case of a club.
Its ALL about $$$$ mate. Its ALL about the $$$$$$

Look at what that dirty traitor Thomas did to us????

Judas all over again........ :roll:
A traitor he may be but he obviously left for more reasons then just money.
Ahh, the 1% bullshit that is being bandied around regarding Beams...... :roll:

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:08 pm
by Neil Appleby
The Boy Who Cried Wolf wrote:
Lazza wrote:
sixpoints wrote:Listed also that Melbourne may offer picks 2 & their compo pick 3 (for Frawley leaving) to Adelaide for Dangerfield.
Dangerfield would be mad to go that basket case of a club.
Its ALL about $$$$ mate. Its ALL about the $$$$$$

Look at what that dirty traitor Thomas did to us????

Judas all over again........ :roll:
A traitor he may be but he obviously left for more reasons then just money.
So it was just money? He was to leave for reasons other than money, but then just money. Sheesh.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:08 pm
by John Wren
AN_Inkling wrote:He's actually spent two days in Geelong!

When choosing a club, spending time in the area of course makes sense. I wouldn't consider missing out on his signature a great loss anyway. We have bigger fish to fry.
i guess he already knows what melbourne (the city) has to offer.

it's no loss at all given you can't lose what don't have.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:09 pm
by swoop42
Not really fussed if we miss out on him.

He clearly has his issues and I'm not entirely comfortable with the way he has treated Melbourne anyway.

Playing at a lowly club, get depressed and come back less than a year later and get to go to the club of your choice that just happens to be a top 4 club in Geelong.

If the AFL aren't careful players could start to take advantage of similar situations when the want out of a crap club and feel there career is going nowhere.

He's a bit of a mercenary figure to me.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:10 pm
by The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Neil Appleby wrote:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf wrote:
Lazza wrote: Its ALL about $$$$ mate. Its ALL about the $$$$$$

Look at what that dirty traitor Thomas did to us????

Judas all over again........ :roll:
A traitor he may be but he obviously left for more reasons then just money.
So it was just money? He was to leave for reasons other than money, but then just money. Sheesh.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:12 pm
by Lazza
John Wren wrote:it's no loss at all given you can't lose what don't have.
Very true. "perceptive fellow" and brains come to mind..... :twisted: :P :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:12 pm
by The Boy Who Cried Wolf
swoop42 wrote:Not really fussed if we miss out on him.

He clearly has his issues and I'm not entirely comfortable with the way he has treated Melbourne anyway.

Playing at a lowly club, get depressed and come back less than a year later and get to go to the club of your choice that just happens to be a top 4 club in Geelong.

If the AFL aren't careful players could start to take advantage of similar situations when the want out of a crap club and feel there career is going nowhere.

He's a bit of a mercenary figure to me.
Agreed, I suspect his 'health issues' happened when he realised he was stuck at a club that was utterly hopeless on a long term contract and this is one of the few windows open for escape from that.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:15 pm
by Lazza
The Boy Who Cried Wolf wrote:
swoop42 wrote:Not really fussed if we miss out on him.

He clearly has his issues and I'm not entirely comfortable with the way he has treated Melbourne anyway.

Playing at a lowly club, get depressed and come back less than a year later and get to go to the club of your choice that just happens to be a top 4 club in Geelong.

If the AFL aren't careful players could start to take advantage of similar situations when the want out of a crap club and feel there career is going nowhere.

He's a bit of a mercenary figure to me.
Agreed, I suspect his 'health issues' happened when he realised he was stuck at a club that was utterly hopeless on a long term contract and this is one of the few windows open for escape from that.
Mate in all seriousness, depression is NOT a laughing matter. Happy to laugh at/with many issues but some things like cancer and depression and the like are beyond bounds for jokes.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:18 pm
by The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Lazza wrote:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf wrote:
swoop42 wrote:Not really fussed if we miss out on him.

He clearly has his issues and I'm not entirely comfortable with the way he has treated Melbourne anyway.

Playing at a lowly club, get depressed and come back less than a year later and get to go to the club of your choice that just happens to be a top 4 club in Geelong.

If the AFL aren't careful players could start to take advantage of similar situations when the want out of a crap club and feel there career is going nowhere.

He's a bit of a mercenary figure to me.
Agreed, I suspect his 'health issues' happened when he realised he was stuck at a club that was utterly hopeless on a long term contract and this is one of the few windows open for escape from that.
Mate in all seriousness, depression is NOT a laughing matter. Happy to laugh at/with many issues but some things like cancer and depression and the like are beyond bounds for jokes.
Lazza, I know all about serious depression - you are not alone. But still I think the underlying fact here is he 'most likely' pulled a fast one.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:20 pm
by Neil Appleby
Yes English. I was pointing out your incorrect use of than.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:21 pm
by RudeBoy
Neil Appleby wrote:
AN_Inkling wrote:He's actually spent two days in Geelong!

When choosing a club, spending time in the area of course makes sense. I wouldn't consider missing out on his signature a great loss anyway. We have bigger fish to fry.
Yeah, but I believe one of those days involved visiting Deakin with his wife who needs to choose a University. Everybody knows that Geelong's Deaking beats the pants off Melbourne and Monash at medicine. But didn't Mitch spend 3 days at the Westpac Centre?

I say pass anyway, always thought he was disingenuous in the extreme after his dealings with Brisbane.
As a Deakin University lecturer I can tell you that if his missus reckons she'd rather study medicine at Geelong instead of Melbourne or Monash she must be crazier than he is. Maybe they both have mental health issues. :roll:

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:23 pm
by Lazza

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:24 pm
by Neil Appleby
I have no doubt he was suffering terribly from depression. I also heard that his doctors thought a change of scenery would be good for him. This is the usual advice, but for mine, wouldn't you want to return to the club that nursed you along? Wouldn't you feel some sense of loyalty? I don't think Mitch understands this word. He deceived Brisbane too.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:26 pm
by Lazza
RudeBoy wrote:As a Deakin University lecturer I can tell you that if his missus reckons she'd rather study medicine at Geelong instead of Melbourne or Monash she must be crazier than he is. Maybe they both have mental health issues. :roll:
Wow!! Straight from the horses mouth..... :twisted:

Maybe they are both badly misinformed.