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Post by barry »

Righto Larry, Thats it! Outside with you mate! I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat you'll be sticking Colgate up your arse to brush your teeth.
Carn' the Mighty Pies.
North Sydney

Post by North Sydney »

Larry get a life mate. You have too much time on your hands to be jumping on Collingwood sites. And by the way, have you been scanning the Sydney real estate pages lately? Cause there's no place for little teams like yours in Melbourne. Leave Melbourne for the big boys. Collingwood at its worst is twice as big as North at its best. Remember that. WHEN we rise to our familiar possie up the ladder, life will be hell for the rest. The hatred for Collingwood is intense now, while we're struggling. Just wait and see what will happen when we regain full voice again.

Post by Larry »

Hatred, fool you, I FEEL SORRY.

The little blue man laughing is the me, I THINK SO. sorry know so.

Post by Longjohn »

Having a great laugh Larry, keep up the good work.


How many AFL flags has collingwood won?
one hahahahahahahahahahaha
larrys mate

Post by larrys mate »

Can anyone remember why Bucks left Brisbane?

Answer: To play in a succesful side, he could have played with North and one two premership medals or more.

Like Buckley Collingwood fans they think they are better than they really are
team of the 90s

Post by team of the 90s »

It looks like the thinking power of the Collingwood fans is on the same level as the playing talent = none

Go Roos
North Sydney

Post by North Sydney »

North winning flags is about as exciting to the city of Melbourne as the local suburb winning the ladies open lawn bowling competition. No one gives jack shit. Melbourne Storm even has more importance than North. Maybe Sydney might care one day. And Larry don't use another alias to post replies to your topic. Cause North would be lucky to have 4 supporters with access to the net. LOL.
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Post by Clemo »

Al I can say to Larry is **** OFF.
Go back to your pissy kangas web page...if you have one !
Better yet - go to Sydney and stay there !

Collingwood Forver !
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Post by Clemo »

Long Johns - same to you - **** off !
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Post by Nick »

Their are two norf contributors here. Larry and longjohn both use the same machine at monash, the others seem to share a machine connected through BBN in the states. Two supporters in two continents isn't bad for norf.

Let me know when you've finished playing with them guys and I'll block the US domain. We can't ban the Monash domain because we have a large Magpie contingent there, but their system administrator tells me that a note with some ip numbers and times should help to quieten Larry down considerably.

No hurry... enjoy yourselves first.

Post by peps_12 »

First of all, let me congratulate you on this site - a mate put me on to it and I'm now hanging for the new season like never before.

Maybe its just me, but I love reading the magnificent insults that rabid Collingwood fans serve up to half wits like larry and his alter ego(s).

Let em stay on, and everyone get in and give 'em a pasting! Take pity on the poor maggots not being able to afford their own web site, be it official or otherwise.

For me, Larry, you are a necrophiliac bestiality specialist who loves kangaroos. You probably run them down and **** their arseholes. Wayne carey must be roo boy - roos only **** and shit.
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Post by Joel »

I don't post much on this board, but I read it everyday. All I can say to the North supporters, just how many grand finals in VFL/AFL have you won?

Not many I bet.
Profeesor Paul

Post by Profeesor Paul »

This reminds me of thestudyI did for my Ph.D. in Anthropology.

The study was of adolescent tribal males. The first time they realised that their penis could be used for things other than urinating they become very proud an excited. They had a few conquests and then had the desire to brag to the tribal elders.

The tribal elders, while plesed that the youth had matured and could finally contribute something to the virility and strenght of the tribe after many years of being supported by them, were less impressed at the braggardly attitude. After all they had been there and done that on many more occassions than the youth. But maybe not as many times recently.

The youth also bragged about his failures. He had made it to "first base" 6 times he proudly announced. "How many times did you make it all the way?" the elders asked. "Oh! only twice," was the meek reply. "Been there done that and its nothing to boast about" the elders mused.

"But I did realy well at kissing and holding hands."
"But that's list winning in the reserves or under 19's," replied the elders.

They told him to come back when he could prove that he could use his talents for a longer time. The tribal men and woman are more impressed by longevity of performance over a lifetime, not just in short bursts. When you can perform to your current level decade after decade you have found your proper use, he was told.

The youth went away and found a new use for his penis. It stopped him moving too far away from his body.

Lesson over, class dismissed.

Post by Larry »

This has got a little boring of late, enjoyed the last tale, profeesor don't know how to spell.

Burton far better then Monky, THANK GOD.

See you when we beat you again next year, unless you regain my interest with some sensible debate.

Nick, great page, thanks for the fun.

To those who think there is no Kangaroos Bulletin Board, if only you had the brains
to find it, actually better still, stay here, we don't wont to be correcting your spelling.

Thanks for the fun.

Post by spudboy »

People in glass houses...............

"profeesor" should be spelt "professor"

"wont" should be spelt "want"

You goose.