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Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 7:35 pm
Ummmm Ahhhhh! You said F**K! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 7:54 pm
by AbsoluteTallant
Call me old fashioned (I'm only 27) but to me if you are getting more than $200k a year you better...

- Get minimum 20 possessions each and every game
- Be able to take a few contested marks in crucial situations
- Run forward and kick one or two goals a game (from a wing)
- Be able to play on the ball when required and get the ball out of a pack
- Be in the peak of their form at age 26.

I cannot say Woewodin has consistently done any of these things this year.

I never noticed him at Melbourne.

I don't rate the Brownlow at all (it's decided by umpires, I mean really?)

If Woewodin is the next scapegoat then I'm not interested because I believe the scapegoat concept is useless.

However I will say that if Woewodin is getting half what a player like Jimmy Clement is getting then he better start having half the effect on a game - notwithstanding the kick to Dickhead Davis. Is Jimmy Clement on $600k? I doubt it.

Although many are out of form, we have /4 of a list that can play wing. It's not the toughest position on the ground. What we need is another classy inside onballer and if Woewodin hasn't got what it takes, he's not worth $300k and should be forced to take a paycut.

I think it's too early to say we wasted a pick as none of the players from picks 14-20 have shown much yet.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 9:10 pm
by Nova Kaine
Here's what I think about Woewodin's slump at Collingwood

What he needs is a week or two in the reserves to get him into shape, he has been really lacking alot. Yes, we know he is a very talented player, but he is no use to Collingwood, if he's not playing up to standard football. Who cares about his salary? That shouldn't entile him to a spot in the Seniors. All players, champions, rookies, and many others have off weeks, which is why there's a Reserve Side Sure, he won't do Collingwood any good at Williamstown, which I answer this way, he's not do Collingwood any good by not playing well. All good players usually come good after being dropped. If he doesn't pick up, they will probarly need to cut him. Which would be sad from a Collingwod stand point, because we know how talented he is. And yeah, he had to deal with the poor play at Melbourne, will this is Collingwood now, he has played every Senior game, and he should be coming right. Woewodin isn't the scapegoat, but I think he is one of many playing badly, but you can't drop the whole side. So we need to get Woewodin into gear. Maybe they should do this with him.

Make him a roamer, and then make Lica a tagger, then we may start to turn it around in the centre. Because I think that Woewodin will play better as a roamer, so he can play anywhere, and let Lica do a tagging role because that is what Lica is good at.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 10:12 pm
by Daniel
There is a bloke called Heath Scotland in the reserves who played some seriously good footy last year.

Disposal - excellent

Decision making - good

Speed - no slower than Woewodin or Williams

Hardness at the ball - IMO better than Woewodin and Williams

IMHO Scotland proved last year what an assett he can be in the middle and the last 2 weeks has averaged close to 30 touches at Williamstown. How Woewodin and more significantly Williams get selected ahead of him, in the middle, should be questioned.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2003 11:26 pm
by wimmey
Be able to play on the ball when required and get the ball out of a pack

I've yet to see him go into the pack,just hovers around like a seagull at a picnic.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 2:24 pm
by AnthonyC
Interesting Point AT. According to the AFL Football Operations Report, of the 529 players who played at least 1 game last year, 168 of them (or almost 1/3) are on $200K+ per year. Or roughly speaking lets say 10 from each team. Don't think 1/3 of the players would get those kind of stats. Performanced based pay might change things.

On Woey, well ok he hasn't done much yet, but I'm prepared to let things be at this stage (maybe decide after Queen's Birthday to see where his heart is, and fire him up for the rest of the year).

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 2:57 pm
by Trippy Pie
Give the poor guy a chance as stated earlier he has come from a shambles called melbourne.

Maybe a week or two at willy might not be a bad idea just to get the competitve juices stirring again but if he drops back and picks up 40 touches against the likes of tassie or ballarat nth what good dose it do.

For me there are others who need to be looked at first such as Ben Kinnear. What has he done to be recalled? Surely there are other players who could have been a little more productive on saturday night; Guy Richards and Cameron Cloke just to name 2. Saw them play against Nth Ballarat, granted it was only the roosters but they both displayed a lot more fotitude than others. Also throw Rhys and Heath, it was very obvious that both boys want to be back in the big time.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 3:42 pm
by woe_is_me
Sometimes I wonder what goes through peoples minds???

One minute we are so blessed and excited to have drafted this guy - the next we have idiots saying he is the worst footballer going around!!!

It is round SIX - he has played well in at least a couple of those games, and he is not Robinson Crusoe when it comes to being down on form in this team at the minute.

HOWEVER - he does do one thing even when out of form - he gets the footy! Maybe he isn't all that fast, and disposal can let him down, but at least he knows how to find it!!!

Once the confidence returns, the knockers will all be salivating again.

I just wish people would stop turning on our players as soon as we lose a game!!! Christ, there are sixteen more games - we won't and cannot win them all - deal with it!!!!

Encourage ALL of our boys, and then only can you say you are truly a supporter of Collingwood!!!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 6:49 pm
by Buckley_King
[quote="Trippy Pie"]Give the poor guy a chance as stated earlier he has come from a shambles called melbourne.
Mate, that's not a very good excuse. He played in 3 finals series at Melbourne, I wouldn't call that the "shambles".

Look, I hope Woey proves me wrong and gets back to his 2000 form, but I don't think it will happen unless he goes down to Willy and gets his confidence back up.

Woey needs a wakeup call

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 7:31 pm
by roccasok
Hi All,

I haven't posted to a Magpies BBS since FTO went down, but I thought I'd better put in my two cents worth on this subject.

Woey has been frustrating the hell out of me as a supporter, mainly because he doesn't seem to have the Collingwood "attitude". Sitting in the Southern Stand on the wing last week, Woey on two occasions was outrun by his opponent. First time I thought he was just slow. Second time I realised he was actually pulling back from a competition.

Then last weekend I was sitting on the wing at the Dome, and he did it twice again except this time instead of a one on one he was in a pack situation. Raher than watching the ball, he was watching where the opposition players were coming from and moving to avoid them. At first I thought he was doing this to get in a better position to crumb the ball, but the second time he twisted out of the way of a Swans player, and ended up facing the opposite way to where the ball was. He seemed to be more intent on making sure he didn't get hit than going for the ball.

All I can think of is at some point over the last few weeks he has taken a fairly big hit, and he is a bit "gun shy" at the moment. If this is the case then I feel for him, but he doesn't have a place in the team the way he is. Whatever it is, he is not showing the same hardness I have come to expect from the Collingwood boys over the last couple of years. Right now, I would rather see someone like Scotland who puts his body on the line than Woey in the team. I don't know if a run at Willy will do Woey any good. Maybe he just needs to sit out a game or two and watch what the other guys are doing so he can see what is expected of him. If a high profile guy like him is dropped, it might also give the younger guys something to think about too.

Just my thoughts on the matter.


Woey needs a wakeup call

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 7:31 pm
by roccasok
Hi All,

I haven't posted to a Magpies BBS since FTO went down, but I thought I'd better put in my two cents worth on this subject.

Woey has been frustrating the hell out of me as a supporter, mainly because he doesn't seem to have the Collingwood "attitude". Sitting in the Southern Stand on the wing last week, Woey on two occasions was outrun by his opponent. First time I thought he was just slow. Second time I realised he was actually pulling back from a competition.

Then last weekend I was sitting on the wing at the Dome, and he did it twice again except this time instead of a one on one he was in a pack situation. Raher than watching the ball, he was watching where the opposition players were coming from and moving to avoid them. At first I thought he was doing this to get in a better position to crumb the ball, but the second time he twisted out of the way of a Swans player, and ended up facing the opposite way to where the ball was. He seemed to be more intent on making sure he didn't get hit than going for the ball.

All I can think of is at some point over the last few weeks he has taken a fairly big hit, and he is a bit "gun shy" at the moment. If this is the case then I feel for him, but he doesn't have a place in the team the way he is. Whatever it is, he is not showing the same hardness I have come to expect from the Collingwood boys over the last couple of years. Right now, I would rather see someone like Scotland who puts his body on the line than Woey in the team. I don't know if a run at Willy will do Woey any good. Maybe he just needs to sit out a game or two and watch what the other guys are doing so he can see what is expected of him. If a high profile guy like him is dropped, it might also give the younger guys something to think about too.

Just my thoughts on the matter.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 7:34 pm
by roccasok
Sorry for the double post. Still trying to find my feet on the board. Probably the same as Woey is trying to do in the team!!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 8:15 pm
by JLC
I dont think Woewodin has been that great so far. Obviously i hope he turns things around. We need to find the role that best suits the team. They were saying on 3AW that a forward role may suit him.

I think through midfield he is a bit too slow at present and is going to ground too easily in contests. The times i saw him at Melbourne he didnt appear that slow but then again maybe i wasnt paying much attention.

However it is early days so i think a proper assessment should be left until year end.


Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 1:52 pm
by Lone Ranger
We have numerous guys who get the hard ball ... Buckley, Burns, Licuria, OBree. What we needed in the midfield was another skillful link player. Someone to finish. Thats why they wanted Woewodin.
The problem for this type of player is they tend to look great when a team is winning as they get a lot of the ball, but they look terrible when the team aint winning as they arent getting fed the ball.
Woewy was OK to great in the games we won.
When we turn it around and start playing good footy, Woewy will be a great asset.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 2:18 pm
by the laurie hill stand
why don't we just get off his back has everyone forgotten he has a 6 week old baby which can be very draining and would no doubt effect his energy levels as any parent could tell you