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Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:58 pm
by The Prototype
During a discussion on Facebook, I had posted this..
I completely understand where Clark is coming from with the battle with depression, not the whole sports star with it, but just the feeling of battling this. I've battled it since High School, had my serious moments and know it's very hard. Also having people around you that do not understand how you are feeling and how to fully help you.

Steve Hooker said in an interview for the last Commonwealth Games that people would be more understanding if he was battling more injuries, not battling depression, seemed a couple of others I have talked to that are in sport who have battled depression have felt the same.

Friends of mine that have taken up the offer of counseling from someone that has battled it for years, and has an understanding. Hopefully there is more understanding from this so we do not see people hiding from this in fear of being judged and told that they're weak. Because a lot of the sufferers feel that, some people have in fact thrown insults towards some because they're on big contracts suggesting that they should be happy 'cause of that, etc. It's just not that.

Best of luck to him, hope he gets better and life is better for him, I know it's very hard to deal with but with help I hope he'll be back on top living life to the fullest.
A lot of the Melbourne fans I know are saddened by the news but they're hoping that Mitch can have a full recovery and understand how tough it has been for him. And it has been tough all those injuries cannot have helped his mental state.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:25 pm
by David

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:30 pm
by Stupied

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:18 am
by think positive