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Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:19 pm
by DaVe86
Im proud to say i was one who stood up for him when he was down...but i shouldnt get on my high horse because i was calling for josh fraser's head last wrong i was there.

I think the point is that we all seem to jump on a player too quickly. Everyone has a bad run...perhaps if we could learn to be more patient, our players would feel less pressure and play better footy

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:28 pm
by dalyc
DaVe86 wrote:Im proud to say i was one who stood up for him when he was down...but i shouldnt get on my high horse because i was calling for josh fraser's head last wrong i was there.

I think the point is that we all seem to jump on a player too quickly. Everyone has a bad run...perhaps if we could learn to be more patient, our players would feel less pressure and play better footy
Don't feel too bad Dave, we can't all be as perfect as Courageous Cloke. CC forgets this is a forum ... people write what they are thinking at the time. Sometimes they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right. Personally, I prefer people to say what it is they are thinking otherwise Nick's would just be a lovefest.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:07 am
by couragous cloke
Where's nicko, id love to hear about your comments on johnnos kicking now ya dropkick.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:06 am
by loki04
After the Adelaide game I gave his kicking a blast and at the time it was warranted but gee since then he has been simply awesome and I'm glad because he has helped get this team back to where it belongs.
Also i think a lot of kudos goes to A.Richardson for his development this is an area I think we are much improved maybe some of our dud picks of years gone bye might of made it under his tutelage?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:10 am
by Johnson#26
On fire, is Jonno. Keep it up.:)

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:59 am
by Nicko
It's good to see this topic is still going strong because it means Johnson must be doing something right. I agree his disposal has improved as the season has gone on, he's been one of our best 6 rounds in. I never questioned the fact he is a good player, I questioned his disposal.

I do not agree that he is "the most efficient user of the football in the AFL". He still has a long way to go on his kicking to be considered a damaging player by foot - for example, he had an air swing last week under very little pressure.

courageous cloke et al: I don't back down one bit from what I said, I was correct at the time. Johnno needed to improve his disposal drastically, and he hadn't shown as much improvement over the past 4 years as he has done this season. So to Johnno, I tip my hat for 6 good weeks and hope he keeps it up as much as every other Pies fan.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:21 pm
by Lone Ranger
Sorry to hear you havent been able to get to a game for a few years Nicko. You are right that Johnos disposal was poor back then but over that last couple of years he has become a VERY good. His disposal by left foot is bordering on excellent.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:26 am
by couragous cloke
What do you mean you don't agree?? Its fact, by percentage he is the most effective user of the ball in the AFL at the moment. Now...Your stupid topic read " Johnson's Disposal not up to AFL standard "

What a complete crock of shit, and you still dont have the balls to admit u were wrong. U saw a few turnovers (probably because he had nothing to kick to) obviously cracked the sads, like most uneducated supporters at games, and came onto the internet to vent your anger.

Admit your topic was way off, and his kicking had never not been up to AFL standard.

What a joke.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:20 am
by Nicko
Yes the stats say he's the most efficient user of the ball. That does not mean he has the best disposal in the comp. If I had to put the ball in someone's hands to hit me on the chest, Johnno would be right down the list.

Over the past 6 weeks his disposal HAS been up to AFL standard. Before that, I don't think so. So my topic wasn't wrong, and I don't care if you disagree. That's what a forum is for and that's why I started the topic.

As for "bordering on excellent" - I feel he still has a long way to go to get to that level. It's a fundamental flaw in his kicking action that will likely always hamper him, although he is obviously working on it. It will be interesting to watch him over the rest of the season.

For the record, I go every week, and am far from "uneducated" ;)

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:29 am
by 3rd degree
" Stand your thread, give it some arms to cling to, when Nick's is cold and lonely".

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:35 am
by couragous cloke
You may very well go every single week Nicko, but i know heaps of supporters, that go every single week, watch a game of football, and dis the players when they turn the ball over, not knowing that the actual problem isn't there kicking most of the time, rather it is the options that they have to kick to. Most of the time, when Johnnos disposal isn't the greatest is when he has to try and make something out of nothing, inventing things off half back.

Unlike a lot of the players in our team, Johnno takes teams on, runs through the middle, creates space, and straightens up our team, he gets on with it. It would be easier to be a more effective kicker of the footy if he stopped, waited, assessed the options, short kicked to someone else, pointlessly, and went on his merry way.

You call yourself an educated supporter, but perhaps you don't watch the game closely enough mate.

Yeah we have our opinions, but to say his disposal isn't up to AFL standard, youd have to say Swans isn't, Liccas isn't, Tarrants, Burns', Brodies, Cheesies, wakes, presti, Egan, fraser etc etc.

You must think AFL standard is Nathan Buckley for everyone, or Matty Lloyd, perhaps this is just a misunderstanding on what you perceive to be the AFL standard.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:37 am
by 3rd degree
For the record I have always been a big Johnson fan and its great seeing his impact so far this year.

#31,#26 Ben Johnson

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:18 pm
by Johnson#26
Came to the fore in the final term in round one after a slow beginning, culminating with a sensational checkside goal from the wrong pocket for a left footer to bring us within a kick.

Ben Johnson: Another to endure a slow start before breaking through late, Johnsons miraculous last quarter banana snap from the pocket on that trusty left boot brought the side within a kick. 4/10

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:49 pm
by Johnson#26
Handy without starring today (vs Port round 4 '07). Returned from his ankle injury.

Ben Johnson 150 games

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:07 am
by surfer1
Congratulations to Ben for this week's game