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Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 8:55 am
by Blanch
ummm.....8 possessions at qtr time. He was one of the only ones who had a good qtr in the first. Maybe Nicholas, he could have gotten 30 possessions in the 1st qtr and then that would suffice?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 1:47 pm
by chalky
Now, now Blanch. You know you can't use logic with some people.

Nicholas, Woewodin was demonstrably, not arguably, Collingwoods most effective player in a quarter that was a tidal wave of crows possession.
My grandmother could have picked up possies at those center bounces during the first quarter, let alone Riccuito! It was Woewodins' hard running, tackling and in and under that stemmed the tide somewhat that then allowed us to regroup.
Weagles will acknowledge him this week, but it is another thing altogether to stop him

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 4:54 pm
by Buckley_King

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:21 pm
Buckley_King wrote:*BUMP*
Dickhead. :roll:

Kicked 2 goals, 15 possies, nothing terrible with that.

Go support Richmond, it is commonly accepted to hang shit on your players there.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:44 pm
by understudy
NICK THE PIE MAN wrote: Kicked 2 goals, 15 possies, nothing terrible with that.

Go support Richmond, it is commonly accepted to hang shit on your players there.
Disagree thought he was woefully slow and completely shown up for his lack of pace. Also seemed very slow to get the boot to ball or handball.

His worst game for the pies probably.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:50 pm
y is it last week apart from Taz, Woewodin was the hero then this week he gets 15 possies and kicks a few goals evry1 hates him??

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:56 pm
by zoia
dont worry about it his a great player i would like to see the ppl who bag him go better

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 7:19 pm
by Joel
I thought Woey did well today. His colours weren't lowered.


Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 7:47 pm
by JasonWildRemembered
I was VERY critical of Woey up until two weeks ago, but he was OK today, and fact is, him going off with the blood rule was crucial


Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:37 pm
by Buckley_King
[quote="NICK THE PIE MAN"][quote="Buckley_King"]*BUMP*[/quote]
Dickhead. :roll:

Kicked 2 goals, 15 possies, nothing terrible with that.

Go support Richmond, it is commonly accepted to hang shit on your players there.[/quote]
Settle down Nick. It's my opinion, you don't have to agree with it!!!!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:43 pm
by Bucks5
Today's game was not one of his best games but it was a fair effort none-the-less.

It was heartening to see him put his head over the ball & take a hit then for him to back away as he has been known to do.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 12:18 am
by AbsoluteTallant
TuPaC wrote:y is it last week apart from Taz, Woewodin was the hero then this week he gets 15 possies and kicks a few goals evry1 hates him??
Because 15 possessions is acceptable from a player of say.. Heath Scotland's experience, opportunities (aways played off the bench) and pay packet... and at least one of those goals was a gimme and he's slow, won't go in, has played in the one position we didn't need to fill (wing) and hasn't played a decent 4 quarter game against a credible opponent.

Last week Woewodin got big posessions on Martin Mattner. Now call me ignorant but that is not a household name. Mattner is in his second year, is the ripe old age of 21 and has played less than 20 games in his career!

The only other decent performance from Woewodin was against Brisbane up there where I think he played well for what, two quarters?

Having said all that there's no justification for making Woewodin the new one and only Collingwood Scapegoat. Clearly the whole team is playing in a substandard fashion, they haven't played 4 quarters all year.

It's clear why Melbourne got rid of him. He's massively overated in terms of ability vs performance. He has the skills to do much better than he does. Despite his lack of pace he could be playing much tighter on opponents. He could be finishing better having received the ball. He could be getting to more contests and going in to earn the hard ball gets. But he isn't. In 8 games he's been very average for all bar 6 quarters and that is a joke from a mature recruit in the prime age of his career, let alone one with a Brownlow around his neck (told y'all I don't rate the Brownlow).

For what it's worth clearly Woewodin appears to have motivational problems as one or two commentators have suggested and if getting turfed out by one club for not playing consistently well enough to justify your pay packet is not a motivational factor then what is?

I, like everyone, hoped last week signalled a turn around but it would seem not.

I don't care what the excuses are like his new baby keeping him awake and whatever... this guy is a professional earning 10 times more than the basic salary of most supporters and if he isn't producing he deserves a kick up the arse. If that doesn't work then drop him. Betheras would give us more competitivesness, Scotland better skills...

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 12:23 am
by AbsoluteTallant
[quote="magpie_1983"]dont worry about it his a great player i would like to see the ppl who bag him go better[/quote]

If I may say so that is a ridiculous attitude. People who are never going to play for Collingwood but will support them until they are dead have every right to criticise players.

*SIGH* I just can't even begin to explain how irellevant this statement is.

Re: Shane

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 11:31 am
by colt
Here we go again.....same old same old.....lose a game and everyone picks on Woey, this has become so predictable of some posters on this board.
JasonWildRemembered wrote:I was VERY critical of Woey up until two weeks ago, but he was OK today, and fact is, him going off with the blood rule was crucial

Couldn't agree more, his coming off the ground was a real turning point :cry:

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 12:45 pm
by colt
There is no such thing as coincidence, everything happens for a reason.

and I for one, on behalf of Woey say......Sticks and Stones :roll: