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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:53 am
by David

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:45 pm
by Pies2016
To be fair, a lot of conversation about this rule change came from the need to protect possible concussion candidates from the pressure of having to return on the field.
As with most rule changes, it was quickly open for abuse and now we find ourselves having to modify a rule that was introduced on the back of H and S protocols.
The other option is to leave it as it currently stands and any time a player is removed from the game for whatever reason, they automatically miss the following week at any level of competition. What does annoy me about the rule, is that once you are named injury sub, you are credited with a game to your name, whether you got on the park or not.

No more medical sub.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:39 pm
by robevpau1
AFL has told clubs tonight that the medical substitute is out. Will be replaced by the tactical substitute - four on the bench and then a sub to be used at any time for any reason. AFL Commission set to approve change in December. AFL.

Medical sub to become Tactical sub

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:50 pm
by BazBoy
It only needs ratification and will be in 2023

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:59 pm
by BazBoy
Can be used any time for any reason

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:59 pm
by Presti35
So the same thing then.

Is it a matter of time before it becomes 2 subs?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:32 pm
by What'sinaname
So it brings back the inequity for a team who loses a player through injury. 2024, re-introduction of a medi-sub

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:26 pm
by David
Ridiculous, but par for the course for the AFL. You can go around in circles so long as things keep changing.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:36 pm
by burnsy17
The sub rule, medical or otherwise, has always been shite.

Just increase the bloody bench to 6 and be done with it.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:43 pm
by Presti35
burnsy17 wrote:Just increase the bloody bench to 6 and be done with it.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:30 am
by piedys
totally; but would/should the number of interchanges allowed during a game still apply?

The 23rd man

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:38 am
by BazBoy
Can someone explain how this operates please

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:38 am
by piffdog
I think we are just back to a green vest where you can replace someone whenever you want. So you really have 4 interchange and a sub.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:44 am
by BazBoy
The four interchange can enter the play & return several times

So one player comes off completely for the sub to become included

Is that it. Thanks

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:56 am
by Pies2016
The nominated extra player is now called the “ tactical substitute “
He can come on any time into the game and replace any one of the other 22 players. Once the 23rd player is introduced into the game, then one of the original 22 players is also simultaneously removed from the game. You no longer need to activate the sub for an injury only. You can now activate the sub anytime for tactical purposes also.
I also believe both the 23rd player and the player subbed out are able to play in the VFL on the same weekend and that decision is made at the discretion of the club. ( happy to be corrected if others know better )