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Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:30 am
by London Dave
For a bloke who said he'd 'take full responsibility' and 'could wait to tell his side of the story' he's certainly gone mute. Hird is a disgrace.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:35 am
by Bucks5
Dimi did the club a favour by warning them...... Hopefully she has ruined any chance of a reduced penalty for self-reporting.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:10 am
by Brenny
I'm sick of the Turds.

James does a token says alot but says nothing interview on The Hanger.

Tanya does a trying to discredit the AFL interview by saying stuff we already knew and makes te Turds look like bigger dickheads.

I tell you what, I'm so over this whole thing. I'm over Essendon and I'm over the Turds. Hope they never come back from their 6 months in France (not death, I hope they extend it out longer... for life).

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:32 am
by 1061
Rumor is EFC have finally run out of patience with the Golden boy and sacked him. Any other decent club would have sacked him when this broke last year.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:07 am
by sixpoints
David Evans gone forever, Ian Robson gone forever, Danny Corcoran gone forever, Dean Robinson gone forever.
James Hird gone for one year and still being paid a million dollars during that year and his contract was extended for another two years upon his eventual return. He is currently holidaying in Paris.

So Hird is the scapegoat in this affair according to his wife?
What narcissistic, arrogant nonsense.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:30 am
by Woods Of Ypres
i am sick to death of the Turds. its ALL about THEM