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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:34 pm
by Sultan of spin
I think Richo and Freeborn have already indicated that they are retiring

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:38 pm
by David
Funny I heard Richo was eager to play on next year.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:38 pm
by Melsa5
Richo is retiring...Ryan Lonie will have his number next year.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:06 pm
by scud
I know alot of people are going to attack me for this post but please think about it with your head and not emotion.
I think we should trade Paul Licuria.
From what i have heard port want two first round draft picks for stevens. We already have one and could easily get another for licuria. or the 1st round pick and licuria. I know he has had three great years but in my opinion he is past his peak but his trade value would still be high. Stevens will cover his loss in the midfield while also adding pace and skill. This would also be a trade in wages so to speak and allow us to target even more players. In todays market you have to give up quality to get quality.
Also i have a feeling the Lonie will also be traded. As we have alot of good rebounding midfielders and another young one in king coming through.
Remember players like Steven, Brown and Soloman don't come for nothing.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:14 pm
no way licca is the heart and soul of the midfield
his kicking might let him down but he never stops running

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:24 pm
by I_love_Clokey
I just heard today that David Hille from Essendon hasn't signed up with them yet do you think he would be worth talking too?? or trying to get??

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 8:36 pm
by Lazza
Dude, I think trading with Essendon is fraught with dangers. Remember Ukovick? Olarenshaw? Heaps of others from the past like John Williams, Peter Bradbury, Elshaugh??? You never win with Essen. They tend to get rid of hacks.


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:30 pm
by Magpiemick14
Get rid of Licuria are you kidding the guy grew up barracking for Collingwood loves the club and puts his heart and sole into every game. I would much rather have a guy that I know goes 110% every game than Stevens who has been a part of a team of chokers for the past 3 years. Sure we want Stevens but we will get him for next to nothing because Port are forced to trade with us. Essendon can't afford him, Carlton have no players (there is a god) and as far as I know who would want to play for Richmond. That leaves Collingwood in a strong possition considering that Stevens has said he wants to come to us

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:38 pm
by PiesFan
Trade Paul Licuria? No way would we do that. Plus MM loves him

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:52 pm
by commonwombat
will not enter into this debate about Licuria. However Scud has made one extremely valid point. That is looking at looking at these matters with our heads not emotion. We have to realise that a club cannot be sentimental over these matters, and has to make hard decisions on what's the best make-up of their lists. This is meant in regards to no player in particular and no insult whatsoever to those attached to particular players.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:08 pm
wouldnt touch Hille with a ten foot pole

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:18 pm
by scud
Magpiemick14 wrote:Get rid of Licuria are you kidding the guy grew up barracking for Collingwood loves the club and puts his heart and sole into every game. I would much rather have a guy that I know goes 110% every game than Stevens who has been a part of a team of chokers for the past 3 years. Sure we want Stevens but we will get him for next to nothing because Port are forced to trade with us. Essendon can't afford him, Carlton have no players (there is a god) and as far as I know who would want to play for Richmond. That leaves Collingwood in a strong possition considering that Stevens has said he wants to come to us
That was what was wrong with the club in the Shaw years. We kept players because they were great blokes and loved the club etc. I know Licuria is more talented than those players but the same priciples apply. Stevens grew up barracking for Collingwood as well and i'm sure he would give 110%. Stevens was also one of the better performed players in the port team in finals and their number 1 midfield player durning the year. Yes we are in a strong position in relation to stevens coming to collingwood because he wants to come here but don't be fooled into thinking we can get him cheap trade wise. Port can reject our trade offers and let him go into the pre season draft were he will end up at Carlton and even though Port wouldn't receive anything it would be more benefitial for them to have Stevens at Carlton who aren't a threat than Collingwood who are. I belive it is crucial we get Stevens as he is only 23 and a quality midfielder and will take over from Bucks as our midfield leader when Bucks retires. It will also allow Bucks to move forward for spells durning the game and onto the bench and prolong his career.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:40 pm
by Bones
Trade Licca??? Ho Ho

Ok guys lets linch this twat.

PS i refuse to use the werd you know what i mean...

Licca would be devasted, suicidal even, if he was given the arse...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:45 pm
by scud
You say lynch me.
What for? Cause I want to get rid of a favourite son.
Thats one of the reasons we got into trouble after 1990.
You have to take emotions out of it to be successful. Sad but true in this modern era of football. Show me a flaw in my argue ment were Collingwood don't win out. I prefer to think of the team not one player. Any chance of making a rational arguement or do you just want to throw insults. I can do that as well if you like.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:49 pm
by Bones
Ok a rational argument coming...

Um well, who would take his place? He does a damn good job at the moment.

And remember he cries tears of blood for the Black n White, and that is a big bonus...