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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:28 pm
by Mr Miyagi
Rioli made formal complaints in 2018. It was swept under the rug. AFL knew of this.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:33 pm
by slangman
David wrote:
slangman wrote:A bit like the Lumumba allegations at Collingwood, the truth of actual events depends on who you ask.
Not really. Nobody has actually ever tried to dispute any of his claims about what happened in his time at the club, just tear down his character, which I think says a lot in its own right.
Not in public they didn’t but a few ex players did state that their recollections were vastly different to Lumumbas. Unfortunately in this day and age, they thought that it was safer for them to just keep it to themselves.

Simon Buckley was the only ex player that questioned Lumumba publicly from what I can recall and that twitter discussion quickly deteriorated into Lumumba mocking Buckley’s footballing ability without ever actually dismissing Buckley’s claim about introducing himself by the nickname that was at the centre of the racism allegations.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:35 pm
by Cam
Mr Miyagi wrote:Interesting timing too. Hawks must have been told a month ago to sit on it until after the grand final, but conscience (rightly) got the better of someone. There’s racism at other clubs too who should own it and step up, not stay silent and hope the spotlight doesn’t point their way.
Or a NSW journo decided to break ranks and kill off AFL's marquee week.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:36 pm
by Mr Miyagi
The Hawthorn allegations are on a whole other level and can’t be compared

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:36 pm
by Mr Miyagi
Cam wrote:
Mr Miyagi wrote:Interesting timing too. Hawks must have been told a month ago to sit on it until after the grand final, but conscience (rightly) got the better of someone. There’s racism at other clubs too who should own it and step up, not stay silent and hope the spotlight doesn’t point their way.
Or a NSW journo decided to break ranks and kill off AFL's marquee week.
Good point.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:37 pm
by glasseyevfx
Mr Miyagi wrote:Interesting timing too. Hawks must have been told a month ago to sit on it until after the grand final, but conscience (rightly) got the better of someone. There’s racism at other clubs too who should own it and step up, not stay silent and hope the spotlight doesn’t point their way.
I was thinking the same thing - what would it do at brisbane if Fagan had of been named a week ago. Not that it mattered but perhaps it shows that Fagan still has friends.

Also it puts Zorkos sledge into a whole new light - perhaps it wasn't so very confidential after all.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:44 pm
by Mr Miyagi
As Cam said, a journo or someone close to the club/report has a conscience and used GF week for maximum attention. Might be a bit of anti-AFL from the NSW journo though.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:45 pm
by David
slangman wrote:
David wrote:
slangman wrote:A bit like the Lumumba allegations at Collingwood, the truth of actual events depends on who you ask.
Not really. Nobody has actually ever tried to dispute any of his claims about what happened in his time at the club, just tear down his character, which I think says a lot in its own right.
Not in public they didn’t but a few ex players did state that their recollections were vastly different to Lumumbas. Unfortunately in this day and age, they thought that it was safer for them to just keep it to themselves.

Simon Buckley was the only ex player that questioned Lumumba publicly from what I can recall and that twitter discussion quickly deteriorated into Lumumba mocking Buckley’s footballing ability without ever actually dismissing Buckley’s claim about introducing himself by the nickname that was at the centre of the racism allegations.
I saw the exchange (actually on Facebook) in real time and even participated in it. Buckley had no idea what he was talking about and was making claims about things that preceded his time at the club, Lumumba's rebuttal (which was posted here on Nick's somewhere; should be able to be found through the search function) was pretty decisive, and Buckley soon retreated with his tail between his legs. So this wasn't a he said / he said situation at all.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:47 pm
by Cam
One could say that Essendon dodged a bullet that it was never a chance to get hit by, but can now look wise in hindsight.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:48 pm
by Mr Miyagi
No, Essendon still look stupid.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:49 pm
by glasseyevfx
Gill cannot be too proud of the dirty laundry that has been flying around recently. I cannot remember it being so public and so bad.

I'd love to hear what Graeme Wright would have to say on this and I've never been happier that MacRae is coach - he seems squeaky clean.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:50 pm
by Piesnchess
FINALLY , at long, long last, another Club FINALLY brings out their Do Better Report, only took **** years, back then, OUR Club copped unmitigated shit, yes, shit, and guffaws, laughs from other fans, we were slured, mocked, derided, and unlike our report, that went back to 1970, the Hawks only went back to bloody 2013, why ??????????. Looks like ol Clarko and ol Fagan have something big to answer too, why am I not surprised by these allegations on them ?? NOW its up to ALL other clubs to do what we, and Hawthorn have done, finally, all would have racist skeletons rattling in their closets.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:11 pm
by Mr Miyagi

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:12 pm
by Ronnie McKeowns boots

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:20 pm
by Piesnchess
OL FAGAN, has just taken indefinite Leave from Coaching, as he deals with this very serious report, and allegations. Just announced by the Brisvegas Football Club.