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Post by luvlicca »

thanks love, im 25
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Post by yadie05 »

they the men hate it bu im sure they have women they would like to f*&k if given the chance to we are only Human
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Post by luvlicca »

exactly, my other half loves bloody Christie Malthouse and Tania Buckley!! So he cant complain
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Post by yadie05 »

lol i dont find tania attractive at all, but either is nathan i guess
each to there own, know one is perfect huh
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah im with you yadie, i think she is feral. but who am i to judge, you aint seen me!!!
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Post by bellastar »

loved the story! when are you gonna write the next bit, i'm curious as to what happens next!? and i'm unwittingly in it, i presume? =)
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Post by luvlicca »

yes my dear... hope you dont mind that you and Chris are together??
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Post by bellastar »

yeah, i just have a REAL problem with that...........=)
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Post by luvlicca »

I thought you might!!!
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Post by bellastar »

when are you gonna write the next episode? i can't wait any longer!
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Post by yadie05 »

me too dieing to read more!!!!!!!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 4

Down at the club, Paul was getting tense.

"Wow! I can't believe I'm going to do this" he says to Chris.

"Dude, she's the best thing that's ever happened to you. You'd be a fool not too!!" Chris replied.

"I know. Where is she" he says looking at his watch.


Taylah was almost at the Lexus Centre. She stopped for a moment.
What if this is it, she thought. Am I ready for marriage?
"Yes of course I am' she says out loud.

She was starting to get a little breathless, she tried to take a deep breath so she could continue on, but she fell to the ground.


Paul was starting to get a little frantic. He was pacing up and down the floor of the players room. Where is she, she should be here well and truly by now, he thought to himself.

He walked out to the reception desk.

"Peta, has Taylah been in yet?" he asked.

"No sorry Paul. You want me to call her for you? Peta asks.

"Yes please" and then he stands there and waits.

Peta dials Taylah's mobile....... no answer, she tries her home phone........ still no answer. She tries her mobile one more time.

"Sorry Paul, no answer of either of her phones" Peta says.

"Ok thanks"

He walks back into the players room.

"Chris, can you give Bell and call and see if she has heard from Taylah. Peta can't get hold of her at all. I'm really worried"

"No worries mate" Chris whips out his phone and calls Bell.

"Sorry, she hasn't heard from her either. You want to go and look for her?" Chris asks.

"Yeah! I'm leaving now. Can someone let Balmey know, thanks" and with that he walks out the door.

Just as they head out the front door, Paul looks at Chris "I have a really bad feeling about this mate"


Lying there motionless, Taylah tries to get to her phone. But she doesn't have the strength.
Then she hears a voice calling out to her.

"Are you ok? Hello, can you hear me?"

Taylah looks up and there standing above her was Cooper (plays for melbourne storm) she tries to speak but nothing comes out.

"It's ok. Let's get you to a hospital" Cooper says.

He lifts her up and puts her in the front seat of his car.


Cooper paces the hospital floors while waiting for the doctor.

"Taylah Rand"

Cooper walks over to the doctor.

"Yes I bought her here" he says "Is she ok?"

"Well right now she hs no energy, and that concerns me. Are you her husband?" the doctor asks

"Well no. I just found her. I don't know her, just wanted to make sure she was ok." he says

"Well unfortunately, I cannot give out any further information, as you are not related in any way. Thank you for bringing her in" the doctor says.

"But, can I go a see her?"

"She will be no good, she cannot talk, but if you must"

Cooper walks into her room.

She is so beautiful. I wonder who you belong to he thought as he touched her hand.

Taylah looked up and their eyes connected for just a minute, and she tried to move her hand. He let go.

"Paul" she says "I need Paul"

He only just hears her "I'm Cooper, not Paul" he replies.

Taylah shakes her head.

"Ring Paul. Please. Collingwood. Please" she manages to get out.

"Ok ok" Cooper says as he walks out of the room.

He dials his phone and asks to be put thru to the Collingwood Footy Club.

"Hello, Collingwood Football Club, Peta speaking"

"Hello Peta. This is Cooper Cronk. I'm at the Royal Melbourne Hospital with a lady called Taylah"

"Oh my god" Peta cut in "What's happened? Is she ok? Shit Paul"

"Ok, yes that's why I am calling. She asked me to ring here and speak to Paul, is he there?"

"No!! He is looking for her!!. Don't worry, I will ring him now. Let her know he is on his way" and then he hears a click.

Cooper goes back to Taylah's room. "He is on his way" he says

Taylah just lays there nodding her head.

"Thank you" she whispers. The she closes her eyes.

Cooper stares at her... I wish you were mine he thought!!!

OOOH, whats going to happen now!!
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Post by bellastar »

=0 =0!!!!! Oh God! What next?
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 5

"Paul, its Peta. I just had a phone call from Cooper Cronk, he told me that Taylah is at the Royal Melbourne Hospital!"

"Oh my god. What the f**k happened.?"

"I don't know, just get there." Peta says.

"Chris turn the car around, we have to go to Royal Melbourne. Taylah's there!"

Chris does a u turn and spins his back tyres as he takes off in the other direction.

"What happened?" Chris asks

"I don't know. Cooper Cronk rang and said where she was"

Paul jumps out at the emergancy doors of the hospital and Chris goes and parks the car.

"I'm Taylah Rand's boyfriend, she was bought in earlier this evening." Paul says to the receptionist

"Yes sir. I will just page her doctor for you"

"Can I please see her. Please!"

"Of course, she is in room 112, just down the hall on our left."

"Thank you" Paul says. As he is about to walk away from the desk, he spots Chris and let's him know he is going to see her, and tells him he will give him a call a bit later.

Paul walks into her room and sees her lying there. He starts to well up.

"Oh my god, what happened to you baby?" he says out loud.

Just then the doctor walks in the room.

"You must be her partner, is that correct?" the doctor says.

"Yes. I'm Paul Licuria. What is going on?"

"Well Mr. Licuria, we really don't know. A gentleman bought her in earlier and said he found her passed out on the footpath. She has shown nothing. She has no energy, can hardly talk and barely responds. The only thing I know she has done is ask for you" the doctor says.

"So you don't know what this is at all?"

"Not until we do further tests, and we can't do that until she has a little energy back I'm afraid. It could possibly make her worse. Until then, she will just have to stay here and rest. Is there anything else I can help you with" the doctor says.

"Just fix her" Paul says.


Chris walks in the door and Bell can tell something is up.

"What's wrong babe?" she asks

"Taylah is in hospital. I just dropped Paul there"

"What, is she ok?"

"I don't know, he said he would give me a call later. I hope everything is alright!" Chris replies.

They both sit on the couch in silence. What happened they were thinking.
They felt usless, they wanted to help but they didnt know what to do. It was really hard for them not to do anything.


Back at the hospital, Cooper sees Paul in the room with Taylah.
Ah that's my competiton he thinks to himself. He walks towards the room.

"Excuse me, sorry to disturb you, I just thought I would see how she was doing!"

"Who are you?" Paul spits back.

"Oh sorry, I'm Cooper Cronk. I was the one that bought her here." he says

"Oh shit, sorry mate. Thanks so much for that. Much appreciated. I was trying to find her all afternoon. Thanks so much. She is ok I guess. the doctor coldn't really give me to much info cause they don't know yet themselves. Look I hate to be rude, but do you mind if I just sat with her in peace. Thanks again though" Paul says and gives Copper a handshake and turns back to Taylah.

"No worries mate. Glad she is ok" and with that he walks out.

Only turning back to have one more look at Taylah and as he turns back, she opens her eyes.


"OMG" screams Bell, "That was amazing. Where did it come from?"

"I had to get my mind off things, and you were there" Chris says with a big smile.

Bell justs give him a playful hit.

"I wonder how Taylah is, do you think we should go to the hospital or not?" Bell asks.

"Nah, Paul said he'd call, he'll call."

Bell lays her head on Chris' chest.

"I don't know what I would do if something happened to you" he says as he looks down at her.

"Well you don't have to worry, I'm not going anywhere" Bell says as she gives him a kiss.


"Oh babe, your awake. Thank god. I was really starting to get worried" Paul says.

He stands up and leans over her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
He sits back down and holds her hand.

"What am I doing in here?" Taylah asks

"You collapsed today and no one knows whats wrong baby. What happened?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was coming to see you at the Club like you asked and now I'm here" Taylah replies.

She starts to cry, and Paul stands up and lays on the bed with her and gives her a big hug.

"Whats wrong with me?" she cries

"It's ok Taylah, we will find out, I promise" Paul tells her.

Just then the doctor walks back into the room.

"Hello Taylah, how are we feeling? Any better. Do you have any energy at all?

"I feel a little dizzy but, I can feel my body now, no numbness or anything." she sobs.

She tries to sit up, and struggles, but gets there.

"Ok, Paul can I get you to just stand outside please, just need to do a little examination."

"UMMMM, I would like to stay thanks."

"No I need you to leave. Thank you"

Paul looks at Taylah, and she gives him a little nod to tell him it's ok.

Paul walks outside the room but tries to eavesdrop, but the doctor walks over and shuts the door.

"Ok Taylah", he says "I have the results of the first blood test we took when you first came in"

"Yes, and what did you find?" she asks

"First I need to ask you a few questions. Have you been feeling run down of late?"

"Only a little bit, nothing out of the ordinary if I have a big week at work"

"What about nausea?"

"If you mean being sick, no not at all. Why is that?"

"Well your blood test came back and it has revealed you are pregnant"

Taylah looks at him and laughs "Very funny doctor! I'm on the pill, I can't be!"

"I'm sorry but I had it checked twice and it is a definate yes you are!!!"

"Oh my god!!"

"Would you like me to call Paul back in here?"

"No! Not right now. I need to think, thank you."

The doctor leaves thru the side door so Paul cannot see he has left.

Taylah breaks down in tears. What is this going to do to their relationship, what has she done. She doesn't want to ruin his life. Maybe she should break it off with him so he doesn't suffer.

She is completely lost.


Cooper heads to his car.

"Wow, I really must have her, she is amazing. Gorgeous. She would look fabulous on my arm" he says out loud.

He gets in the car and heads home, plotting his next move!


Inside, Taylah is completely taken over by tears, and Paul can hear her from outside the door. He can't stand it any more. He walks thru the door and sees the doctor has gone.
He walks over to the bed and reaches out to Taylah, but she pushes him away.

"What's wrong baby. Tell me what's wrong!"

Taylah doesn't say a word, she just lays down and turns the other way.
Paul is confused, but he sits on the chair and doesn't move........

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Post by bellastar »

dum dum duuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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